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Qwinn´s Ultimate DAO Fixpack v3 (no longer beta!)


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Oh, while waiting on opinions on that proposal (and I get some sleep), here's a cool restoration: There's a number of party member interjections if Anora betrays you during the Landsmeet, by Leliana, Morrigan and Sten, that could never be seen because Alistair's line would preempt them all. (Alistair's line is conditional on his being in the party, and if he wasn't the others would play - but they eventually made it that he HAS to be in the party.) I'm going to put my restoration hat on for that and have all of them play in that circumstance.


EDIT: Sorry about the spoilers, Enkida. Don't worry, though, I've only spoiled about 4 lines out of 400 in the Landsmeet, heh. But at any rate, be aware that those romance extension mods aren't going to be compatible with my fixpack, unless those modders do a whole bunch of work to make them so. I am leaning strongly toward making him consistent in the Landsmeet at this point, though.

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Probably my final comment on the mod:


1) You said earlier you found issues in the Denerim market. While I didn't have the crashes you did, I frequently had long load times there. Leaving the market for the tavern for example, would load fine, but going back to the market would often cause the game to hang for 20-60 seconds before it finally loaded.


I had identical issues in the elven alienage. Leaving the common area for one of the buildings loaded fine, but returning would cause it to hang, or frequently crash. I began to save before entering areas off the alienage, fearing my game would crash on the return trip. Did you look to see if there was a similar doubling of placeables in the main alienage area? Or other things that would bog it down? If your comment about deleting instead of disabling strings helped stability, I'm all for it.


2) When you write your readme, I suggest making a list of common mods that are rendered unnecessary by yours, since you already include their fixes. This will make it easier for end users to know which mods they can skip. It might also help to list some common mods that might conflict with yours, or cover areas that yours doesn't, again helping gamers know which mods they might need.


Once again, thank you for all the time you've invested in this! I hope it brings you the employment offers you seek!

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Hi gang. Today will be a busy day (working on the mod, I mean).


Thandal: Going for it.


Aeroldoth: I didn't see any issues in the Alienage, no, nor did I note any overlapping placeables there. I decided not to make triggers self destruct in this version - it's a huge change that could have unintended side effects, and I don't currently plan to do any more run-throughs from beginning to end before release of v3.0, which I feel would be required before being able to release *that* change with any degree of confidence. As soon as I release v3.0, I will enable it on my installation so that any further testing I do also tests that, and maybe I can then include it in v3.1. (There'll be a 3.1? Yeah, I'm sure there'll have to be - I have no illusions that I can implement 700+ simultaneous bug fixes without making ANY mistakes. I don't have any plans for 3.1 to do anything that will change gameplay, I think I've already *done* everything along those lines, 3.1 would just be to clean up any minor details or errors I might have made and possibly performance improvements like just discussed).

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119. (v3.0) "The Landsmeet": A hardened Alistair will no longer say "She seems to want it, anyway, and I know I don't." about the crown.


120. (v3.0) "The Landsmeet": A hardened Alistair will no longer say "Wait, what? No! When did this get decided? Nobody's decided that, have they?", followed by Anora declaring that he obviously doesn't want the throne, when Eamon tries to declare Alistair king.


121. (v3.0) "The Landsmeet": A hardened Alistair will no longer stutter nervously when accepting the throne if Alistair and Anora are engaged.


122. (v3.0) "The Landsmeet": When talking with Anora at the Landsmeet, if you state you also wish to speak to Alistair, Alistair will no longer give his non-hardened response if he's been hardened.


123. (v3.0) "The Landsmeet": After the Landsmeet, if you made Alistair king, a large negative approval hit you'd suffer regardless of whether or not he was hardened will now only apply if he was not hardened, in order to be consistent with his dialogue responses.



This all came out rather well, I think. A hardened Alistair's responses are now entirely consistent with his changed personality. I played it with him hardened and not hardened back to back, and virtually all of his responses are completely different now, and each set of responses is now internally consistent. There's a single awkward stage jump if a hardened Alistair and Anora get engaged - Alistair jumps from one position to another, not horrifying or anything, but not great - that I'm going to try to deal with. After that, moving on, hopefully to where I confirm the various king/queen combinations all work as they should to the endgame (Anora sole queen with Alistair in party already confirmed working), and I can lock down the changelist and start working the readme.


Note: I never did get any response with details as to what exactly is broken in Alistair's kiss cutscenes when he propositions a female player. As it stands, unfortunately that's the only bug I'm aware of right now not going to be fixed in v3.0. I tried contacting Lady Olivia, as I believe her ADP mod first fixed these, but have unfortunately not been successful.

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Good to hear that the approval thing before Morrigan joined the party worked out. Also I think changing the Landsmeet dialogue to make Alistair more consistent sounds great too.


