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Want to continue work on a mod dependent on an older version plugin


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I'm trying to create landscapes for highrock based on a mod called the -TWMP heightmap esp- but I havent used it since it's 3.1 version. Now it's updated to 3.3 and I Still want to use the data that was dependent on the original esmified plugin version 3.1. How do I continue working on this mod even though the version I was adding content to is outdated? Do I have to use wrybash or something I'm not sure what to do?
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So if I understand the situation, your mod is a mastered patch. Your mod is an .esp dependent on another .esp, but now there is a new version of the .esp that your mod is dependent on.


As long as the new version and old version of the mod have the same name, you should not really have a lot of problems. Unless the new version makes a lot of changes, your mod could possibly still be 100% compatible. What you will want to do is open the CS and go to all the areas you majorly edited and look for object placement issues and other conflicts. you will also want to do some play-testing and look at these areas in-game to be sure that there are no problems.


But I would not expect that you will lose much work and have many issues.

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