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Qwinn´s Ultimate DAO Fixpack v3 (no longer beta!)


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"The chevalier armor set causes a drop in willpower, the opposite of the items’ descriptions (the wiki suggest it’s intentional, but I really don’t think that’s true)."


Based on the description of the chest piece, I utterly and completely agree with you. This will require a .GDA file to fix, and I think I know how to do it. Thanks for the great tip! Credit will be extended if I can solve the problem.


"At Ostagar there are a bunch of approval changes with Alistair and Morrigan that don’t actually work, as they appear in conversations when they are not in your party yet."


So glad you reminded me of this! Last time I looked at it I couldn't work out a way to make them work, but I just now did in fact solve the problem for Alistair's first conversation (woohoo!), and I *think* I might be able to solve it for Morrigan too - definitely for the last conversation where Flemeth sends her to go with you - the conversation where she's actually recruited - and potentially even prior to that (I have an idea, just haven't been able to test it yet... I suspect there will be a drawback in that when the approval change appears on screen, her name might not appear with it, so you'll just get the little heart or broken heart with a number beside it. Will have to see how it works).




And now, heading out to hang with friends. Should be able to work on this most of tomorrow, so expect updates then.

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Dalish Elf Origin:


8. (v3.0) "Dalish Elf": In the opening cutscene, Tamlen refers to female elves as "Lethallin" and male elves as "Lethallan". This is the reverse of every other elvish dialogue in Dragon Age Origins, including a different section of Tamlen's own dialogue. Corrected. Credit to TotalBalance on the Nexus forums for making me aware of this one.




1. (v3.0) Restored all scripted approval changes (about a dozen of them, potentially) that were not functional in your first conversation with Alistair in Ostagar.




11. (v3.0) The item set bonus for the Chevalier Armor Set gave a -3 penalty to willpower instead of a +3 bonus as intended. Fixed. Credit to TotalBalance on the Nexus forums for making me aware of this one.



Those are all tested and working fine.


I think I've got the early approval changes working for Morrigan too - at least, after she brought me back from the Wilds, I got "Morrigan Approval: +11". I'm doing it in a bit of a kludgy way though - basically, I'm partially pre-recruiting her at the point you meet her in the Wilds. Since the party picker is never available until she really is recruited, it shouldn't pose any issues, but I want to run a character all the way through the Tower of Ishal to where she's really recruited and see if it all works okay and doesn't change anything when she's recruited for real.


Oh, and I forgot to address one thing you brought up, TotalBalance. I noticed the scripting comment on Cullen's "Now begone!" thing too, but decided not to change it because his next line is "Still here! But that's always worked before. I close my eyes, but you are still here when I open them!". If just closing and opening his eyes worked for him before, don't see why he'd waste a Cleanse on it. They probably did intend to do what you're suggesting at some point, but tweaked the dialogue so it wouldn't be necessary to do a cutscene for it. There's a LOT of obsolete scripting comments out there (which is why I won't be bothering to add kisses everywhere the comments call for it, as some other mods did... that's really the only thing I won't be dealing with from most of them, actually).


I *am* glad you made me take another look at the dialogue though.


18. (v3.0) You could only ask Cullen "I've heard talk of others. Of survivors." if you chose to help Wynne. Changed that to if you heard her story, which is where you find out there were survivors.

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1. (v3.0) Restored a great number of non-functional scripted approval boosts and penalties in Morrigan's dialogues in the Korkari Wilds and inside and outside of Flemeth's Hut both before and after the Battle of Ostagar. Note that if you click on the approval change notification, you will be able to see Morrigan's character sheet - this is unavoidable, but harmless as you can't switch to her inventory page or change anything. After seven years, I don't think anyone will be spoiled or surprised that Morrigan will eventually become a party member.



For the curious, I managed to get Morrigan up to 27 approval by the point she was genuinely recruited.


Also a good thing I spent so much time testing it. There were a *bunch* of issues I had to deal with - including winding up with TWO Morrigans at the end of the conversation with Flemeth after the battle, lol. But it's working quite solidly now, tried like hell to break it and couldn't once I was done.

