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Deleting objects


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If an object is disabled, it doesn't need to render and so it doesn't have to load into video ram. Disable it and move it's Z down below the floor so it's also out of LOS.

It may be when you are un-deleting items from your mod it is no longer save game compatible - have you tried a new game or a clean save?

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Certain objects, such as trees, follow different rules. Change it's object type to something else (I use object MISC:00022109 "Abraxo Cleaner") and disable it


Also, this method fails when trying to make an ESM file through TESSnip or Master Updating. Generally speaking, any mod which REQUIRES Master Updating should have been made expressly as a master in the first place. Setting frequently used objects as DELETED is still a bad idea there, as evidenced by "Crash City" in Fallout 3.


Those objects must be set as initially disabled, parented inversely to the Player object, and moved underground. A quick and dirty way to do that is to delete them all through Geck and then clean the mod with Fo3edit/FNVEdit. Any trees will have to then be changed out for other objects (as mentioned above)

Edited by Jeoshua
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Certain objects, such as trees, follow different rules. Change it's object type to something else (I use object MISC:00022109 "Abraxo Cleaner") and disable it


Also, this method fails when trying to make an ESM file through TESSnip or Master Updating. Generally speaking, any mod which REQUIRES Master Updating should have been made expressly as a master in the first place. Setting frequently used objects as DELETED is still a bad idea there, as evidenced by "Crash City" in Fallout 3.


Those objects must be set as initially disabled, parented inversely to the Player object, and moved underground. A quick and dirty way to do that is to delete them all through Geck and then clean the mod with Fo3edit/FNVEdit. Any trees will have to then be changed out for other objects (as mentioned above)


There are no trees involved (that I know of!). The mod is almost entirely interior cells - there are a few potted trees indoors I believe, could this cause the issue? The files I have are Run the Lucky 38.ESM (the master) and The Lucky 38 Empire.ESP (the child). When I'm only working on the ESP the crash will still occur. The ESM has been an ESM for a long time, using NVEdit to change the master field.


I can vaguely remember way back in the early days when Run the Lucky 38.ESM was an ESP I had a similar issue. I ended up having to use TESSNIP to cut the CELL group and paste it, effectively placing it at the bottom of the list. This would allow me to continue crash free into the main menu. However I've repeated the process and it still produces the issue. I did not and stiill do not understand what this did, just that I remember reading it on the forums and it worked.


When I've got some time I'll have to look into it again. I know it may be improper etiquette but when I started a thread about this issue that went unanswered, I did everything I could (except for undelete and disable) and uploaded the mod. So it is currently uploaded - I don't want to tell people to do my work for me because well I need to learn the reason for this, but if you're curious you can get the ESP/ESM from my signature.


It could very well be the potted trees because IIRC some interior cells have them. To be clear, are you using NVEdit to change the trees into Abraxo Cleaner?

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Trees are trees are trees, as far as the game engine is concerned. Unless they're statics, then they won't cause any problems.


For New Vegas, FNVEdit is deffinitely the go-to for all your low level editing needs. TESSnip gets even lower level, but it's almost like using a hex editor - not for the feint of heart, or if you don't know the ESP file structure by heart.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh yes! I actually try to make it a point to inspect every mod I install in Edit before doing anything else, just to make sure it's clean. Often times I've found mods with edits to cells that had no changes, objects that were never moved, and yes, plenty of unnecessarily deleted objects.


I'm actually in the middle of an overhaul to the Megaton and Tenpenny houses, mostly cause I was bored, but I'll still upload it. In the process of rebalancing all themes to be mutually additive and not exclusive, I've been deleting a TON of records, hundreds from both houses. Mostly because it's a pain to have them all floating around cluttering up the space when I'm trying to look at it and see how it will look when I'm done. However, I knew from the moment I deleted my first object that I would go back and undelete everything.


This issue is also why I try to do all of my own mods with script edits as much as possible. Or new cells. Basically anything to prevent an edit to existing objects. I don't even like adding new containers for stuff if I can help it.

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