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Bigger Dragons


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I think that the dragons in Skyrim are not large enough. Dragons being my favorite animal, I have read a number of books with dragons playing prominent roles in the story. In many of these books, dragons are described as being as large, or larger than a house. Being only a modding beginner, I have no clue where to start in trying to make the dragons in Skyrim larger. Therefore I am asking the modding community to fulfill my request or point me in the right direction to do it myself. I realise that this mod may not be possible until the Creation Kit arrives, but if there is a way to do this, I would be grateful to anyone who could make the dragons bigger.
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Ya, ok, that would work for now. I will defenitley try that out. Until the Creation Kit comes out I will use that, once it is out I would liek to make or see a mod that scales dragons up and makes sure the animations and speed and everything work together to give the right feel. I have noticed in some of the youtube videos I have watched that creatures scaled up move slower than the animations, because the creature is still moving at the same speed as it is when at its based scale, I would assume that is why it looks that way. Well thanks for telling me that command, I have used the console in Skyrim a little but had not come across that command before. I will see what I can do to make it work the way I want. Thanks!
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Ya I guess they may be a little bigger than a house, but my idea is that the dragons would be much more massive, as large as Dragonsreach, give or take a little, so at least a few times the size of a house. At least double the size they are now. After resizing them a bit with the console I have decided that 10 times normal size is a little excessive(just a little). And yes InuyashaFE, the insides of the buildings do seem at least a little larger than the outside.
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