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Qwinn´s Ultimate DAO Fixpack v3 (no longer beta!)


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Lothering Section:


18. (v3.0) "A Fallen Templar": This quest's name has been changed to "A Fallen Knight", and all other pointers to Ser Henric being a Templar changed to Knight, in order to be consistent with Ser Donall's dialogue and the "Knight's Note" that clearly identify him as a Knight serving the Arl of Redcliffe, not a Templar.


The other mod, Dead Templar and Fade Qunari fix, I'm not going to bother with. First, most of the bodies I found wearing Templar armor are just labeled "Corpse", not "Soldier Corpse", and even if they were labeled "Soldier Corpse", I think most Templars would agree that they are also, in fact, soldiers and would not take offense at the term. Also, just because someone's wearing Templar-looking armor doesn't definitively mean they are a Templar - the quest calling you a Templar is something else, and that needed fixing, but here the armor is the *only* indication they might be a Templar, not a big deal. And what the heck are Templars doing alongside Knights in the Ruins anyway? If I were going to "fix" this, I'd change the armor, not the name of the corpse). I also don't like the Qunari Fade change, in that the only time you'd see those Qunari terms is *before* you heard the dialogue to learn those terms. "Qunari Soldier" is just fine for what you know when you can see their names as you approach them. Lastly, this mod shouldn't have any compatibility problems, so if you really want it anyway, go for it.

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@Qwinn; Late responding, but I agree with you that, at the end-game, once the player has entered the Market District, leaving it without defeating the General should result in: (a) the district being destroyed, and (b) being unable to return.


Same for the Alienage but, if I understand your explanation, the situation there is more straightforward.

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Hiya Thandal - ok cool, I will leave it as I have coded it then (which does add the option to escape the Alienage without killing the general, to make it consistent with the Market) and is thus otherwise as you have stated it.


Alright guys, now's the time. If you know of some other mod that fixes something that I don't appear to have addressed yet, NOW is the time to speak up and get it in before release. My goal right now is to finalize the buglist so that my organizing and sorting the readme isn't a moving target. Telling me about bugs in a few days, well, I might make an exception if it's a particularly egregious one, but if it's not, I'm probably going t o respond "It'll have to go in v3.1". So - now's the time. Go through your mod list. Anything that you think is a fix, and you don't think I addressed it - this is your last chance to get 'em in for a while.


And don't worry about "I think this mod is a fix and I haven't heard him mention it but I don't want to review 55 pages to make sure so I won't bug him about it" - I have a good memory for what I've done and I can quickly and easily tell if a given issue has been deal with or not.

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Well, I just found one under dialogue. Oghren restoration patch:



Not sure if you saw it yet. Also, the mod author mentions that a lot of Shale dialogue is broken in the vanilla game, but it's outside of the scope of that mod to fix it on the discussion page.


I should add, one of the most "attractive" things about this dialogue mod is that it allows you to import Oghren's approval rating to awakening if you use all the modules. I consider that a bugfix, personally.



Oh, this one is no mod, it's just one I remember from way back when. I was playing the DLC "Return to Ostagar" module with Sten in my party, and when we approached the ruins of the King's Camp and looked in the chest, Sten fired off some dialogue about a sword or something that was clearly in the wrong place. It was a point in the quest where your companions (Alistair, Wynne, Loghain) would say something pithy about the documents to Empress Celine / Orlais over what you found in the chest, but with Sten in the party, he was talking about a sword. This was not in the dialogue window, it was "banter" style dialogue interjection in the game. I don't know if anyone else has ever run into that bug as I don't think I've ever seen it mentioned anywhere else, but you might want to have a double look at that.

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I did already restore a whole bunch of Oghren dialogue in the Deep Roads, so that's taken care of. I also fixed invisible Oghren in the Assembly. And the amount of approval you can get from Oghren is now reasonably on par with the rest of the followers (in Origin - not in Awakenings). Everything I see listed there that's actually a bug is taken care of already. I appreciate your looking! Keep 'em coming.


I can't do anything about DLC at this point, unfortunately. They don't show up in the toolset. I *suspect* that the tool people have used to mod the DLC is the same tool I used to be able to fix the Post Coronation dialogue file, but I'm not sure. If I'm correct, it's a really clunky tool (not that I'm complaining, it was a godsend in that it *permits* fixing some of this stuff, but it's just a fact that it's nowhere near as easy to use as the toolset) . I have spent some time looking for any online guide or even hint as to how you get around the fact that the Toolset will not bring up DLC content, but have found none. Whatever magic people who have modded Awakening and so forth are using, they are apparently holding it very close to the vest, or my Google Fu on this subject is unusually weak.


Again, because it's DLC, I have not (and cannot yet) actually fix most issues with Oghren's approval in Awakening directly, BUT, one thing I can (probably, still untested) do is remove the diminishing returns incurred by giving Oghren gifts in Origins from affecting the gifts in Awakening. In case that wasn't clear: You know how every time you give a follower a gift, the next gift loses a point? Well, Oghren's approval didn't transfer to Awakenings, but annoyingly, the number of gifts already given to him in Origins *did* transfer, and would lower the amount of approval you'd get from Awakening gifts. THAT, I'm pretty sure I can fix, so the first gift given to Oghren in Awakenings should give the full 10 points. That will get you 10 more points approval in Awakenings if you gave him 4 or more gifts in Origins, I believe (since I think preferred gifts never give less than 6).. Best I can do for the time being.

