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Qwinn´s Ultimate DAO Fixpack v3 (no longer beta!)


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If staves aren't scaling as part of rewards_h, wouldn't that imply that all staves in the game aren't scaling? Would you have to individually attach your new script to each such staff?


How about this. I use a camp chest mod to hold extra items. I THINK it said it uses an auto-scaling feature, so if I dump stuff in now and get it later, it will have scaled. Maybe make a script that people could DL as a side option that could do something similar? An item or area or NPC or dialog option or whatever to let gamers auto-scale things they have? Gamers then trigger this thing at will and all their scalable items will improve.

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LadyHonor: Yep, that's the option of autoscaling it myself that I was talking about - the actual item scaling function appears to have a random component, and I'd probably just cut and paste that code into my function, just allowing it to work on staves - but as I said, I'd have to actually make a new item "isoldes_staff" in order to do this, since I don't want to scale every Enchanter's Staff in the game (and there's a bunch of them). And if I have to do that, I can just set it to be tier 5 or tier 6 or whatever. I think those tiers would be reasonable for this staff regardless of what level you finished the Arl Eamon plot at. I'll also have to modify the plot to take the old reward away and add my new reward via scripting. I could also just replace the reward in my custom rewards.2da, but then I'd have to add script somewhere anyway if I ever changed my mind and decided to scale it. Might as well just implement via scripting now and keep that option open.


I think I'll deal with this near the end of my project, after I've gone through everything, and see if there's any *other* item that needs this kind of autoscaling work. If not, I'll probably just make it tier 5 or 6 and be done with it.


BTW, are you satisfied with the changes to the post-Connor Alistair conversation I listed? At least he won't yell at you about the Circle anymore.


Aeroldolth: If I were going to implement something like that, it would be in the same way that the mod you already have does it, by putting it in a special chest and taking it out. The party chest from Warden's Keep serves that function for Xbox and PS3 users. For whatever reason, it doesn't work on the PC version. I don't see what I could really add to the mod you've already described.

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31. (v3.0) "Lost in the Castle": Fix to infinite xp exploit: If you rescue Valena and Owen is dead, and you talk to Valena in the smithy, she says she's leaving to live with her aunt, but she doesn't actually leave - and you can talk to her an infinite amount of times for infinite xp. She will actually leave now.

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Lol yes, I'm satisfied. I don't expect to earn brownie points with him for killing the woman, especially if I have other options available at the time, but when the only option is her or connor, i at least expect him to be understanding of saving the child. so thank you!

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Ok cool. (Note, he will still yell at you at first, he just won't blame you for not going to the Circle, it'll be more of a "I don't know what we coulda done, but there had to be something!" instead. But he'll still apologize if you can pass an easy persuade check or cunning check.)


32. (v3.0) If you promise Bella you'll help her leave after the battle, then wait until the Connor situation is resolved, you can suggest to her that she become Bann Teagan's maid. She agrees, and is *supposed* to leave permanently, but in fact absolutely nothing happens and she remains running the tavern. She will now leave permanently as she was meant to, and if Lloyd is still around he'll be put back in charge of the Tavern and the store if necessary. Note that this ending for Bella does not have an epilogue as most of the others do.


33. (v3.0) If you became owner of the tavern, after the siege one of the drunks says "It's going to be odd not having Lloyd behind the bar, yelling at us" even though there are many ways in which Lloyd could still remain behind the bar and even in charge of it. The drunk will now only say this line if Lloyd was killed (either by you or during the siege).

Edited by Qwinn
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In Zevran's ambush there are several traps you can disarm for xp. However, those traps magically disappear after you defeat everybody and talk to zev, meaning the only way to get xp from them is to disarm them during combat, which is silly. If you want that xp, you have to leave one or two guys alive while you send your thief around, which imo goes against the tone of the fight, or any fight really. It's metagamey.


I suppose it's not a bug that the traps disappear, but neither does it make sense either. If someone (zev?) is disarming them for us, then shouldn't we get xp for them? Wouldn't it be more realistic for the traps to remain? We aren't autolooting the chest and bodies, nothing else is done automatically for us, so I see no reason for the traps to poof.

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"I suppose it's not a bug that the traps disappear, but neither does it make sense either. If someone (zev?) is disarming them for us, then shouldn't we get xp for them? Wouldn't it be more realistic for the traps to remain? We aren't autolooting the chest and bodies, nothing else is done automatically for us, so I see no reason for the traps to poof."


