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Qwinn´s Ultimate DAO Fixpack v3 (no longer beta!)


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OR3289: "The Dead Caste": Removed infinite xp exploit, where leaving the Shaperate and reentering after completing the quest would always reactivate the "Memories" book allowing you to get the experience reward as many times as desired. Thanks to SilverLucario of the Nexus forums for making me aware of this one.


There's a book in Connors' room in Castle Redcliffe that gives you the "Aveline, Knight of Orlais" codex entry but no XP.

Incorrect, it does provide xp. Remember the xp is easy to miss if you clicked on it with someone other than your character.



Also: asking this question again, since I never got a response: I've recently noticed that a lot of mods have an "Official Endorsements Topic" under the mod's "Forums" tab. It seems to ask everyone to add a note when they do an endorsement, and seems to be integrated with the Nexus website. How do I make one of those? Or is there one out there already being automatically generated that I just can't find for some reason, and if so, how do I add it to my forums threads?


Example here:





And hey, Thandal, didn't you say you were going to use BSC too? Did that not work?

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I only have one dialogue related bug to report:

When you give Duncan’s shield to Alistair, two possible responses have their conditions reversed. You can only say “You said you wanted something to remember him by.” if you never had that conversation. If you did have that conversation the option “I thought maybe you might want it.” appears instead.

Also, I looked at my game’s plot items to see if there’s anything that should not be there. Not sure exactly what you feel like should be removed, but here are some items that were still in my inventory at the end of the game:
Contract for Peadan (Started the quest, but never finished it)
Scroll of Banastor (Didn’t complete the quest)
Forged Documents (Never planted them for Bhelen)
Letter of Condolence (Forgot the last widow would be unavailable after the landsmeet)
Meteor Metal Ore (Completely forgot about it)
Love Letter 10x (Never found enough to turn in)
I noticed that there are four keys in the game that are not plot items: Captain Key, Entry Door Key, Bedroom Key and Chantry Cabinet Key. They also have their base item type listed as “Other - Generic” rather than “Other - Key” (not sure if that makes any difference in game). As such they are stored in the “other” section and could potentially be sold. This seems a bit odd - is there any reason why they are not plot items like the rest?
As an aside, I found small conversation between Loghain and Queen Anora at redcliffe castle before the final battle. Unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be a good place to restore it, since you need Loghain in your party to trigger it. Damn shame that, since it’s a good exchange.
That’s it. Good luck with the 3.2 release!
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Thanks for the report TotalBalance! At work, only partial answers for now.


The Duncan shield thing certainly sounds like it'll need a fix - thanks!


I'm only removing plot items upon quest completion and in cases where there is a proper "quest failed" journal state. The ones you listed don't have such a state. I'd consider the plot items to be useful reminders to the player of what they can go back and take care of should they choose to reload an old save to do so. No plans to do anything about those.


And yeah, I saw that exchange with her too, in Redcliffe Castle. I think she also has lines even if you don't have Loghain. I played with allowing her to remain near Teagan and Eamon after the initial cutscene, but she's shown walking away at the end of it, which makes it difficult to find anywhere fitting to put her. I'll take another look - this would go under the category of Restorations. No promises though, I know I had some other reason to not do it that I'm not remembering.

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Also: asking this question again, since I never got a response: I've recently noticed that a lot of mods have an "Official Endorsements Topic" under the mod's "Forums" tab. It seems to ask everyone to add a note when they do an endorsement, and seems to be integrated with the Nexus website. How do I make one of those? Or is there one out there already being automatically generated that I just can't find for some reason, and if so, how do I add it to my forums threads?


Example here:





And hey, Thandal, didn't you say you were going to use BSC too? Did that not work?


For the "Official Endorsements" question, I believe that is an auto-generated tab that was added to the "New Mod" upload process a while ago. Not sure how/if it can be added to an pre-existing mod's page. Will query the Admins for you though. :wink: [EDIT: Nah, just needed to be added by hand.]


As for BSC, yeah I was going to test with it but I mistakenly had the "BSC - Mild for DT" version active. Without "Dialogue Tweaks" itself running, (for obvious reasons) it did nothing. Got the "Kiss then fade-to-black" instead. :laugh:


I could hop back in mid-game and see what happens... :happy:

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My mod *is* a new mod though. I can't think of what it could have "pre-existed" before. Is it something that only gets created if someone endorsing you chooses to add a comment? I'm not sure - having never been able to use any other mods, never had opportunity to endorse one! Edited by Qwinn
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@Qwinn; I think I got it. Just create the topic yourself (like you did the "Bug Reports" one) and "pin" it.


nm: Already did it for you! :thumbsup:

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Thandal - cool, thank you. It's kinda weird - look at the thread in the example I gave (Extra Dog Slot). Notice how after the fifth or sixth post, every post on that thread seems to automatically have "I have given this file my endorsement." added to the beginning? The posts are in reverse order, so it kinda looks like whatever functionality was adding that was removed somewhere between Aug 2011 and Aug 2012. That's what I meant about it seeming like it was (at least at one time) integrated with the forum software, as if, when you click Endorse, it gives you the option to add a comment that automatically generates those posts. That's what I meant in my last post - I was deducing that maybe the first 76 people didn't bother to post a comment when asked, but the first one that did would create it? But no, I tested it, endorsed Extra Dog Slot and I got no such option. Oh well. Thanks for the help!


