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The times, They are a changing


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Society is a crazy thing, with a mind all it's own. People can push or hang onto whatever realities they wish to, but nothing ever happens before Society is ready for that occurrence to happen. I met and fell in love with a gay women almost 40 years ago. It was the late 70's and she helped me more than any other person, I can remember.


I was an awkward person, back then. Still trying to fit in where I could never really do so. She befriended me, when I needed it most and then she was gone. It was not til after she did so, that I found out why she was so understanding. She loved other women, and as such, she knew well the feeling of hurt that comes with rejection. I think I knew that, at some level, because I always saw a little bit of pain in her eyes, when we talked.


I haven't seen her since that time, and I wonder about her constantly. I wonder what I could have done or said to keep me in her life, but I doubt if that could ever have happened. I went through some bad times after that, with drugs and alcohol, but I made it. I owe the beginning of the end of my childhood to this women, and I will love her as a sister, to my dieing day.


At the time we were talking the world was much more harsh to gay people. They were the butts of many a joke and their families held them at arms length. I know her mother, which she stayed with, would not allow any of her friends over. At the time, I just thought she didn't like them, because she didn't like them.


As time has pressed on, their plight has grown less and less grievous to the point where I don't really think that the gay people of today really appreciate the fight that these people went through, just a few decades ago. As for Karen, which is her name. I hope and prey that she found that special person, that would take her heart to the ceiling of the sky. I hope she found love and a wonderful life. She sure did make my life better, with her friendship.

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