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Qwinn´s Ultimate DAO Fixpack v3 (no longer beta!)


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41 (v3.0) "Betrayed from Within": Bhelen will no longer refer to a male Dwarf Noble as his "big sister" when you say "The throne should belong to an Aeducan." .


42. (v3.0) "Betrayed from Within": Removed infinite experience exploit when telling Vartag you planted the papers and then delayed talking to Bhelen.


43. (v3.0) "Betrayed from Within": You will no longer be attacked by Harrowmont fanatics for working covertly for Bhelen as a double agent. When this bug triggered, you would actually get attacked by both Harrowmont and Bhelen fanatics simultaneously. Note that once you choose Bhelen as king, you're no longer acting covertly.


44. (v3.0) "Shifting Allegiances": You will no longer be attacked by Bhelen fanatics for working covertly for Harrowmont as a double agent. When this bug triggered, you would actually get attacked by both Harrowmont and Bhelen fanatics simultaneously. Note that once you choose Harrowmont as king, you're no longer acting covertly.


45. (v3.0) "Betrayed from Within": The first of the two persuade options when trying to initiate this quest with Vartag was checking for poison skill instead of persuasion.


46. (v3.0) "Chant in the Deeps": What was supposed to be a medium level Cunning skill check in the Shaper's dialogue was checking for medium Intimidate skill instead.


47. (v3.0) If you accepted both contenders' initial quests, Oghren's dialogue in Tapsters would get rather confused, one moment saying you work for Harrowmont and the next for Bhelen. He also wouldn't recognize if you'd failed one of their quests and were clearly publically working for the other guy. He'll be more correct and consistent about who you're working for publically now.

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Woohoo! I finally figured it out!


In the Origin Fixes section:


5. (v3.0) "Mage": Lily will no longer appear in the background in the final cutscene after she's been led away by the Templars.


I've also gotten comfortable enough with cutscenes that I do believe I can actually get the whole loot-Lanaya's-Chest-before-the-main-plot-is-done restoration working. I'm inclined to. There's quite a bit of code that doesn't do anything because you can't get that Songbook early enough - for example, it is one of the items tradable to the Hermit. It also gives players who plan to side with the werewolves a chance to get it.

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Worked on Lanaya's Chest Restoration a bit more. It's even better now after some sound work. But I discovered something else in the process.


I actually didn't realize that if you are willing to get caught attempting to steal the songbook and anger Lanaya, you CAN loot the songbook afterwards, before heading into the Forest. I've updated my description of the Restoration to remove the inaccurate information (see below). You could get the book, it just had unavoidable negative consequences... which upon further investigation actually are implausibly non-negative.


39. (v3.0) If you get caught trying to steal from Lanaya's chest after she warns you not to, other than Lanaya no longer speaking to you until the end of the plot (which is itself harmless), there are no consequences at all. Even though Lanaya promises to spread the news that you're a thief, no one else ever seems to find out, and It does not trigger the Melora event or any of the other consequences that come with a failed steal attempt via the normal stealing method in the Dalish Camp. It doesn't even drop the clan's attitude toward you, when much lesser transgressions do so. This is inconsistent and implausible and almost certainly an oversight. Getting caught by Lanaya opening the chest after she's warned you will now trigger the same consequences as a failed steal attempt via the normal stealing method. HOWEVER....


40. (V3.0) Lanaya's Chest Restoration: By restoring a good amount of previously inaccessible content in Lanaya's dialogue, Lanaya can now be convinced, with sufficient Cunning/Persuade, to move away from the chest briefly, affording you a short window in which to pilfer the songbook without her catching you. The songbook *does* have a use during your exploration of the Brecilian Forest. Note that this restoration did require moving Zathrian from his usual spot. He will now keep vigil over the wounded elves (as he actually frequently says he needs to when ending conversation with him, so that's another positive for immersion IMO).



Anyway - back to Orzammar! I just found out you could steal the Champion's Shield from Vartag three times... sheesh... that one's gonna be a pain to fix.

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48. (v3.0) After speaking to Nerav in the Commons, she says she's going home and disappears. She was then supposed to reappear by her home in the Nobles Quarter, but because her talked-to flag was never set, she failed to do so.


49. (v3.0) The tier 2 and tier 3 versions of the dagger "Thorn of the Dead Gods" had their bonuses reversed. Note that the tier 2 version is available on a merchant in Lothering, and thus this bug incorrectly made it one of the best weapons available in the early portions of the game, and the tier 3 version one of the worst unique tier 3 weapons available.




Also, the wiki claims that official patch 1.04 fixed the greatsword Ageless so that it comes with runeslots enabled. I just tested this and, no, it didn't, at least not on the PC. My Fixpack v1.1 fixed that bug, and v3.0 will continue to do so.

