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Qwinn´s Ultimate DAO Fixpack v3 (no longer beta!)


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No, looks like I'm wrong (removed a bunch of probably wrong conjecture above). Far as I can tell, the code SHOULD be working. Going to wait for Totalbalance to tell me at what exact approval he got that result at, will make it a *lot* easier to trace the code and see what's happening.


For the specific issue he brought up, though, I will probably make the "We need to end this" option available just if a romance is active... I see no reason - in fact, MORE reason - to allow a breakup if the approval has descended to Neutral (using the same dialogue as at interested, where she refers to the romance as just a "flirtation"). If hostile, she should initiate the breakup herself.


And bah, theskymoves' verdict on that subject is more than good enough for me :smile: I really can't see when the codex would get changed anyway, if it doesn't change when Alistair visits the Keep.

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Modified AL003:


AL003: Alistair: In camp, one of the first things you can ask Alistair is: "So you said this Arl Eamon raised you?" The problem is, Alistair never says this until you go to Redcliffe. When he jokes about it, you can say "That's not what I remember you telling Flemeth.", but those lines were cut from Flemeth's dialogue and no longer exist to be restored. The question has been changed to "So you said you were raised by the Chantry?" (and it is conditioned on his having told you that's where he came from now), and a few other minor tweaks were made to make the dialogue and codex entries consistent with that change. Credit to Totalbalance of the Nexus forum for making me aware of an additional codex issue.


Just added "and codex entries" to the description. Luckily with this one I actually don't have to change the codex file, I just have to modify scripts and dialogues to set it when it's actually appropriate to do so. No actual need to copy the codex file to Awakening. Will probably turn out the same with Leliana.


EDIT: Yep.


LE016: Leliana: Leliana's codex entry would state that she was a spy before this information was actually revealed. Thanks to Totalbalance of the Nexus forums for making me aware of this one.


  • During Flemeth’s True Grimoire, when you return to camp you can tell morrigan that Flemeth is still alive even if you killed her. This might be because I bargained with Flemeth only to change my mind and attack her

Glad you spotted this. You're correct as to what causes this, I had spotted it and this was actually supposed to be taken care of by this fix:


  • MO018: "Flemeth's Real Grimoire": If you agreed to leave Flemeth alive but talked to her again and changed your mind, killing her, you'd wind up with the flags for both her being alive and being dead set which caused several buggy effects down the line.

But for some reason, my change didn't make it to the final released version of the affected file. I must have accidentally undone the change at some point. Fixed for next release. Thanks!


And yeah, I think this fix needs to be done regardless of what approval TotalBalance comes back at me with for his situation:


MO037: Morrigan Romance: You could not break up with Morrigan in dialogue if your approval range was between -24 and 25. Thanks to Totalbalance of the Nexus forums for making me aware of this one.

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And this is the end result of my investigations. Yup - global change required.


GL005: HOSTILE and NEUTRAL approval levels are valid approval states when in an active romance, but the GUI would fail to display either of them - INTERESTED was the lowest it would ever actually display. As with the previous global approval fixes, I cannot fix proper updates to the approval status due to changes from Feastday Pranks and Gifts.

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The approval was at 15, so "interested". But there's no need to worry about the option "We need to discuss us" not being available. Turns out it's only available in camp, not when you're out adventuring. I never considered that.


However, I now noticed that her approval rating does not have "(Interested)" displayed, it simply says + 15. Once it gets bumped up to care it says "(care)".

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"However, I now noticed that her approval rating does not have "(Interested)" displayed, it simply says + 15. Once it gets bumped up to care it says "(care)"."


Ok cool, 15 explains the problem - you weren't technically at Interested, you were at Neutral (and as stated above I have made it possible to break up with her if at Neutral, cause, why couldn't you?). It just seems that the GUI won't display Hostile or Neutral when in a romance (I am unsure at this point if everyone got it to show "Interested" at below 25 approval in vanilla, or nothing at all like you just described, but with my fixpack, yes, I was getting the same thing - blank - until I did GL005). Question : were your recent approval gains/losses when you were at 15 done with Feastday gifts, or normally? That makes a big difference. The display won't always update properly with the feastday gifts/antigifts.


shades: Do you mean with the option "I think we need to end this now."? Yeah, looking at the file, there isn't any approval change scripted or even called for in the comments, so whatever hit I came up with would have to be arbitrary. If you break up with Leliana nicely, it's only a 1 point loss. There doesn't seem to be a really *mean* way to break up with Alistair in that convo. But with Morrigan and Zevran, it's a significant hit depending on how far along the relationship was - they have different responses to the breakup at Interested, Care, Love and Adore - or they were supposed to, in vanilla you always got Morrigan's Interested breakup and Zevran's In-Love breakup, I restored the others. Leliana and Alistair reply the same regardless of the relationship status. At this point I'm not going to change it - they may just be able to take it less personally, and I have too much going on to dwell on it atm, thanks for the report though, I'll keep it in mind as I look around and see if I can find a better indicator of what such an approval hit should be.


Oh, and Totalbalance, you said you had other bugs to report - can you throw whatever you have at me now? I'd really like to be able to clean this up tonight if possible.