Mmm. I found the script where this is done, and it's clearly intentional. Still, beyond that, I'm trying to think of any other reason to disagree with your assessment, and I can't really. And I do consider "doesn't make sense" under my purview. Let me think about it and see if I can find why they did it, maybe there's a possibility of those traps interfering with the cutscene or something, but if I can't find a reason like that, I'm inclined to agree and stop the traps from vanishing.


One reason I'm going to look for is: CAN Zevran disarm them, or are they too hard for him when you first pick him up? If that's the case, then I will probably just let them vanish, because him being unable to disarm traps that he presumably installed is even worse "doesn't make sense" than vanishing traps.


Either way, though, thanks for the report!

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34. (v3.0) If you own the tavern and ask "How's the tavern running", Bella will offer you Lloyd's stash (3 gold). You can say "How about I take it as your purchase of the tavern?", and scripting comments indicate that the flag that makes you the tavern owner was supposed to be unset, but it wasn't, and thus she would continue to call you her boss, other people would treat you as the owner, etc. If you sell it to her, it's really hers now.


35. (v3.0) You can no longer get Bella to give you Lloyd's stash twice.


36. (v3.0) If you offer to Bella to keep your promise, she only recognizes that Lloyd is dead and she's running the tavern if you killed Lloyd, but not if Lloyd died in the siege. Fixed.


37. (v3.0) Lloyd will no longer appear in the background when kissing Bella if Lloyd is dead.

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For zev's ambush, I would guess the devs' thinking was "well the fight is over, zev can point out any remaining traps, and no need to piss off players who may have to reload the whole fight if they run into an existant trap before the out of combat healing fully heals them, rare as that might be". I assume they didn't think about the xp at all, not considering it important. Perhaps you couldn't even get xp for disarming traps in earlier versions?


As to whether zev has the skills to disarm the traps, I don't think that's necessarily applicable. It could be he set them and thus can disarm them automatically, or it could be he can't disarm them because one of the other rogues set them.


As a final thought, if the party isn't getting xp because zev is disarming them out of party or disarming traps he set himself, then at the very least the party should be getting new traps added to inventory, just like when you recover traps you yourself set. IMNSHO, you should be able to get xp if the traps remain, or traps added if they poof.


EDIT @LadyHonor - while Alistair's outburst isn't the worst thing in the game for me, it DOES irritate me also. His reaction is completely illogical to me, and annoying. It's like he thinks you can just wave a wand and everyone will be saved, and he's outraged that someone actually had to die to a demon.


And this is on top of how he describes how horribly Isolde treated him as a kid, as well as how MONSTROUS her behavior is that led to the death of almost all of redcliffe, sending it's defenders away, and torturing someone, which I consider the greatest evil a person can do. I'm one of those who considers Isolde one of the most evil people in the game, so Alistair complaining about me killing sacrificing her really makes me want to beat him down.


Plus, I can now only think of Bann Teagan's name in her voice.... "T-gannn!"

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38. (v3.0) If the conditions for seeing one of Bella's epilogues is true, it will now be seen regardless of the outcome of the unrelated quest "A Missing Child".


Update to a v1.0 fix:


3. (v1.0) "Arl of Redcliffe": Infinite XP exploit, where after resolving the Connor situation, the vault door in Redcliffe Castle would be locked every time the area loaded and could be picked again and again for 50xp, fixed. (v3.0) This fix wasn't implemented correctly. My apologies. The vault will now be re-locked once upon resolving the Connor situation, but it won't be locked again after that.


And I decided I have enough "finish it at the end of the project" stuff going on, so I'm taking the easy route with the staves (and yes, there's a second staff I'm upgrading). This should be the final state for the item material upgrade fix:


20. (v3.0) Several quest rewards and one item in Owen's upgraded store inventory in this area are of unreasonably poor material rendering them effectively useless even if acquired in the early game. The Helm of the Red, Bann Teagan's reward for saving everyone in the village (one of the hardest challenges in the game), was always Tier 3 Steel. Owen (a master blacksmith) would reward you with either Shielded Dwarven Armor made of tier 3 steel or Owen's Remasterwork helm made of tier 2 gray iron, despite the fact that Owen's store makes available some of the highest tier material armors and weapons available. The material of these 3 quest rewards will now scale to the player's level. Isolde's reward, an Enchanter's Staff, was tier 1 Iron. It will now be tier 6 Silverite (due to a bug staves can unfortunately not be scaled to the player's level under normal conditions, and a global fix to THAT bug would be - let's just say, problematic, in that doing so could recompile every script in the game). The Pyromancer's Brand, a mage staff in Owen's upgraded store, was tier 2 Gray Iron, it will now be Tier 5 Red Steel.


39. (v3.0) "Lost In The Castle": You will no longer be penalized in xp for telling Owen that no material reward is necessary.

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