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Qwinn´s Ultimate DAO Fixpack v3 (no longer beta!)


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Invincible ignorance is my kryptonite.


That and PB&J side down, anything that involves you not winning, and making any sense, toast without the proper amount of butter, and forum debates on Bioware website.... My lord Ser Qwinn. I'd list the many others but it likely throw yourself off a cliff or something in melodrama protest while screaming for aid from someone on the way down sir.

Edited by AdenYeshua
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Let's please move on.
In the end this is merely a single change out of hundreds. It should not overshadow the huge improvement that this fixpack will be for the game. None of this would have been possible without Qwinn's dedication and passionate work.

Thank you!

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Qwinn, please put this user on ignore list. It doesn't matter who is in the right, dude is doing this for free, to make game better for all of us.

On gaming side, I've completed dalish origin, Ostagar, Circle tower - no issues. Currently in Redcliffe. Cheers

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If it's done, then it's done. I won't be offended if this post isn't commented on. :smile:

However, I've beeen slandered (not really :smile: and I feel the need to reply.

"How Not To Spectacularly Undermine Your Own Arguments On The Internet, And Piss Qwinn Off In The Process".

My purpose in this was to help solve (what I saw) as a problem.
The goal isn't to win (at least mine wasn't), it's to solve the issue and maybe learn something along the way. It's a search for the truth, not a duel to the death.
If what I wrote supported my position great, if it works instead to support someone elses position great, if it was totally useless, well no one's perfect.

You should IMO be encouraging people to do that, not chastising them. But maybe that's just me.

And if I helped (maybe just a little? :smile: ) you reach your conclusions than that's great.


I would like to clarify/comment on a couple of things:

-...conceded...*doubled down*....security is actually *as high as ever*.... I thought I made a pretty good case with the Rock and Roll hall of fame analogy. Oh well.

-I didn't "implicitly acknowledge" anything. I EXplicitly stated that: Knight = Knight because Captain = Captain. I'm pretty sure I didn't make any arguements that required anything different.

"Turns out they ARE knights."

About that...

"At work, can't link, but dgm22, I established earlier that even the lowest rank of Templar is considered a knight. Look at the Templar Order wiki page and search for "recruit". It's something like "Templar recruits undergo a vigil, and when it is over, the knight's life is changed forever." This isn't the only source, but I think it should suffice."

...It doesn't.

From the wiki:

"Prior to taking their vows templar recruits undergo a vigil.[7] After the vigil, the knight's life is changed. The templar is given a philter- their first draft of lyrium- and its power. The Templar Order dictates that templars are not to seek wealth or acknowledgement. Their lives belong to the Maker and the path they have chosen."

They cite Cullen in Dragon Age II.
The source is Cullen, but in Dragon Age Inquisition

The exact quote from the game is:

"13: Investigate: Tell me about their vows.
PC: “Do templars take vows? ‘I swear to the Maker to watch all the mages’ – that sort of thing?”

Cullen: “There’s a vigil first. You’re meant to be at peace during that time, but your life is about to change. When it’s over, you give yourself to a life of service. That’s when you’re given a philter – your first draught of lyrium – and its power. As templars, we are not to seek wealth or acknowledgment. Our lives belong to the Maker and the path we have chosen.”


-The word knight was obviously added by whoever made the wiki entry.

If it's done, then it's done. But I am curious about the other sources, I did some searches/reading of the thread and didn't see anything else. If you could post them or point me in the right direction with a stern warning that it's absolutely the last post for real, I promise not to post again.


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dgm22: damnit you beat me to it. On my way to work I realized I really needed to post that I have absolutely no beef with you, you debated honorably and in good faith. You only got in that post because you did present a couple of useful examples of a proposed fact/argument turning out to be incorrect and how that does not affect relevance. I just didn't get a break to post till now (and its not a long break). Yes, I do always absolutely encourage arguments made in good faith, even on this subject, and even now. Arguments from sources confirmed to operate in bad faith will be ignored.


I'll look for the other sources re: all Templars are knights this weekend when I get a chance, but even low rank Templars are referred to as Ser, I believe. Ser indicates knighthood. Would finding one called Ser satisfy you?


Thanks for the kind words, Marten and shades, and especially for the update shades! Glad to hear Lothering is ok. Any more updates from folks playing (even if just all is ok) would be appreciated.


Also I am curious what you thought about my argument that the proposed change makes Harrith a complete anomaly that would effectively also have to be removed.

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Not sure 'Ser' is necessarily limited to knighthood since there's a "Ser Evrain Abernache, noble merchant-scholar" mentioned in the "Trading with Kal-Sharok" codex entry in DAI and in The World of Thedas Volume 1.


The World of Thedas Volume 1, Page 181, Glossary:
"ser. An honorific common among knights and experienced templars."

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@Qwinn; Really, really wish that you could set a certain user as "blocked from posting" in a forum thread the way you can in a mod's comment thread. Would have shortened this one by several pages and saved you much aggro.


Oh, well. When you're ready, ask the moderators to lock this topic with a pointer to the mod's page and you'll be able to do that (as well as delete ignorant or inflammatory posts) yourself. :laugh:

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Btw shades, did Alistair introduce you to Ser Donall? Pretty sure that was inaccessible in vanilla.


Just curious if you are trying out the things in the readme or just playing through normally. Either way is fine with me, just useful to me to know which it is.


For the record, the thing I am most interested in seeing tested are romances and romance triangles, particularly involving Alistair and Zevran, but any and all romance testing is good.

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I believe he was surprised to see him in Lothering chantry, they recognized each other. That's about it. I think it always happened.

I noticed something when fighting Sammael the deserter on Lake Calenhad docks, during the fight, Morrigan died, then I accidentally triggered bark near the lake and she came back to life (like revival spell was used on her).

Also in Redcliffe village if you switch party members outside, you get teleported back to the bridge where you first meet the boy who informs you of their troubles.

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