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Thanks for looking into these! One other thing I'm not sure you consider bugfixing (but I do) touched in the Oghren mod is changing dialogue of Dalish elves to say "by the Creators!" instead of "By the Maker!" and for dwarves to say "By the stone!" instead of "by the Maker!". Clear logic dialogue fix IMO, but some might call that a tweak I guess? Not sure if you caught those already so sorry if it's a double ;)
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Mmmmmm... I can see that, yes. Sorta. But in the real world I hear atheists and jews say "Jesus Christ!" all the time, heh. I'll have to think about it, and I will... but for the time being, I don't think it's crucial, in that it's plausible that it's just being used as the same sort of exclamation-only that's used in the real world by people of different religions, but not actually trying to invoke the deity. It's also not a terribly easy fix as it would certainly require a fair amount of sound work. I actually didn't notice that many instances of that anyway - are there a lot?


Still, glad you mentioned it, I'll keep an eye out and think about it. Keep 'em coming!


EDIT: Oh wait, it's a PC line, not a voiced line. That means no sound work. Ok, I'll keep an eye out for it.


Also, I did just notice something in Bye Oghren that I had missed - his asking to become a permanent member of the party after Paragon is done. I did find it in his dialogue file. Interesting, and yeah, seems like a worthwhile restoration. Let me see how long it takes to finish everything else I'm doing atm, but good chance I'll make the time to get that in. (It'll be a touch tricky, because it's possible to *not* recruit him in that conversation... i'll likely have to move him to Tapsters in that case and a bunch of other stuff... but still, seems worth the doing.) Thankfully, it won't be as hard as it *could* be because you can't *not* have Oghren in your party at the coronation with my fixpack, since I disable world map travel in the Deep Roads.

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Hey Qwinn, I recently saw that you've decided to continue on with your fix pack and want to say thanks for doing this! I completed this game for the first time last year. I've recently I've been looking at mods for my next playthrough, and thought maybe I could point out some of the mods I've noticed that have fixes to help out. I've tried to look through the past few pages of posts to see if any were missed, and I didn't notice these ones:


Dialogue Tweaks

Tiny Fixes

Magenta Emerald - I looked at the comments on this mod, and the author mentions he has done many more fixes than what he has written on the main page but hasn't documented them, but some are discussed.


There are also a couple Alistair romance mods, Improved Romance Scenes and Fixes - Alistair and Alistair's Revised Romance, which have some fixes incorporated, but I suspect they are probably the same kind of fixes found in ADP. There was also mods for Leliana and Zevran romances but they didn't mention any fixes.


Improved Atmosphere - Has fixes and some restorations. There is a pdf readme in the download that mentions everything it does and some bugs it has fixed.


I was going to mention Bye Oghren too, but Enkida just beat me to that.


There is also the Human Female Cocky Voice mod, which restores said voice that was apparently already included in the game files but not selectable, and the campfire texture fix on the MRP download page, which fixes the missing textures on the campfires (easy to spot in camp). I think these are outside the scope of your fix pack, but I thought I would mention these just in case.


Since others have posted a bunch of fixes for Awakening, I'll mention this one too: Anders Dialogue Tweaks


I also have no clue about the actual making or editing of mods. All I can do is install them, so I can't really help you with the DLC and Awakening issue. But I did do a quick google search and found this page from someone's tumblr account, which does mention encrypted DLC. Not sure if that is the kind of thing you are looking for?


Hope this helps!

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Hiya Maeassal, thanks for the links!


Dialog Tweaks: Most of that is not bugs. The few I saw, I've already taken care of. Incidentally, I would never recommend installing the Wynne-Confronts-Blood-Mage part of that mod. If that happens, unless the player persuades their way out of it (in which case, not much point to it), they are forced to kill the mages AND the Templars. Most of the rest of the game assumes that you have one or the other on your side, and if neither flag is set, things will go very badly.


Tiny Fixes: Sure, I can fix Vollney's name, easy enough to do. And sure, I can change the face of the refugee in Jowan's intentions, though honestly I didn't even notice that issue when I played through it.


Magenta Emerald: AHA! That's the mod that was originally called Comprehensive Fixpack 42! I always wondered why I couldn't find the actual mod, because he changed the name! At any rate, if you actually go through that list, and compare it to my Fixpack v2.0, you'll notice he pretty much reproduced every bug from my mod and added a handful. I looked through the few that weren't already in my mod, and yeah, I already got 'em all.


I've already fixed the stuff the Alistair mods fix, and a whole lot more.


Cocky voice is a restoration I might be interested in, I'll check it out (no promises tho). Campfire texture, not in the scope of this mod.


And yes, that last link is the sort of thing I was looking for. It does indeed confirm that they used the same tool for DLC dialogues that I used for the post coronation dialogue. Good, and I don't really need the tutorial as I already worked out how to use it for that dialogue (and yeah, it's a pain in the ass, but at least it makes it doable). I would HATE to try to use it in a huge dialogue like Shale's. Anyone know if there's a way to get at the DLC scripts?

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Looking through the IA mod readme now. I didn't know there was a retired Ash Warrior in the Frost Mountain pass. I'll definitely take a look at that. And there's a couple of minor dialogue fixes I might have missed, I'll take a look at those too. He did do a whole bunch of stuff that I found independently myself while working this, almost bums me out, I thought I'd discovered more new things than I had! Ah well, heh.

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