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Sniping Woes


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I noticed this early this year but I kind of just ignored it. Then I started playing other games until recently when I came back to NV (after being bored of Skyrim). Sometimes when I have my cross hairs over an enemy and I try to shoot, the bullet just goes straight through them. It doesn't sway and miss or anything like that because I can see the dust from the bullet impact the ground behind them. I was thinking it might be because im too far away or something but im not sure. Is there any fix to this?
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What gun was this?


Any gun.



I'm not familiar with this error, are you sure you're just not off on the angle. Sniping at a distance in game and in real life can look on target but really its more of a optical illusion. Try aiming center mass.


Yes even if aiming center mass it would go right through the body.

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