I had a save file from the first time I stopped at camp as a human female player and decided to see if the kiss scene with Alistair when he propositions a female player is actually broken. I had a bunch of mods on my game like ZDF, MRP and IRS-A, among others, so I stripped away any of these mods besides a few cosmetic ones. I didn't have any relationships going at this point, so I got Alistair up to 100 approval with an adore status. I then went to Redcliffe for the first time to get him to tell me about his father and went to Denerim after to do his personal quest with Goldanna, so I could get him to proposition my player. After I left Goldanna's house, I checked to see if I had the love status with Alistair, which I did. I went back to the camp and he propositioned my player. The kiss was indeed broken. It looked like my character went into the kiss animation, but Alistair just stood there and then did his idle hand warming by the fire animation. Looked rather funny with him cutting through my player's body like that and her kissing nothing. I tried both hardening Alistair and not just in case.


I did enable IRS-A to see if anything changed, and it did fix the kiss scene. I also tried ZDF and MRP separately in case they actually had something, but it was still broken in both. I never had the ADP mod so I didn't try that. I don't have any save files with an elf or a dwarf so I can't help you there. So unless my game was messed up by removing all the mods before testing this, I'd say it's broken.


Oh, one other thing. I randomly came across this mod, Sandbox Assessment, the other day. It restores a line that was missing from Loghain's dialogue the first time you talk to him outside his tent at Ostagar, for female players. Not sure why it was cut from the game, but you can see the line he says from the screenshot posted on the mod's page. Not sure if you already have spotted this one, but I'd thought I'd mention it just in case.


Edit: Huh, I just ran across A fix for Morrigan's kiss too. Apparently she kisses with her eyes open, wonder if others do that too and if that was intended or not. Don't remember Alistair doing that. Yay for modders!

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"The kiss was indeed broken. It looked like my character went into the kiss animation, but Alistair just stood there and then did his idle hand warming by the fire animation. Looked rather funny with him cutting through my player's body like that and her kissing nothing. I tried both hardening Alistair and not just in case."


Wow, *that's* unexpected. None of the kisses I've found so far look like that in the toolset. I do have a female dalish elf I've gotten up to Lothering. Looks like I'll have to take her a bit further to see this for myself.


Thank you HUGE for taking the time to test that for me, btw. Very appreciated. It gives me a good clue of what's going on, and may be quite fixable.


"It restores a line that was missing from Loghain's dialogue the first time you talk to him outside his tent at Ostagar, for female players. Not sure why it was cut from the game,"


It actually wasn't cut, as far as I can tell - it's just lower priority than the lines for "human noble", "dwarf", "dalish elf" and "mage". Those cover almost every possibility for a female player to be, with one exception - city elf females, who should see that line in the vanilla game. There's also a final male line that would only be seen by city elf males. Since the lines *can* be seen, and I have no reason to believe the intent was for those lines to supersede the other options, I can't really call it a bug.


One thing to be aware of: You can see some references in early game files to a human origin that wasn't human noble or mage. A farmer origin, I think. That was apparently cut early in game development, as the references are few and far between, but it may be that those lines were primarily intended for this obsolete peasant-human origin, and it's just by default that they only play for city elves now.

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Ok, yup, I got my female elf there and I see the broken kiss. I'm betting it's because the cutscene is set up where Alistair is the "OWNER" of the conversation, but the conversation is party_camp.dlg, which doesn't *have* a specific owner. Same reason there's no good working kisses at the city gates. I may be able to fix this myself, will give it a shot anyway. Wish me luck.


EDIT: Yup! That was the problem. Very easy fix, and should be applicable to all 3 races. Alistair's proposition kisses will be fixed in v3.0. Thanks again Maeassel!




7. (v3.0) Fixed the broken kiss cutscenes when Alistair propositions the player after falling in love. Thanks to Lady Olivia and her Alistair Dialog Patch readme for making me aware of the bug, and Maeassel of the Nexus forums for taking the trouble to do a test run and confirm the nature of the bug for me.

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Almost forgot!


124. (v3.0) "The Landsmeet": Restored a number of follower interjections (by Leliana, Morrigan and Sten) if Anora betrays you at the Landsmeet that would always be preempted by Alistair's interjection. These only play if the player's reply to the betrayal is "What?!".




125. (v3.0) "The Landsmeet": If the Landsmeet is won, the result can be a general melee or Loghain can be challenged to single combat. Either way, Anora's codex entry would state "Fighting erupted, breaking the long tradition of the Landsmeet, which was ultimately settled with a duel." The codex entry will no longer claim "fighting erupted" if this never happened.

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Glad that I was able to help you with confirming that bug and thanks for clarifying the Loghain thing. About that commoner origin, a mod was made to make it playable here on this website. The author mentions that there are traces of the origin found throughout the game. It's always interesting to hear about things that get taken out of a game.

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