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Qwinn´s Ultimate DAO Fixpack v3 (no longer beta!)


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Cool. Thanks for the report, always good to take a look at cases where console stats differ.


Anyone else have an opinion *opposing* making Fade Wall and Robes of the Gifted consistent drops? Because after reviewing all the arguments so far pro and con, I'm actually leaning toward agreeing that it is a bug. In addition to the good arguments provided already (the designer quote, kills the clearly desired sense of urgency to stop for a loot grind, etc.) , I've evaluated how much I consider inconsistency to indicate that something is a bug, because *I* should be consistent in how I apply that evaluation. There's as many instances of items not set to stealable that I fix (Nugbane, Greagoire's Shield) as there are for this issue, and I fix *those*. I can't think of a coherent argument for why the stealing flag should be fixed, but not the droppable for these two items, given that the perceivable error / inconsistency rate is identical. So, yeah, I'm going to fix those drops barring a good counterargument being presented in the near future.

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Hi sialivi:


WOW. You just found a potentially pretty serious one. I recognized what was going on there due to similar issues during Rescue The Queen. The issue is that when that... thing happened, Leliana had an interjection - but it looks like you were speaking to her WITH Leliana. Or are you just playing a character that looks a whole lot like Leliana?


If that is Leliana throughout, It does seem rather unusual that the person you used to click on Keili was front and center in the dialogue. It should replace Leliana with the player in that stage.


Let me know when it's Leliana and when it's your character in that clip, as that will tell me how to proceed.


EDIT: Hmmm, no, wrong track, I just tested it talking to her with both me and Leliana, and I couldn't duplicate your issue. Is Leliana actually in your party when you're attempting to talk to her? The check that she is in the party appears to be correct, so not sure what's going on.

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Leliana was selected when I started the conversation. Alistair and Wynne were the other two companions present... and a summoned Wolf. You can see the lineup briefly at the start of the video.

That's not Leliana you see during the conversation though, that's my warden.


When the bug occurred, I reloaded my quick save so I could do a video capture and the bug did happen again. I now started the game again and was unable to replicate it (though this wasn't from the quick save since I had overwritten that already, but from an auto-save from slightly earlier). Strange that reloading the game would have fixed the issue even though reloading the quicksave earlier didn't. Maybe this was just a two-time engine glitch, or maybe I did some step during that previous run that I didn't do this time.



Do you have the complete changelog for the upcoming version online somewhere? Would be nice to be able to check if something has already been fixed before reporting something without having to search through the thread. Seems to be some codex entries that doesn't give out xp in the Circle Tower, which might have already been reported ('Promises of Pride' and several more, I'll have to go through my screenshots).

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No, still working on the new readme. For the time being, before you spend too much time chasing something down, just ask here real quick if I'm already on it. Someone did mention codex entries in the CT, hadn't gotten to it yet. I don't intend to add xp to any codex entries that have multiple entries or are involved in quests (such as the ones that lead to Bel's cache or "Five Pages Four Mages"), for the record.


EDIT: Promises of Pride has 6 entries - won't be restoring xp to them. Adding that much xp could be unbalancing (and honestly I've already restored more xp to these than I thought I'd have to, was already starting to worry about that a bit), and it's certainly plausible that their not giving xp for so many partial entries for what is only one actual codex entry was intentional. So far, I've only restored xp to single-entry codex entries, and I think I'm going to stick with that.


EDIT2: dgm22 is the one who brought these up earlier. Here's the ones he spotted:


-Scrap of Paper, on shelf in First Enchanter Irving's office = Codex entry: Circles Within Circles, doesn't give XP.

-First Enchanter's Journal, on desk in First Enchanter Irving's office = Codex entry: Irving's Mistake, doesn't give XP.

-I'm pretty sure, Codex entry: Extracurricular Studies - Templar Quarters, didn't either. But this one is a bit different because it has multiple placeables/entries.

The first two are single-entry. I'll restore those. Extracurricular Studies is indeed another one with multiple entries, won't be doing those.


CT3205: Irving's Office: Two placeables with codex entries in this room didn't provide the customary 50 XP. Now they will. Thanks to dgm22 of the Nexus forums for making me aware of these. Note that there are a number of other placeables that create entries that do not provide XP in the Circle Tower. These codex fragments are not full entries unto themselves but only parts of a single codex entry that can be made up of as many as 6 fragments. It's entirely plausible that xp was deliberately not added for these multiple-part codex entries, and I am deliberately not restoring xp to them.

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OR3208: "An Unlikely Scholar": If you complete the quest successfully but don't ask Dagna for a material reward, you will now still get the experience reward. Thanks to dgm22 of the Nexus forums for making me aware of this one.


OR3254: "Jammer's Stash": Fixed a bug that would allow you to get two stash keys, one of which would remain stuck in your plot items forever.


(I was aware of that one from the wiki and had spent some time on but eventually gave up due to not being able to find the script causing the problem. Found it, finally fixed it, yay. Thanks for the reminder.)


OS3215: Tower of Ishal: The Tower Guard who joins you came equipped with a heavy Soldier's Helm with a strength requirement of 20, too high for him to actually equip. He now has a medium helm appropriate to his capabilities. Thanks to Tyndel of the Nexus forums for drawing my attention to this one.


IR3214: "Fade Wall" (Partial Restoration): Although this item was obtainable in the base game, it had a very low chance to drop (~5%). Only two notable unique items in the game (see IR3215 for the other) suffered from this low drop rate. As there is strong evidence that rare drops of unique items were never intended, this item will now drop consistently. Credit to firepanda of the Nexus forums for making me aware of these and discovering a designer quote backing up that it wasn't intended.


IR3215: "Robes of the Gifted" (Partial Restoration): Although this item was obtainable in the base game, it had a very low chance to drop (~5%). Only two notable unique items in the game (see IR3214 for the other) suffered from this low drop rate. As there is strong evidence that rare drops of unique items were never intended, this item will now drop consistently. Credit to firepanda of the Nexus forums for making me aware of these and discovering a designer quote backing up that it wasn't intended.


Oh, and thanks for the donation on Friday, whoever that was! :smile:

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And with that, I believe I'm once again caught up with everything I said I was going to handle (still no idea how to fix that extremely weird sound issue with Sal in the Pearl - oh well). If I've missed or forgotten something, please remind me.


Up to 760 fixes!

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I'd like to ask if someone can please confirm the 3 following fixes from the very early game in v3.01:

1) Starting as a dalish male elf, in the opening cutscene, male elves are referred to by Tamlen as lethallin, and females as lethallan.

2) Alistair is giving his darkspawn warnings.

3) In nightime Ostagar, the bridge cannot be accessed before the battle actually starts because a ballista blocks the path.

I've received a report that these aren't working, not sure why. Only one I've had confirmed as working is the darkspawn warnings and that was only on v3.0, I did tweak it for v3.1.



EDIT: I've determined the lethallin one not working was my fault - I had it fixed correctly in the toolset but somewhere along the way the old version is the one that got exported. That'll be fixed in v3.2.


But I have confirmed that darkspawn warnings and the ballista blocking the bridge in nighttime Ostagar are working fine on my build. If it's not working for others, it's due to me packaging something up incorrectly. Would appreciate confirmation that I didn't mess that up in v3.01.


EDIT 2: No more need to check on these, the issues appear to have been resolved for the user experiencing them.

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I can confirm that the bridge is blocked with the ballista during the night at Ostagar.


The key to the mage's chest in Ostagar isn't removed from your inventory after you've unlocked it... or doesn't DA:O remove such quest items once they have been used? (It's been a while since my last play through after all)

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