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Didn’t use Feastday gifts. Anyway, here we go:
Circle Tower:
  • Petra, Kinnon and Keili (the surviving mages who are with Wynne) each have a single bark after you’ve talked to them once. Kinnon’s line not as ambient, unlike the others’. I suggest changing it to ambient for consistency.
  • A petty one: During Four Pages, Four Pages, Beyha Joam will angrily scream “Get them!” with a neutral facial expression.
  • When talking to Llloyd, “Who are you anyway?” never disappears, even after you’ve already asked him that.
  • When talking to Ser Perth, the option “You mentioned something about an urn...?” never disappears, even though “Tell me about the quest for the sacred Urn.” is supposed to replace it.
  • The guard / beggar conversation works great… but clicking on one of the guards afterwards causes the conversation to repeat. Or rather, the guard holds the conversation with himself. After that, he greets you as usual.
  • If you tell dagna she should stay after talking to her dad she will run away, but after the conversation she won’t actually move anywhere.
  • If you go to the circle tower and get permission for Dagna to study there, there’s no option here to tell her to stay even after you bring up her dad. That seems like an oversight to me. I mean, why can you bring her dad up only to be forced to send her off?


  • Nadezda, a beggar in dust town, mentions that her feet are crippled: (“Guardsman broke my sodding kneecaps and had me kneel in dung until the infection set in. Never healed proper.”) But during the conversation she will stand up while talking.
  • After giving Baizyl his love letters back he will walks away, but remains in place after the conversation.
  • I tried working publicly for Harrowmont, and offered to be a double agent for Bhelen. The guard in front of Bhelen’s door in the royal palace tells me to go inside to meet him, and the nobles talk as though I’m working publicly for him.
  • When first meeting Ruck he very briefly turns around before the battle starts.
  • Got Oghren’s new dialogue in the Dead Trenches, but it triggered after clicking on him twice. After that, he only says the “stop wasing time” line instead of his “this place gives me the creeps” one.
Phew, that was quite a lot of them. At least they seem very complicated to solve. Good luck! :smile:
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Circle Tower ones don't meet the "bug" test. There's no general consistency in lines being delivered ambient versus cutscene - I only change that if there's an actual problem involved. As for Five Pages guy, he doesn't have any legit reason to be angry. Just as legit that that scream is due to fear. Not a bug IMO.

"When talking to Llloyd, "Who are you anyway?" never disappears, even after you've already asked him that."

Yeah, you can only ask it once per conversation, but I'll agree that should be once per game. Will do.

"When talking to Ser Perth, the option "You mentioned something about an urn...? never disappears, even though "Tell me about the quest for the sacred Urn." is supposed to replace it."

Looking at the dialogue and scripts involved, I don't think this is possible. The flag that gets set when you choose that option seems to be checked for correctly in its condition. Did you actually witness it in game or just deduce it from looking in the toolset?

"The guard / beggar conversation works great but clicking on one of the guards afterwards causes the conversation to repeat. Or rather, the guard holds the conversation with himself. After that, he greets you as usual."

Yikes. Will fix that, thanks.

"If you tell dagna she should stay after talking to her dad she will run away, but after the conversation she won't actually move anywhere."

Will fix, thanks.

"If you go to the circle tower and get permission for Dagna to study there, there's no option here to tell her to stay even after you bring up her dad. That seems like an oversight to me. I mean, why can you bring her dad up only to be forced to send her off?"

I get what you're saying, but adding that would lead to an awkward conclusion. So you've gotten permission, you tell her to stay (without telling her she got permission), and she runs off to the Tower - where they *should* welcome her, but because you never told her she was accepted, she'll never appear there. I'd frankly rather leave it as is, if you want her to stay, why would you take the trouble to get permission?

"Nadezda, a beggar in dust town, mentions that her feet are crippled: ("Guardsman broke my sodding kneecaps and had me kneel in dung until the infection set in. Never healed proper.") But during the conversation she will stand up while talking."

Yeah, should probably take care of that... does she stand up due to ambient lines, or during cutscene dialogue?

'After giving Baizyl his love letters back he will walks away, but remains in place after the conversation."

There's sooo many of these throughout the game... I'm not going to do it in files I didn't have other reason to touch, as I think it's too trivial a reason to create a potential incompatibility, but I do already touch this one so I'll fix it.

"I tried working publicly for Harrowmont, and offered to be a double agent for Bhelen. The guard in front of Bhelenâs door in the royal palace tells me to go inside to meet him, and the nobles talk as though I'm working publicly for him."

Yikes, thought I caught all instances of that (there were many dozens), will take a look, thanks.

"When first meeting Ruck he very briefly turns around before the battle starts."

You mean if you start an attack on him? If he does, it's scripted for him to run around, not unusual, Trian bounces all over the place when you fight him in the dwarf noble origin.

"Got Oghren's new dialogue in the Dead Trenches, but it triggered after clicking on him twice. After that, he only says the stop wasing time line instead of his this place gives me the creeps one."

Do you mean your first click resulted in nothing? He shouldn't give the new dialogue until after talking to Kardol. And the "This place makes my skin crawl" line is set to be once per game, so that part isn't a bug.

Thanks much for the report!

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Fixed the beggar/guard convo issue, thanks, didn't realize two different guard dialogues were set up to handle it.


Reviewed the Dagna not disappearing one, and that actually seems intended, she is supposed to then stay outside Janar's shop and just say "Forget it, I know what you think of my dreams." The running motion is, I think, in case you refuse her where you first find her, and the run moves her to Janar's shop. It's only if you hit that state when she's already at Janar's that it looks weird, but I can't make the animation conditional without creating a new line and regenerating all the sound work, etc. NOT worth the hassle. I guess she is supposed to actually leave at some point in the future.


RE003: Redcliffe Tavern: You can no longer repeatedly ask Lloyd "Who are you, anyway?" Thanks to Totalbalance of the Nexus forums for making me aware of this one.

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@Qwinn; Figured out my "Proving" bug, (my fault, had messed-up some choices.) Things seem to be rolling "as expected", meaning I haven't noticed any missing, or misplaced, barks or dialogues besides the ones I listed earlier.


When you said you were interested in hearing about "romance triangles", what in particular do you want us to check? Am "seeing" both Leli and Zev, so trouble is brewing! :laugh:

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