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All right, gonna ask for opinions again. I think I *can* turn off approval change notifications prior to actually recruiting Morrigan, such that you wouldn't see the changes after talking to her in the Wilds or inside Flemeth's hut, but the approval would actually be accumulated and when she was in the party, the approval you gained would be there. The reason to do it this way would be to prevent being able to see Morrigan's character sheet by clicking on the approval change notice.


Which would you guys prefer? See the notifications, but you can also see the character sheet (where she shows as level 3, but she'll be level 7 when you actually pick her up)? Or turn the notifications off, making those approval changes effectively invisible?


The no-notification method would be kinda invasive - I'd have to make changes to approval_h which is an include used in a fair number of scripts. Would rather not do it, but if being able to see the level 3 character sheet would be perceived as worse than the problem I'm fixing, then I'll do it.


I guess what I'm asking is - is being able to see that character sheet a bigger deal than I think it is, and would it turn anyone off to using the fixpack?

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Anyway, moving on:




43. (v3.0) The plot item "Letter" (from Berwick in the tavern) will now be removed after the Attack at Nightfall, as it serves no further purpose at that point.


The Final Battle:


115. (v3.0) A number of plot items with no better earlier point at which to remove them will now be removed upon going upstairs in Redcliffe castle post-Landsmeet: Slaver Documents, Paedan's Orders, Silversmith's Key, Vial of Dragon's Blood, and any remaining Corpse Gall not used in the sidequest Skin Deep.


116. (v3.0) The plot item Corpse Gall once again drops in large numbers in Fort Drakon during the Final Battle. They will be removed at the Coronation.



With these last few plot item fixes, if you completed every quest you started, the only non-DLC Origins plot item you should have left at the end of the game is the Grey Warden Treaties.




117. (v3.0) "The Final Battle": If the player died killing the archdemon, and Alistair was delivering the funeral speech for a female warden, any active romance at all with any follower was treated as if the player and that interest were in love. It will now be consistent with all the other gender/ruler combinations, which require actual love for the romance to be acknowledged.


118. (v3.0) "The Final Battle": If the player died killing the archdemon, and Alistair was delivering the funeral speech for a female warden, he would say "There was a time when I thought... we would be together forever." even if he never romanced the player at all and was only at Warm approval. That line will now only play if Alistair was in love with the player when they broke up, as scripting comments indicate was the intent.





39. (v3.0) Leliana will no longer discuss the player's elven heritage if the player is a mage, as the only available dialogue is for Dalish or City elves, and elven mages would always get the City Elf dialogue.

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Re Char Sheet: From a player perspective I would prefer to not see a notification and definitely don't want access to the character sheet. She isn't a companion at that point in time, so she should not react differently from any other NPC.
Please also consider the effect this has on new players. All of us have played the game, but there are still people playing it for the first time. For them it is a spoiler and it is also inconsistent with how the game works otherwise.

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I agree with what MartenX123 wrote, I'd prefer it to be invisible too, but I guess it depends if it would conflict with a lot of other mods. No clue what those mods would be however.


Also, wouldn't it look like a bug if you saw approval gains and a character sheet for someone who isn't in your party?

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Yeah, it bugged me too. The good news is, it's sorted now - you will not get notifications until she is properly recruited outside of Flemeth's hut after the battle. The reason I went this way (aside from the couple of objections above) is because changing approval_h allows me to fix another annoying bug, where the approval status displayed on the character sheet would not update correctly the first time an approval change moved you into a new approval category - for example, for any follower, when you went from 23 to 27 approval, although this makes you "Warm", hovering the mouse over the approval bar would still show "Neutral" until the next time the follower's approval changed. I can fix that too now. Between those two bugs, yeah, I think it's worth doing.


Now, right at this very moment, the notification you get when you first recruit her for real only shows the approval gained for the conversation where she is recruited for real - for example, if you gained 15 points with her prior to exiting Flemeth's hut after the battle of Ostagar, and 12 in the conversation outside the hut, the notification says +12, though she will actually be at 27. I'm considering ways I might be able ot have that notice show all the approval gained, so that that notification would say +27 instead. This is trickier than it sounds, I might not be able to pull it off. Will let you all know how that works out.


And no, I can't really think of what kind of mod this change alone would make incompatible - at least, if a mod makes changes to what I'm doing here, it very likely also made changes to something else that would have already rendered my mod incompatible anyway.

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