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Should i delete


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Perhaps you should wait until the dust has settled, and it becomes known how good, stable and bug free the remastered version is?

Also, it's highly subjective... a lot of mods ( many of the best) won't be available for SSE, at least initially, and if your PC is beefy enough, you can make your game look great without worrying about the Special Edition. So, really, it depends on your playing style and particular interests.

Personally, at this point, I have zero interest in the SE version, but again, that's just me. Down the road.. we'll see. :)

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Hold onto it. Special Edition will make a great base for future Skyrim playthroughs, but it will take a while for the mod catalogue to build, so until then you're better off keeping Legendary Edition for modded playthroughs and Special Edition for vanilla playthroughs. I already have Special Edition preloaded so I can do a vanilla playthrough. Never did get around to playing Dragonborn because I kept getting sidetracked by mods. This'll give me a chance to just enjoy the game.

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