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Qwinn´s Ultimate DAO Fixpack v3 (no longer beta!)


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52. (v3.0) Same as the Vartag bug above. while Dulin doesn't leave Tapster's if you betray him, his dialogue where he accuses you of betraying him (rather than just upset you backed the other side) wasn't firing, for similar reasons.


55. (v3.0) "A Lord's Trust: The First Task": Failing this quest did not properly close the three subquests.


56. (v3.0) "A Prince's Favor: The First Task": If you completed one of the two subquests, then failed the overall quest, both subquests would be marked as failed, even the one you completed successfully.


57. (v3.0) If you never got the quest to find and talk to Vartag before talking to him, then failed Vartag's quest, you'd get a closed failed journal entry saying you never spoke to him.


58. (v3.0) "A Lord's Trust: The First Task": If you talked Gwiddon and/or Baizyl into fighting in the Proving for Harrowmont, but you fought the Proving as an independent, when you talked to them afterwards they'd respond as if you also fought for Harrowmont.

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59. (v3.0) Several fixes to Corra the Tapsters hostess's dialogue: 1) You couldn't say "I heard Lord Helmi was here" until you'd completed his quest and he was no longer there (at which point she'd direct you to where he used to be). 2) Restored a broken line where, once Oghren has left for the Deep Roads and before you've recruited him, she can tell you that he left. 3) The prices Corra lists for her drinks were completely inconsistent with what was checked for/deducted. 4) After buying a drink, Corra could say she heard you spoke to Lord Harrowmont even if you're publicly working for Bhelen.



(Trivia: Scripting indicates a PC could buy wine, and an elf PC could buy a Dalish wine glass and a bottle of Dalish Wine from her, but sadly there's no dialogue lines available to restore/implement them.)

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60. (v3.0) "A Lord's Trust: The First Task": After having declared for Harrowmont in the proving, and when speaking with Hanashan/Farinden before you actually fight Hanashan, a scripting error would cause her to fail to recognize that you were already destined to face her in the ring, possibly causing Farinden to challenge you to enter the Proving after you already did so. This partially restores a couple of lines that could only be seen if Vartag never offered you Bhelen's first task.


61. (v3.0) "A Lord's Trust: The First Task": After having declared for Harrowmont in the proving, and when speaking to Wojeck before you actually fight him, you could claim "You idiot! I'm working for Bhelen!" based solely on whether you ever accepted Vartag's first task, and declaring for Harrowmont caused that task to fail. You'll now only get this option if you're already a double agent for Bhelen at this point.

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Wow. Just ran into the Bhelen Fanatics after working for Harrowmont publicly and as a double agent for Bhelen. Prior to my fix listed earlier, I would've gotten BOTH Bhelen and Harrowmont fanatics. And the fight with just one set of fanatics, even on Easy difficulty, is pretty damn tough. Double the number of these guys? Ouch. And I do vaguely remember playing through that 6 years ago, and that it took me a few hours to beat the double group. I think that bug resulted in *the* hardest fights in the entire game (12 heavily armored fighters, multiple times!). It's tough but reasonable now.

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62. (v3.0) The Second Tasks (Jarvia): Fixed complete inconsistency between what the dialogue said you bribed Alimar for information about Jarvia, and what was actually checked for/deducted (copper instead of silver, wrong amounts, etc.) Also, if you kill him after bribing him, you can now recover your bribe from his corpse. Which it could be argued you should, since he's kind of an ass, his store is lousy, and his information is worthless.


(I do intend to see if maybe his information should actually have been useful - it does set some plot flags - but for the moment, yeah, it's worthless. EDIT: All it does is add a map note to the Suspicious Door on your Slums map. The Suspicious Door is interactive the first time you enter the Slums, and most players have probably found it before this point. There is actually a comment in Alimar's dialogue hinting that the intent was that the Suspicious Door shouldn't become interactive until you learn about it, but making that happen would require bunches of work for little gain (you still can't move forward with the quest until you talk to Rogek or Nazveda, so all Alimar would do is make the door interactive and still unusable), and I'd have to look further to make sure it wasn't intentionally changed to be the way it is, so meh. I'll think about it some more at some future point, but for now, VERY low priority if I do it at all. Moving on.)



63. (v3.0) "Betrayed from Within": If you had the quest from Vartag to find out what Harrowmont's second task is, and you found out but didn't accept Harrowmont's second task immediately, the journal should still have updated to tell Vartag about Harrowmont's plans, but due to a scripting error it failed to do so. Then if you told Vartag and got the journal entry to plant the papers, then accepted Harrowmont's quest, the "Go tell Vartag about Harrowmont's plans" journal entry would activate and overwrite the "Plant the papers for Vartag" journal entry.


64. (v3.0) When giving you their second tasks, both Bhelen and Harrowmont ask you if you'd ever heard of Jarvia and her carta. If you weren't a dwarf commoner, however, you could only answer no, even if you'd learned all about Jarvia and the carta from Figor.

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# 66 is freaking HUGE. As of now, it is definitely going to be the #1 headline for my advertising my fixpack. I can only hope I find something else this good.




