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Qwinn´s Ultimate DAO Fixpack v3 (no longer beta!)


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@Qwinn; Really, really wish that you could set a certain user as "blocked from posting" in a forum thread the way you can in a mod's comment thread. Would have shortened this one by several pages and saved you much aggro.


Oh, well. When you're ready, ask the moderators to lock this topic with a pointer to the mod's page and you'll be able to do that (as well as delete ignorant or inflammatory posts) yourself. :laugh:


Perhaps you ignored the "Invincible ignorance" "stupid" "the Melodrama" and various other posts have thrown my way, looks like you have. Unless the invincible ignorance was directed at himself as it's unclear since that is the only thing posted. If it is you should cut that out name calling is not nice.


As I'm sure you've noticed in your infinite wisdom this entire topic has been hijacked, funny enough somebody can make a pretty good case for this being the most off topic, derailed a thread on the Nexus. This topic was about a guy who couldn't find a link to the 2.0 fix on Biowars forum. Anything beyond that is off topic. The Sad thing is we don't know if that man ever solved his issue. lol Anyway, you can't technically "take" that man's thread away from him.


As the topic is no longer about even 2.0 fix I'd recommend it's very own support topic. Also, backseat moderation (what your doing) is also against the rules.


You've also overused the word aggro.


May I recommend "Qwinn Ultimate Fixpack 3.0 BETA Discussion and Support Thread"? It's a little long in the tooth but I think it gets the job done.


The acronym "QUF" could also technically be used... but it sounds like "Qwiff" which is not good.





@AdenYeshua; If the shoe fits... :whistling:


At the remark, he called himself that? Thrown my way? Me? Off topic? New Topic? The Acronym? What? You should have singled out a line in your attempt to insult me. How about freeloader? Cheerleader? Vulture? Entitled non-contributor? Now flaming? troll? This shoe fits you nicely. :) But alas looking at you meager accomplishments on here you already have so many of these shoes why do you need more?

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@AdenYeshua, Oh good. You did see yourself. For a bit I thought even that much self-recognition was beyond you. (Did you happen notice that the only one name-calllng is you?)


Now if you could Just. Drop. It. Like everyone, including Qwinn, has been asking, telling, or hoping for over two pages now. (Any bets? I've got the "Nope" side.)

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@AdenYeshua, Oh good. You did see yourself. For a bit I thought even that much self-recognition was beyond you. (Did you happen notice that the only one name-calllng is you?)


Umm what? You just admitted "if the shoe fits" then proceeded to say that wasn't said? just the post before... then said I'm the only one doing it even though in the previously quoted post of you doing it? I'm very confused. You just admitted it happened. I'd quote you the "Invincible Ignorance" and all the posts but you're likely not reading past the first two words.


You did see yourself. For a bit I thought even that much self-recognition was beyond you.


Again, I have a really hard time following you, what? What are you referring to? Good God how did you even manage to create an email and sign up to the forum? No wonder it took you so long to "contribute" to the topic you likely got lost.



Like everyone, including Qwinn,


Again you do not speak for EVERYONE it's a bad habit I've read your posts you do it all the time, there have been a few to your credit, no more than three or four, but hardly everyone. Considering how many have read this thread it's less than a point percentage but you particularly are referring to EVERYONE as in the planet earth. But I've dropped it, actually a long time ago, you're not a fan of reading, are you? Sure I posed one question to dmg22, and hit back on a couple of Qwinn jabs... but ultimately the quest in question is long since dropped. You, on the other hand, I have not dropped, you took a swipe and me, I return. Nothing fairer than that. :smile: I do like how you separate Qwinn from us crowd of lower folk. Like in true cheerleading fashion we wouldn't want to confuse him with the common rabble now, would we?




I'm actually a nice guy, I tried to bury the hatchet long before this got heated, you chime in and start it all over, Qwinn and many on this thread are very intelligent, inciteful people. I'd still help in any way I can if asked, no joke. We both called each other names, he does the small jabs cause he knows I'll read them, we both have argued till we are blue in the face. But that brought others that chimed in that probably wouldn't have if it didn't go that far. One of which he credited for a fix. So there was a clear benefit, though I'm not sure it's worth repeating. But like it or not he walked away with something. A forum is a forum, for every one there is 10,000 to replace it. Same with the people, but why not try to get along with people who enjoy the same games you do? Heated debates drive forum traffic and ad clicks. This topic alone spiked during and after the debates. It's headed to be one of the MOST popular threads on this side of the Nexus forums. Everybody benefited. I think the average read topic on this side is 14? maybe 16?


The internet sure is a funny place, if I and Qwinn were debating in a coffee shop you would not chime in, nor would you even if we were in a debate hall stand up "Qwinn is God". Even further he would spin his chair around and ask some random person to back him up like he did on here. Even if we were in a forum style hall "gang ups" wouldn't be permitted.People do things because they know it's the internet and they can get away with it, like you have.


My problem and biggest weakness are I take nothing seriously. Qwinn is the opposite. Naturally, we bump heads. I'll even send him a Chrismas card hows that? Anyway, good to see the patch progressing, and Qwinn taking a much-needed Fathers Day break.

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Well, well, what have we here, premium member on roll... Insulting and demeaning other people...



Only giving what I get. I needed the download speed my Skyrim folder went missing. All night, almost 400 mods if you must know lol


EDIT: I forgot to mention Qwinn that EVENT_TYPE_DYING is used by the extra Dog slot mod, my note from my Dwarf days ago. The Mod is incompatable.

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@Qwinn; Been playing Dwarf Commoner Rogue origin with QUDAOFPv3.0 installed for about two days now. Found some interesting differences from previous times.


