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Can't seem to create a new script

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I've created scripts with the CK before, and usually haven't had trouble, but lately I can't get it to work; as soon as I click 'Add', this box appears:




When I choose <New Script>, and give the script a name, it tries to compile automatically and gives me this message:




I've tried:

  • verifying the files for CK
  • verifying the files for Skyrim
  • extracting the Skyrim Scripts.rar to the Data folder


And that's all the things I've found online as fixes for this issue. I'm still having it, and it's driving me nuts, since I need to be able to make scripts for my mod. Does anyone have any insight? It DOES seem like this ddunequiphandlerscript should be in the Scripts.rar, but isn't there after extraction; is this missing file the issue? Where can I get this file if it's what I need?

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I hadn't heard of that mod before, but downloaded it just now to see if it would affect the issue. It does not appear to have fixed it.


Before your reply, I had already begun trying other things; I found a mod that does have ddunequiphandlerscript (Equipping Overhaul, I think) and put that script in the folder. The result was the same, except it listed a different script as "missing file?". It was a DLC script from Dawnguard, so I went ahead and extracted all the scripts from all 3 DLCs and put them in the folder. Then it listed a SkyUI script (SKEConfig), so I extracted and added all of SkyUI's scripts. So far, no traction; it complains about a different missing script file each time.


The one it's stuck on appears to be the DLC one it threw at me second:




A bit more research says this script doesn't even exist (although a reference to it apparently does) so I can't actually add it to the Scripts folder to fix the issue.



ETA: I've been running CK through Mod Organizer; gonna see if the problem still happens if I run it separately.

FURTHER ETA: Haha, yes! Apparently for some reason it's because I'm running it through MO. Can't really say I understand why that's an issue, but it's working again now.

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