65. (v3.0) There is an internal counter that tracks political support for both Bhelen and Harrowmont depending on your choices. If you crowned a king with very high support, you were supposed to get a better reward from them. There were supposed to be three additional ways to get Harrowmont a point of political support in the Proving, but they weren't actually implemented (recruiting Baizyl, recruiting Gwiddon, and winning the first round of the Proving). These and an additional bug listed below made the reward you were supposed to get for crowning Harrowmont as King with high support - Endrin's Mace - unobtainable in the unmodded game. These fixes restore Endrin's Mace to the game as a possible obtainable reward when publicly working for Harrowmont.


66. (v3.0) "Shifting Allegiances": MAJOR RESTORATION! The crowning of King Harrowmont was supposed to play out differently if you had the evidence that Bhelen killed Trian that you acquired from Jarvia's hideout, but due to a malformed plot file, this wasn't possible to see in game. Fixing this also makes it possible to do Shifting Allegiances and end with high support for Harrowmont, restoring Endrin's Mace as a possible reward for this path as well. (Note: This option will not be available for dwarf nobles who themselves killed Trian in the origin story).


67. (v3.0) Killing Jarvia *always* gave +3 support to Bhelen, regardless of whether you were working for Harrowmont when you did it. Based on the previous findings on how Shifting Allegiances ends up benefiting Harrowmont, I believe the intent was that only when planting the papers for Bhelen was it supposed to give Bhelen +3 support instead of Harrowmont, but it was only partially implemented resulting in Bhelen *always* getting the support for killing Jarvia. Now, killing Jarvia for Harrowmont will give Harrowmont +3 support, unless you planted the papers for Bhelen, in which case Bhelen gets the +3 support instead. This keeps it possible to receive Bhelen's high support reward by doing Betrayed From Within as well.


68. (v3.0) "Betrayed from Within": Scripting comments call for a fourth point of support to be awarded to Bhelen when telling Vartag you planted the papers, mirroring the 1 point you get immediately for acquiring the evidence for Harrowmont in Shifting Allegiances, but that point increase was not implemented.




I can't WAIT to get to the crowning to see the restoration for myself.

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So there may not be an update for a day or three. I've decided in the interest of compatibility with other mods to change my implementation methodology and move as many plot file and script changes as I reasonably can to a new qwinn.plo and qwinn.nss, consolidating them all there and allowing me a freer hand in making changes with less worry that I'll be undoing some official patch or creating likely conflicts with other mods. This won't work for dialogue files, of course, and I do have to make a million changes to ALL the follower dialogues, and frankly many of their scripts too, but at least if someone's mods overlay mine due to my fixpack's lower priority setting, there'll be a MUCH lower chance of a total failure due to inconsistent plot files (I think the only follower plot file I'll be changing when this is done is genpt_wynne_main.plo, and that only adds a clear plot assist flag entry, so if that gets overwritten, NO big deal whatsoever).


BTW, I *think* I heard mention somewhere along the way that there may be some method of making changes to dialogues via an exterior method that just overwrites individual lines, rather than the entire thing? Kind of like an M2DA overwriting specific lines in a 2DA? If so, and someone can point me to a link explaining how to do that, I'll see how horrible it would be for me to make my millions of changes with that method for maximum compatibility. As you can tell from the size of this fixpack already, though, if the method is overly cumbersome, I can't make any promises I'll be able to do it for this many million fixes, and I'd hope other modders making MANY fewer changes would be willing to undergo that burden if they want their mods to not eliminate my fixes. Shoot me a link on how to do that, though, please. If it's not much more cumbersome than the way I'm doing it now, sure, I'll do it that way.


This method would also have to allow for moving lines in dialogues around, or pasting new links to existing lines in additional places, by the way, because I do wind up having to do that a lot.

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Well, finished my cleanup. Also made a complete list of all files I've modified so far. If anyone wants me to post that for any reason, just ask.


I can add one fix to the list for today:


69. (v3.0) It was possible to steal Lord Dace's tier 3 Thorn of the Dead Gods twice, once for each location he could appear in. No longer.

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All of these are in the Proving Grounds:


70. (v3.0) Several fixes to Seweryn's dialogue: 1) You can no longer tell Seweryn you're fighting for Harrowmont if the opportunity to do so has passed. 2) Seweryn would wind up "recruited" even if you told him you work for Harrowmont and he no longer wishes to speak to you. 3) The flag for "recruiting" Seweryn wasn't set on every dialogue path where you do so.


71. (v3.0) Proving fan (and one Darvianak) fixes: 1) All of the female and half of the male Proving fans, and Darvianak, would congratulate you for winning the Proving before you actually did so (after the 4th round but before the 5th). For Darvianak, if you're not fighting for Harrowmont, this restores a previously inaccessible line if you talk to him between the 4th and 5th rounds. 2) Restored a one-time line that a male fan was supposed to say when he first became aware you had joined in the Provings. 3) A proving fan will no longer excitedly say "My money's on the twins in round 2" if they already lost.


73. (v3.0) In the Proving Grounds, asking Varick if Piotin and Bhelen are related was supposed to only be available to non-Dwarf Nobles (since a Dwarf Noble would know the answer) but it was instead restricted to only Dwarf Nobles.


74. (v3.0) After Harrowmont is crowned king, the proving master will no longer say you fought as his champion if you didn't.

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I can't duplicate either of the PC bugs on this page, or see in the code how they could happen. If anyone has any clue about them, please let me know:





The last bug, the one listed for Xbox, isn't a bug, that's how the quest is designed. You get a different journal entry at the end if you take the wrong items, is all.

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