AL3207: Alistair: When you gave Duncan's Shield to Alistair, you could only tell him you remember him saying he wished he could have something to remember Duncan by if he *hadn't* said that to you before. Your available response will now properly reflect whether or not Alistair actually said that to you in previous dialogue. Thanks to Totalbalance of the Nexus forums for making me aware of this one.


RE Anora in Redcliffe Castle: Yeah, she does have 3 random stringhead lines to use if she were able to be clicked on in Redcliffe, with or without Loghain there, but those don't add much, along the lines of "get some rest" and "Eamon will keep me busy". The dialogue that *would* be worth restoring is the short ambient conversation between Anora and Loghain - but Loghain is already upstairs at that point, and you *can't* have anyone in your party in Redcliffe castle at the start of the climax. The only theoretically possible way I could do it would be to not remove either Anora or Loghain from the area, automatically start the ambient dialogue as soon as the initial cutscene finishes, and have Loghain walk to the upstairs transition when it's over, possibly through a still-closed door too. That'd be fairly complex to do, including requiring editing the initial cutscene to not have them walk away at the end. Not going to happen this week. If I ever do decide to do it, it can be something to make the (hopefully distant) version 3.3 worth installing, heh.


EDIT: Thinking more about it - eh, even that wouldn't really work... you could easily beat Loghain to the transition, at which point how would you explain that he magically gets *past* you to be waiting near Riordan's door for you? Really not seeing a way to restore it properly.


EDIT 2: Hmmmm! Have Anora be on the *second* floor next to Loghain, and initiate the ambient dialogue as you round the corner toward where he's waiting for you. At the end, have *Anora* walk toward the exit transition back to the first floor (though she'd actually just disappear there), and she can give her 3 random lines if you click on her as she walks away. Would have to make sure the door to Riordan remained locked until that dialogue was over, and not trigger Loghain's line to you until that dialogue finished, but... *that* might conceivably work. But again - very probably slated for 3.3 if at all.

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Huh. Well. Ahem. *cough* Oops.

I started working on that Anora restoration despite everything I said about "later" because, as we all know, I have a serious, serious problem.

And that's when I discovered that my test script where I kept Anora from disappearing following the initial cutscene in the Climax Redcliffe Castle somehow found it's way into the beta. So, if Anora is queen, you've already gotten to see her 3 random lines. Oops. Not that that's horribly *bad* or anything, really, it works fine aside from the fact that she walked away at the end of the cutscene, just, didn't actually mean for that to happen.

At any rate, I actually got it all working as I said I would in my second edit up there, and it's pretty awesome actually, with the exception that I can't seem to make her able to initiate dialogue when she's walking toward the exit, meaning I can't make her give those 3 random lines as she walks away. It's gotta be a silent exit. Of course, I *could* restore her to the 1st floor *after* she leaves the second floor, putting her back next to Eamon and Teagan at that point, and you could hear those lines then if you went back downstairs. And I could have her reappear there (assuming she's in the castle at all, of course) whenever returning to the 1st floor from the second even if Loghain isn't recruited, so everyone could hear the 3 random lines without me having to chop out her walking away in the cutscene (guess she just had to go to the bathroom or something).

Only thing I haven't managed yet is barring opening the door to Riordan's room until this dialogue is done, and preventing even rogues from unlocking it until then. If I can't figure that out (never had to before), that'll be a dealbreaker, but if I can do it (and I should be able to), I see no reason I can't get it into v3.2. EDIT: Never mind, simple solution, will just keep the door non-interactive till its done.

Anyway, it'd be a restoration, not a fix, but it'd be a pretty cool one I think. Any opinions on what I've described?

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Oh, look at that - Anora will actually be on the first floor to deliver her 3 random lines in vanilla! All you have to do is go upstairs and back down. So I don't have to change anything there, that's the way it already is! Cool. So the only thing I'm actually restoring is the dialogue with Loghain, which actually feels better to me, less invasive.


And to your point, firepanda: the reason I do these restorations in a fixpack is because at least at some point, they DID intend it, or the lines wouldn't have been recorded (and they have to pay for that, heh). In a way I look at all restorations I've done as fixes because of that. Most of the time this stuff doesn't get "cut" for any good reason, just an oversight, or lack of budget, or time constraints, and I think if they didn't have such issues it would have all gone in. If I find any hint that something *was* cut deliberately, I don't restore it.

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