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Clothing in Cinema 4D


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Anyone around here that uses C4D for modeling? Weapons and random objects are np but i'm very interested in creating clothing and armor.

So i played around with the cloth-tag, basic stuff, but i'm not sure if this is the best way to create such objects.


This is my first test object. The tutorials on YT are mostly about the basic functions of the cloth-tag, so it would be nice if there is someone around here that uses C4D for such purposes and could talk about his workflow..




Thx & greetings

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It looks like cloth tag is a cloth simulation within C4D, which isn't of much use in Skyrim's model files. (If that's what you're asking.)


In my experience, cloth simming is of limited use. The best examples I've seen are for gathering large draping folds, or for quickly conforming loose clothing to a model, like a satin gown. As far as workflow, maybe go with a higher poly mesh for the simming, build a low poly for the game, and bake normal maps/ambient occlusion from the high. Since there's no .nif translator for C4D, you'd need to go to Max or Blender to do the rigging and final export.


Lookin' good so far. :)

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Exactly, it simulates cloth...but i can use it in Skyrim as well, just have to freeze the animation and transform to a static mesh.

Thx for your answer, jeah it's really a pitty that there is no C4D Plugin - i'm using Blender atm to convert to .nif



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