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Qwinn´s Ultimate DAO Fixpack v3 (no longer beta!)


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Extra dog slot worked? I'm surprised - I got a PM on the Bioware forums like six years ago from the author of that mod saying it wasn't compatible with version 2.0 and hoping to sort it out, but I'd already checked out at that point and never saw it until this year.


Here's what he said at the time - anything look familiar?


Hi pal,
i've encountered a situation where the fixpack V2.0 (awesome work thank you a lot) "broke" my other mod, Extra Dog Slot (http://social.bioware.com/project/1822/#details).
The mod works as before with one exception that i cant use dogs abilities ("only the main character is active at camp" error message), but the dog is right beside me and i can control or talk to him, though the dialogue options are the ones from the camp, For instance I cant tell him to fetch items since he is not a regular party member.
I installed the extra dog slot mod after and before the fixpack neither case could help me get rid of the bug.
I am pretty much positive it has sth to do with the fetch bug fix, but probably you know better.
I hope i provided you with enough information, if not you know where to find me.
Keep up the good work

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"EDS" relies on tricking the "Summon Creature" ability into working when it shouldn't. If I understand correctly what I've read over the years, it impacts the game's internal "events" routine in a way that, if enough other events are being processed at the same time, things break.


I've never had that happen, and if there were any other mod conflicts with EDS in my games... I've never noticed!

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So you were able to tell him to fetch outside of camp when he was a summon?


I actually can't see why my v2.0 would have affected that. My fetch fix shouldn't have had any effect on that. Probably not v3.01 either.

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Yes, Dog, (present only thanks to EDS) can fetch outside of Camp even with QUDAOFPBv3.0 installed!


As I said, I've never encountered a problem/conflict with EDS in all the years I've been using it.

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Great! I'll definitely be including that in the compatibile list then, I know that's a very popular mod.


New reports seem to have slowed down to a trickle, which is what I was waiting for. Beta end and release of v3.2 scheduled for this weekend, barring a large list of new reports (don't take that to mean I don't WANT new reports if there are any to be had, I definitely do).


If anyone's compiling any lists of stuff now (looking at you, dgm22 and Totalbalance!), please throw some of whatever you have my way now so I can get a start on it. Thanks again for all the great reports!


Also, if I've missed anything reported previously, do please remind me. It's a big thread, I do try to go over it again once in a while, but easy for stuff to get buried.

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Nothing much to add except a big congrats on the release and I can't wait for it to be finished so I can do a playthrough. These days I've been wanting to play BG EE but there's just a dumb bug I want Beamdog to fix so I have to wait for that to be sorted. It'll be refreshing to be able to jump into Dragon Age and know that it will be a pristine experience. Thanks for all the hard work.

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Yeah, I noticed that in the wiki too while I was playing through. Scanned the scripts back then, and just took another look for the hell of it, and can't find any hint of intent regarding anything like that. There isn't even any script whatsoever that runs when the LANDSMEET_WON variable gets set. It gets checked later for the setting of codex entries during the landsmeet wrap up, but that's it I'm afraid. Given nothing at all to go on beside the console behavior, and no way to know which was actually intended, I decided to leave it as is.

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