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Interesting... fixing the tier 2 version of the dagger automatically reduced the price of the dagger in the Lothering merchant's store. Apparently the prices are calculated from their properties (I reduced damage and armor penetration each from 2 to 1, and the price was cut in half). I didn't know that. Anyway, at the new lower price it's still a pretty good bargain in the early game.

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theskymoves: Interesting. I'll take a look around later, see if I can find some constants include where those values are set, just out of curiosity.


Right now tho, I've got a problem. I just tried to get Vartag to spawn in the Proving and yell at me for winning the Proving for Harrowmont, and I can't do it, and looking at the code, I don't see how it's possible. The moment you declare for Harrowmont in the Proving, even if you do it before starting a single fight, Vartag's quest is set to failed. No way around that that I can see, And Vartag only spawns in the Proving if his quest is still *active*. The comments say that you should get his ranting you-betrayed-me speech in the Proving if his quest was ever *accepted*, and that makes more sense to me. But that's not what the code actually does.


The only thing I can think of is that the bit where Vartag's quest fails immediately upon declaring for Harrowmont is patched code, and it was how Bioware fixed the problem of having your game broken... I mentioned this description from the wiki before, and that I couldn't replicate it:


Now I've spent the last couple of days trying to actually verify when the Wiki is right and wrong in regards to the Orzammar quests, and I'm finding it's mostly wrong. Here's a big one, which comes from the description of both quests "Betrayal from Within" and "Shifting Allegiances":

"If the Warden should first talk to Vartag, and agrees to help him, then talk with Dulin after leaving the Assembly, the Warden can be given both Harrowmont's and Bhelen's first task. Should the Warden then enter the Proving, but not finish it, then finish Bhelen's quest, then talk to Vartag and convince him they will spy on Harrowmont for him; and finally return and finish the Proving, then speak with Dulin, you will be given the chance to make the same deal with Dulin. This creates an infinite, and most probably unbreakable loop of each asking for information. This is potentially game breaking, and an earlier save may need to be utilized."

I can't duplicate this. The moment you declare for Harrowmont to the guy running the Proving, you fail Bhelen's quest and the papers for Dace and Helmi are removed. Tried talking to Dace anyway and no, you can't continue with his quest.


It seems that prior to the patch, Vartag's quest wouldn't be set to failed until you *finished* the Proving for Harrowmont, allowing the above game-breaking behavior to occur. That they fixed this is documented in the official patch notes. So it looks like I *DO* see patched scripts when I bring it up in the toolset, because what I see in the scripts is what I'm getting in game, even if I didn't touch those scripts or export them.


Actually, my experiences so far makes me think the toolset will bring up patched scripts, but unpatched dialogues, just to make it all simpler *sigh*.


Anyway... so as far as I can tell, whichever patch fixed that bug also made it impossible to get Vartag to spawn and yell at you in the Proving if you betrayed him.


And yet, people seem to be aware that he *was* supposed to do so. Looking at the Champion's Shield, it is mentioned that one of the three times you can steal his shield is when he spawns in the Proving. I can only assume this was observed in pre-patch behavior, and no one noticed that he doesn't spawn anymore since then.


Anyway, it's simple enough for me to turn his betrayal speech back on - just check if you ever accepted his quest, rather than if it's still active. EDIT: Yup, tested it, and doing that is all it takes.

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GOD this first one was brutal to get working. But at least if a similar situation comes up again, I know how to deal with it. Protip: The event EVENT_TYPE_SET_OBJECT_ACTIVE does not work in creature scripts. EVENT_TYPE_OBJECT_ACTIVE does. This despite the fact that in the Toolset Wiki, the first one has some documentation and the second working one doesn't.


50. (v3.0) It was possible to steal Vartag's Champion's Shield 3 times (well, after one of the Bioware patches, twice - see next fix), once for each location he could appear in. No longer.


51. (v3.0) It appears that Bioware's official patch fix to prevent Orzammar's various main plots from getting broken by doing both quest lines simultaneously also prevented Vartag's "You betrayed me!" appearance and speech on your way out of the Proving after fighting it for Harrowmont (win or lose) if you had accepted Vartag's quest previously from ever taking place. Vartag's appearance after the Proving (if you accepted his quest and then failed it by doing Harrowmont's) has been restored.


52. (See next post)


53. (v3.0) Asking Nerav "Who has the authority to defend against a Blight?" will no longer make her confuse you with a dwarf noble. Also, a dwarf asking if Bhelen was King Endrin's son wouldn't remember the answer. Finally, she will no longer claim a dwarf noble has the face markings of a dwarf commoner.


54. (v3.0) "A Lost Nug": The Nug Wrangler will now have a Quest Available marker. He will also now recognize when you've collected all of the escaped nugs.




(In "A Lost Nug", comments on the "returned all nugs" dialogue line indicate a "special bonus item" was meant to be awarded, but there's no hint of what item that should be. If I find some minor unimplemented item before I'm done with this version, this might be a good place for me to restore it. If anyone knows of one they'd like to see in game, let me know.)

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