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Qwinn´s Ultimate DAO Fixpack v3 (no longer beta!)


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'Ser' is also used as a general honorific in DAO (and applied to the Warden, who is neither knight nor ever officially a templar*), specifically by the Deranged Beggar in the Denerim Alienage (the one who figures in the Ser Otto quest).


* 'ever officially' is an attempt to pre-empt the inevitable 'but the Warden is a Templar, when they choose that specialization!!!' argument.

Edited by theskymoves
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Those are all pretty interesting. I don't think my mod is responsible for the latter two, but of course I'll check. Did Morrigan deliver the bark or someone else? Also, that spot on the bridge is where Alistair "tells you the truth". Did you have him witb you when you entered Redcliffe for the first time, and did he tell you about his lineage? If not, did the teleport happen when adding him to the party, and any dialogue involved? Edited by Qwinn
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I can't remember who delivered the bark (could be glitch because I use party_barks.dlg from improved atmosphere mod, only file from mod I use, otherwise it's clean DAO 1.05). Alistair haven't told me truth yet (if you are referring to his bastard status), I got teleported when switching any party members to dialogue with boy on the bridge who warns me not to leave, or village will be destroyed. This happened when I played for the first time years ago.

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Barks: *nod* Ok. You *should* still see the barks I restore because I do those with scripts, but I will check and see if that overwrite would break anything else when I get home.


Redcliffe: I guess I'll just have to test this myself... are you saying if you change the party, it actually initiates the "please don't leave" dialogue? From my memory of the scripts, wow, weird.

Edited by Qwinn
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Thanks, I appreciate that.


I didn't really think to look outside the base game before and when I went looking for Ser I found Ser Rylien.

"Game over man, game over."


Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening

Ser Rylien is a templar who has recently taken her vows and assigned to the Chantry of our Lady Redeemer in the City of Amaranthine.

Ser Rylien is involved in the quest Out of Control. After you acquire the quest from the Chanter's Board, head inside the chantry and speak to her.

She mentions that Amaranthine is a hotbed of maleficar activity and she needs someone who could apprehend them because the more senior templars have returned to Denerim for more men and advised her for this task to seek someone more experienced, such as the Warden-Commander.

-They left the equivalent of a 2lt just out of ROTC alone in a major city.

No wonder I kicked their asses so easily in Inquisition.

-And, I found my missing "grunts" in DA2: The templar recruits.
-And, looking into the templar recruits I found the quest "Enemies Among Us" http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Enemies_Among_Us Cullens dialog from DA2 is on youtube somewhere around the 9:30 mark...

Cullen to templar recruit Keran's sister "if he has shown no sign of demonic possesion in ten years time keran will become eligiable for full knighthood"

-All templars (except templar recruits) are knights.

-So, Harrith pulls everyone out to go chase the easter bunny or attend a 3 month seminar on the latest armor polishing techniques, leaving Ser Henric to man the fort. Arlessa visits Revered Mother, "Please help us!" "Of course", Revered Mother says "Ser Henric is an avid reader of works on church history and is just the man for the job."

-"All the knights of Redcliff" = x + 1

Easy peasy, And there are probably a dozen ways to fill in the details.

[i still don't like that "my fellow knights" line. It's just bad writing though.]

"Also I am curious what you thought about my argument that the proposed change makes Harrith a complete anomaly that would effectively also have to be removed."

-A short time ago :smile: I would said that he'd received a report of a blood mage burning down a building somewhere to the north? He'd taken some troops with him to deal with it personally, and the mission had taken awhile to complete. Actually, that might still work.


-Now, your reasoning, and (I think) your entire scenario, (though more complex than what I wrote above) works fine..


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Barks: *nod* Ok. You *should* still see the barks I restore because I do those with scripts, but I will check and see if that overwrite would break anything else when I get home.


Redcliffe: I guess I'll just have to test this myself... are you saying if you change the party, it actually initiates the "please don't leave" dialogue? From my memory of the scripts, wow, weird.


That's exactly what I'm saying, though it happens only once, first time you make a switch. It's not really important, it doesn't break anything, just thought you should know...

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@Qwinn; Really, really wish that you could set a certain user as "blocked from posting" in a forum thread the way you can in a mod's comment thread. Would have shortened this one by several pages and saved you much aggro.


Oh, well. When you're ready, ask the moderators to lock this topic with a pointer to the mod's page and you'll be able to do that (as well as delete ignorant or inflammatory posts) yourself. :laugh:


Perhaps you ignored the "Invincible ignorance" "stupid" "the Melodrama" and various other posts have thrown my way, looks like you have. Unless the invincible ignorance was directed at himself as it's unclear since that is the only thing posted. If it is you should cut that out name calling is not nice.


As I'm sure you've noticed in your infinite wisdom this entire topic has been hijacked, funny enough somebody can make a pretty good case for this being the most off topic, derailed a thread on the Nexus. This topic was about a guy who couldn't find a link to the 2.0 fix on Biowars forum. Anything beyond that is off topic. The Sad thing is we don't know if that man ever solved his issue. lol Anyway, you can't technically "take" that man's thread away from him.


As the topic is no longer about even 2.0 fix I'd recommend it's very own support topic. Also, backseat moderation (what your doing) is also against the rules.


You've also overused the word aggro.


May I recommend "Qwinn Ultimate Fixpack 3.0 BETA Discussion and Support Thread"? It's a little long in the tooth but I think it gets the job done.


The acronym "QUF" could also technically be used... but it sounds like "Qwiff" which is not good.

Edited by AdenYeshua
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Finished the Wilds quest and for once, Alistair gave the recruits the head's up before darkspawn ambushed them. Why Bioware decided to drop that, and yet keep in his line about sensing them, I'll never understand. This is completely random, Qwinn, but I happen to be playing through Awakening with an imported Warden from the base game, and Oghren's approval seems to be fixed. I got a +9 with the first gift I gave him, with diminishing returns. In previous plays, the most approval I've ever gotten from gift-giving is +5.

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mckatsims: Do you mean you added my fixpack to an existing save game prior to the coronation, went through the coronation and then did the import? If so, yes, that should have triggered my fix. The fix is triggered upon entering the post-coronation area. Aaaaand it just occurred to me that it won't trigger for folks who get themselves killed and then do an import. Will have to add it to the Funeral area too. Thanks for confirming at least that part worked.


Also, if you're already in Awakening and you did the above, you will probably notice some errant entries in Anora's codex entry. That will be fixed in the next update.

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