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The WORST Game Ever


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Wait, what?! most of you probably just thought, and you'd be right,, because DIRT-3 is quite simply one of the two best and most visceral racing games of the year so far. It's a stunningly good racer, gentle enough to welcome total newbies, while with a few options you can face AI that come close to player world records.


But it has a flaw.


THE COMMUNITY IS HORRIBLE! I don't want to sound like a jerk here, but you absolutely HAVE to turn collisions off in multiplayer if you even want to race, because all most people seem to want to do is smash into eachother. I won five races this morning simply because the other guys were too busy having a demolition derby, and by the time they realised I wasn't joining in I was over the finishline. And the ones who don't are just so green.


For other peoples sake guys, disable Vehicle Settings, they can give you a ten or more second advantage, and I compared a run with some mid level guys on Paijanne Aproach with and without settings, same cars, and it's just so unbalanced to be laughable. I had the absolute optimal setup for wet weather(it was raining hard) and my driving style, and I won by 2 seconds over a second guy who had an equally brilliant setup but a minor crash, and a further tenth over third, with a setup on. The first of the guys without was a great driver, but more than 6 seconds behind third, and 8 1/2 behind me. Haves and have nots are just too big here, and I really don't like it. Thankfully you can switch this problem off, literaly, but when the host doesn't, it really hurts the little guys.


For that reason some tips: Always run high downforce on snow, or in the rain, no matter what track or car type, ANY downforce beyond centre in the rain confers about a second a race per slider notch, secondly, go with absolute minimum downforce in the dry, it'll in turn be worth big dividends not to have that extra drag that you don't need, downforce settings in D-3 alone can contribute seconds, not tenths.

Edited by Vindekarr
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I would say Empire Earth III is the worst. Check this out

I mean what the hell !?! Even the first's graphics was better ! I mean, I bought the damn game, and what did I see ? Some stupid idiots bashing each other with crappy voices ! It's like cartoon graphics ! The next day I sold it on eBay !



1 - graphics

3 - gameplay

1 - sound


overall : 2


A year ago I bought the second, the graphics were cool, but sooo not user friendly. I would be clicking the damn marine : ''Commander?'' ''Commander?'' ''Commander?'' - ''Yes sir !'' ''Yes sir !''


It was soo frustrating ! The authors didn't even bother making cinematics for the campaign


7 - graphics

1 - gameplay

3 - sound


overall : 5



But the greatest and most fun was the first one. I became so addicted to it back then. Sure, the graphics weren't that good, but what do you expect from an old RTS game ? Anyways the graphics made it that special. Multiplayer was so fun. Sound was so and so.. but I think it was the best of all.


6 - graphics

10 - gameplay

8 - sound


overall : 8.0 - 8.5


Anyways I really enjoyed it, too bad my cd broke :(


And there you have it folks, in conclusion : Sierra - Empire Earth III = sucks !!


I never played EE III because of what you just said. In fact I don't think I've heard one good thing about it. THE FIRST ONE WAS JUST...... :D :D :D :D :D :D





Wait, what?! most of you probably just thought, and you'd be right,, because DIRT-3 is quite simply one of the two best and most visceral racing games of the year so far. It's a stunningly good racer, gentle enough to welcome total newbies, while with a few options you can face AI that come close to player world records.


But it has a flaw.


THE COMMUNITY IS HORRIBLE! I don't want to sound like a jerk here, but you absolutely HAVE to turn collisions off in multiplayer if you even want to race, because all most people seem to want to do is smash into eachother. I won five races this morning simply because the other guys were too busy having a demolition derby, and by the time they realised I wasn't joining in I was over the finishline. And the ones who don't are just so green.


For other peoples sake guys, disable Vehicle Settings, they can give you a ten or more second advantage, and I compared a run with some mid level guys on Paijanne Aproach with and without settings, same cars, and it's just so unbalanced to be laughable. I had the absolute optimal setup for wet weather(it was raining hard) and my driving style, and I won by 2 seconds over a second guy who had an equally brilliant setup but a minor crash, and a further tenth over third, with a setup on. The first of the guys without was a great driver, but more than 6 seconds behind third, and 8 1/2 behind me. Haves and have nots are just too big here, and I really don't like it. Thankfully you can switch this problem off, literaly, but when the host doesn't, it really hurts the little guys.


For that reason some tips: Always run high downforce on snow, or in the rain, no matter what track or car type, ANY downforce beyond centre in the rain confers about a second a race per slider notch, secondly, go with absolute minimum downforce in the dry, it'll in turn be worth big dividends not to have that extra drag that you don't need, downforce settings in D-3 alone can contribute seconds, not tenths.


It's the same way in Gran Turismo 5!! I spent so much time honning my skills in single player got all of the licences and the races are just shoving matchs. If your not a complete jerk you can't win! I feel your pain.


My nomination: Turning Point: Fall of Liberty. This game taught me a valuble life lesson: Never believe in hype. It was about NAZIs invading the US in 1953. An interesting theme, poorly executed. I was greatly dissapointed in myself for buying it without reading any reveiws. Game informer gave it a 3!!!

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I argree with CnC 4, but joint task force me and my friends love it


worse games that come to mind

deus ex IW compared to deus ex

cnc3 > compared to the eairlier ones

Redalert 3


yeah so take your pick

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deus ex IW compared to deus ex



Deus Ex Invisible war? Sure, it sucked compared to the first, but is not a bad game in itself.

Just remove the 'Deus Ex', and try not to notice any of the half assed links between the 2, and its a good game.

Edited by CommanderCrazy
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Far from the King, far from mediocre, far even from abysmal, this is EASILY the worst game I haven't played all year.


Why? installing the *%&$#in' thing! The download link STEAM uses to try and install appears to be broken: either it doesn't install at all, or installs and then CTDs literaly before it even loads. Miserable. And if they'd done the brave thing and made it a disc game we wouldn't have any trouble. But nooooo it has to be a bloody STEAM game, meaning that all the usual headaches regarding that system apply.


Steam: ruining everything, allowing fat men to steal from you, and marking you as a cheat for no reason since 2005, and now with a legion of fanboys too!


I mean, seriously,. where is the STEAM server? pluto? I lose more than 500% of my usual download rate whenever I download from it, so it's gotta be a long way away and being squeezed through a straw.

Edited by Vindekarr
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You can't hate on a game because of it's distribution platform. A lot of people can play the game fine.

I think it's an hilarious game and well worth the wait I had to endure :)

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I've certainly played some worse games than DNF. It's average, but not terrible.



Far from the King, far from mediocre, far even from abysmal, this is EASILY the worst game I haven't played all year.

Wait you haven't even played it? You can't really make a fair judgement about it until you play it... :(

Edited by yoba333
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deus ex IW compared to deus ex



Deus Ex Invisible war? Sure, it sucked compared to the first, but is not a bad game in itself.

Just remove the 'Deus Ex', and try not to notice any of the half assed links between the 2, and its a good game.


you have got me there :P, I played invisable war first and when you ignore it is realted to deus ex, its a pretty good game

though I wish I could mod it

Edited by lostone1993
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