1. Item Set Bonus requires removing/re-equipping an item of the set in order to get the green icon indicating the bonus is active.


2. Denerim Market - Alistair: Doesn't ever give the "I was here once as boy" bark at The Wonders of Thedas shop, and putting the bodies into the well doesn't trigger a bark about the quality of the water.


But those are minor, and may be random non-events.


What *is* a Big Deal is


3. Orzammar - Proving: BUGGED! I finished the combat, was declared the winner, but only the Proving Master and the Proving Fan (Varick) recognize it. All other NPCs, especially Dulin waiting at Tapsters, act as if the Proving hasn't started yet. (I had both "A Prince's Trust" and "A Lord's Trust" active.)


Haven't reloaded my save from before starting the Proving yet.



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Yikes. Thanks for the report Thandal. I was planning on doing a quick update soon, will work on the Proving tomorrow and try to get it in. Keep a hard save before entering the Proving, probably not necessary but just in case.
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"3. Orzammar - Proving: BUGGED! I finished the combat, was declared the winner, but only the Proving Master and the Proving Fan (Varick) recognize it. All other NPCs, especially Dulin waiting at Tapsters, act as if the Proving hasn't started yet. (I had both "A Prince's Trust" and "A Lord's Trust" active.)"


Thandal, I just ran through the Proving and couldn't duplicate this. Everyone recognized my winning just fine, including Dulin and everyone else. I also had both quests active, and Vartag did (as he is supposed to) accost me on the way out to call me a traitor... I'm assuming that didn't happen for you. I then went to Dulin and it completed the quest. I dedicated all fights to Harrowmont. Did anything you do differ from that?


Also, when you won the fight, was there any change to the quest journal entry for A Lord's Trust? It should have updated to tell you to go to Dulin, and A Prince's Trust should have actually closed as failed the moment you declared for Harrowmont.


If you *never* declared for Harrowmont, and effectively fought as an independent, that might be why Dulin didn't recognize it. If that is the case, you can't complete Dulin's quest now (without reloading to a previous point), and can pretty much only proceed with Bhelen's quests, which should still be active and will close the Harrowmont quest as soon as you complete them.


Any other possibly relevant mods installed? Running Steam Ultimate edition or something else?


"2. Denerim Market - Alistair: Doesn't ever give the "I was here once as boy" bark at The Wonders of Thedas shop,"


Couldn't duplicate this either. Pulled up a save before entering Denerim for the first time. The bark it sounds like you're talking about doesn't happen in the shop, it actually happens in the Market just as you round the corner in front of the Gnawed Noble Tavern. There's another bark inside the shop, and that one's playing for me fine too.


"and putting the bodies into the well doesn't trigger a bark about the quality of the water."


There is no such bark I'm aware of. Looking in party_barks, the only "water" related bark does function and is triggered by getting near the fountain in the exterior of Arl Howe's Estate during "Rescue the Queen". Maybe some other mod "restored" it to the well in Denerim? That was incorrect if so.


The item set thing is a bug in the vanilla game, doesn't always happen, usually associated with just coming out of the party camp I think. Seems like an engine bug, I haven't found scripting that handles it yet and it seemed the sort of bug that would be better handled by a combat mechanics type mod for compatibility reasons (if it can be fixed at all).

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shades - I tried duplicating your issue with changing party in Redcliffe triggering the "please don't leave" dialogue with Tomas and I couldn't do it. Changed party in half a dozen places. This is just after exiting the Chantry after talking to Teagan for the first time. The only issue I could create was that if I changed party while standing on a bridge, one of my party members wound up appearing *under* the bridge. Perhaps there is a place you can change the party that causes a party member to fall through the world or something that manages to reach the Tomas dialogue trigger. Could you be *very* specific as to where you do this that causes it? Or does it happen anywhere you change party in Redcliffe? If the latter, I'm kinda stumped, cause I can change party fine. Any details that might be pertinent would help, like do you have party members set to not move from their positions, etc.


Also, for the record, I don't make any changes to party-changing or the Redcliffe area file, so it's nothing I did (and you said you had it long ago, so yeah, currently a vanilla bug I can't duplicate)

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I'll be listing these again, along with all other changes being made to the Beta, when I actually push an update through (and I'll hold off until I get more info about the above bugs I couldn't duplicate). Just marking that they're done and implemented, though not yet released.



Inserting this in the Landsmeet section (this renumbers the following entries... while in Beta, those codes will be in flux, they'll be fixed once the Beta is over and I'll have to find some other way to insert fixes into the existing numbering).


LA008: Gnawed Noble Tavern: Once the Landsmeet quest has begun, several nobles appear in the Gnawed Noble Tavern. Sighard can have a conversation with Ceorlic about Arl Howe, after which, if you leave and return to the area, Sighard moves to another table. He would, however, be facing backwards, with his legs through the back of the booth he is sitting in. He will now face the proper direction. Credit to sialivi of the Nexus forums for making me aware of this one.


Also inserting:


CM002: "Mage Origin": Eadric will no longer shift off his chair and sit on empty air after talking with him. Credit to sialivi of the Nexus forums for making me aware of this one.


CT025: Apprentice Quarters: A chessboard (and a chesspiece on its side) float in the air between two chairs in the Apprentice Quarters with no visible support. A table has been placed underneath the chessboard. Thanks to sialivi of the Nexus forums for making me aware of this one.


LO019: Lothering: Once Bodahn has left Lothering, his wagon will no longer appear there. Thanks to sialivi of the Nexus forums for making me aware of this one.





Sialivi, there are no oxes either near Bodahn's place in Lothering or in the party camps in the vanilla game. The ones you are seeing must have been added by some mod.

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