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Qwinn´s Ultimate DAO Fixpack v3 (no longer beta!)


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Well, bad news, I don't think I'm going to be able to do anything for Awakenings. I just realized that when you install the toolset, you only get "Single Player Module", and that doesn't include any of the conversations/scripts/etc. for Awakenings, or any of the other DLC's for that matter. As far as I know, the toolset works with vanilla Origins only. Anyone know different? If not... Bleah.


Which means the only thing I can accomplish by recreating my mods is to fix the Leiliana romance incompatibility with patch 1.04, and any other old Origins bugs I missed on my first play through. But dangit, I did want to romance Leiliana this time through. Oh well.


Having major issues trying to recreate my previous work with sound files (see other thread). I know the solution was out there, on a thread where I sought and got help doing exactly what I'm trying to do now... on the old Bioware forums. Which are gone. Sigh again.


EDIT: Thandal, I'm probably not going to overlap at all with that guy's fixpack. He's focusing on spell/combat/gameplay bugs, which I'm not really dealing with. My fixpack is for quest/dialogue/scripting bugs. I think the more I focus on that specific aspect, the less compatibility issues I'll have with all the other modders out there who like to tweak the crap out of the gameplay. The only combat thing I ever fixed was the chain lightning not taking spellpower into account, because it was just too bloody obvious a bug not to. I might even deprecate that for any new version, specifically just for compatibility reasons, and let other modders take care of it. Oh, and yeah, I have the compiled version of my old fix pack, but installing it on my system doesn't give me any files I can actually view to see what I did before.

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  On 1/6/2017 at 8:10 PM, Qwinn said:

EDIT: Thandal, I'm probably not going to overlap at all with that guy's fixpack. He's focusing on spell/combat/gameplay bugs, which I'm not really dealing with. My fixpack is for quest/dialogue/scripting bugs. I think the more I focus on that specific aspect, the less compatibility issues I'll have with all the other modders out there who like to tweak the crap out of the gameplay. The only combat thing I ever fixed was the chain lightning not taking spellpower into account, because it was just too bloody obvious a bug not to. I might even deprecate that for any new version, specifically just for compatibility reasons, and let other modders take care of it.


@Qwinn; That makes total sense. I'd rather have two mods that each deal with certain aspects of the game than two that try to deal with all of them and conflict with each other!


Question: Have you looked at TerraEx's Morrigan Restoration Patch (MRP)? The whole discussion about "inaccessible convos" with Alistair reminded me that he created that mod to address the same sort of problem with Morri.

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The Prelude conversations with Alistair are definitely restored in IRS-Alistair (and probably in the more recent ARR as well); I don't believe that any of the other major dialogue fixin' mods (MRP, ZDF, DT) address that particular thing. (One reason the non-modular nature and incompatibility of Qwinn's fixpack with anything that edits alistair_main makes it a non-starter for us serious Alimancers. :-()

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Thandal - I learned 6 years ago to try to look at other people's mods as little as possible, unless the modder themselves asked me to. There was a ten page thread on the Bioware forums back then of me saying "of course even if I look at your bug list for 10 seconds I'll give you credit" and "but you wouldn't give us credit for that, WOULD YOU?", back and forth, forever. Even though in all my mods I've freely given credit to people for the most trivial of reasons. It ended peacefully enough, but still, bleah. I now try to limit my means of discovering new bugs to looking through files myself, the Dragon Age wiki, or people in the forums bringing specific bugs to my attention. Honestly, crap like that (where I was repeatedly accused of things I *never did* as thanks for my efforts) was the primary reason for my 6 year hiatus, so best to avoid it. (I actually just reread that thread yesterday at waybackmachine, heh - you CAN read the old bioware forums there if you're willing to put up with very slow load times, don't expect many of the links to work though).


theskymoves - non modular nature and incompatibility?! *gasp* Actually, you'd be surprised - for version 2.0 of my fixpack, what I did to resolve that was to set the priority of the Fixpack lower (well, higher, actually, long story) so that if my mod and another mod has a conflict, everyone else's files will overwrite mine. It worked pretty well, last I heard. The worst result *SHOULD* be, in most cases, that someone using a mod affecting that file won't get all of my fixes, but that's not that big a deal. The best (and only, really) way to deal with that would be for people who affect those files to fix the same bugs in their mods, and I can't really think of a reason why they shouldn't or wouldn't want to. I'm happy to help anyone who asks if they want to do that, at least now while I'm actively working the fixpack :smile:


BTW, of all the modders I worked with 6 years ago, Lady Olivia (who wrote one of the bigger Alistair mods back then, if I recall correctly) was definitely one of the biggest supporters and cheerleaders of the Fixpack :smile: Pretty sure her and my mods should be totally compatible, at least after the Priority fix mentioned above.

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So if anyone's up for a challenge... one of the only bugs I've never been able to fix (worked on it a lot 6 years ago, and a few hours more now) is in the Mage Origin. In the final cutscene, even though Lily has been led away by the guards, a bit further into the conversation you can still see her in the background. I've tried EVERYTHING to get rid of her, and it's impossible. She's a frikkin' rock. If it helps, the dialogue where she's supposed to disappear is bhm400_irving.dlg. There, in Gregoire's line "Get her out of my sight", it sets the variable "LILY_LEAVES", and the script for that variable is in bhm000pt_trainquility.nss. The code there is very weird, but even adding code to mover her, SetObjectActive(oTarg, FALSE), etc., nothing budges her.


One thing, though, is that at that point in the dialogue, a couple of guards grab her and walk her away. I haven't the foggiest where the code is that actually makes that happen, not even what *kind* of file does that. Haven't found a script yet that does it. I'd love to look at that code to see what it actually does with her. Anyone have any notion? Or want to take a crack at it? Cause I'm pretty much out of ideas. Massive credit would be given in the readme, obviously, if anyone can figure out how to do it.


EDIT: PS, I was able to reproduce the bug whether confessing to Jowan that you betrayed him or not (which removes both him and Lily from the party), so I don't think it has anything to do with her being in the party, and the LILY_LEAVES script removes her anyway.

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Huh, just discovered that while Internet Explorer doesn't let me cut and paste on this forum, Pale Moon does. That'll make posting here much easier.


Anyways, happy to announce the first new fix in version 3.0, dealing with the bandits you meet when first entering Lothering:


E5. (v3.0) "Bandits on the Road": If you intimidated the bandits into letting you go, then talked to them again and intimidated them into leaving town, the quest closed with an erroneous entry indicating you fought them and they surrendered before they left. If you bribed them into letting you go, then talked to them again and intimidated them into leaving town, you received no experience reward, journal entry or quest closure at all. All fixed.

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E6 (v3.0) The Robbed Elves: The option to give the robbed elven family in Lothering 50 silvers was badly bugged. You wouldn't even see the option unless you had 10 gold (unlikely this early in the game), and even if you had it, no money would actually be deducted from you.

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E7 (v3.0) Ever notice that if you repeatedly click on the refugees in Lothering, the female refugees have like 10-12 different things to say, while the male refugees only have 3 or 4? This was due to a bug. This fix restores around 6-8 previously inaccessible comments made by the male refugees in Lothering.

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E8 (v3.0) Lothering: Robbed Family: A bug caused you to be able to tell the robbed family you killed the bandits when you just ran them out of town.


D6 (v3.0) Ostegar: You can no longer steal the Hungry Deserter's guard's food and water after buying them from him (which would then become unremovable from your inventory for the rest of the game).

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