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Qwinn´s Ultimate DAO Fixpack v3 (no longer beta!)


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Just remembered another bug from my 2013 playthrough:


Inside Flemeth's hut, when you press 'tab' a message appear next to the foot-end of the bed with the text 'pre2llip_chest_wood'. Screenshot.


Sialivi, there are no oxes either near Bodahn's place in Lothering or in the party camps in the vanilla game. The ones you are seeing must have been added by some mod.

It must have been Improved Atmosphere. I could have sworn this was from an unmodded playthrough, but I must be incorrect. Sorry for wasting your time on that.

Edited by sialivi
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WOOHOO! Figured out how to fix the elf in the Circle Tower, the hunters near Sarel, and probably Gheyna too.

The secret is the "Physics Disabled" variable in the creature files. Set that, and they don't bounce off placeables anymore. Figured it out cause I noticed that while the hunters would slide off their bench, Sarel didn't. Poked around in his file to see what was different about it long enough and discovered that flag. So this kind of problem, I now have the solution for. Woohoo!

Corrected the posting of CM002 on the previous page.

And this is done as well:

BF010: Dalish Camp: The two hunters that join in conversation with Sarel will no longer shift off their bench and sit on empty air after speaking with Sarel. Thanks to sialivi of the Nexus forums for making me aware of this one.

BF023: "Cammen's Lament": In certain situations, Gheyna's position could change and she could potentially wind up with her legs clipping through her bench. This should no longer occur.

"Inside Flemeth's hut, when you press 'tab' a message appear next to the foot-end of the bed with the text 'pre2llip_chest_wood'"

I can't duplicate this. The chest shows up just fine for me. Perhaps another mod?

I think the only one that leaves from your list, sialivi, is the falling off the bridge thing on the Ostagar bridge. I'm going to let this one slide for now. Most folks willing to test are already going to be past this point, and frankly, I kinda see it as a pretty cool easter egg, heh. Entirely avoidable - it's pretty hard to hit that spot just right even when you're aware of it, I doubt many folks would ever hit it accidentally, and even if they did, there's an automatic auto-save literally right beforw it.

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"EDIT: I forgot to mention Qwinn that EVENT_TYPE_DYING is used by the extra Dog slot mod, my note from my Dwarf days ago. The Mod is incompatable. "


I'm not sure why this would be. We don't touch any of the same files. I don't use the event manager stuff.

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I can't duplicate this. The chest shows up just fine for me. Perhaps another mod?

Switched to another character and the chest showed up, guess they must have been using different mods. Looks like IA might be the culprit again; It contains the *.are file for Flemeth's Hut interior even though I could find no mention of any changes there in the documentation.

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qwinn, I was standing (not moving) exactly in front of Redcliff chantry... Regarding Flemeth's hut, that is known improved atmosphere bug, and no way around it as far as I know (that chest contains only minor loot, so not that important)...

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Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad I could help. :smile:

It was fun. Kind of like a murder mystery: twists, turns, dead ends, and red herrings, and lions, and tigers, and bears.

And neat story, wish I'd thought of that. But now the world will never know of the valiant Urners, no the Urnites, maybe the Urnish...

No, wait I have it, the Urn-o-naughts.


I hope you have clear sailing the rest of the way!


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@dmg22 - Interested to hear your thoughts on how expeditions work under your current understanding of the Templar order. As you know they are made to be completely addicted to Lyrium, this is an intentional means of control to keep the Templars in order, or in line, whatever the case may be it is my belief that long range lone expeditions open up serious plot holes.......


........"With all this in mind, how do you propose "go find the Urn" or ANY long range order was carried out?




-The short answer is that you should ask Haron. He's in Dragon Age: Inquisition codex entries, Jaws of Hakkon http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Codex_entry:_At_What_Cost


It appears that he didn't plan it very well, but there must be a system in place. If you want my opinion/guess on what that might be, let me know and I'll write something up. I don't see any need to clutter the thread so I'll PM it to you....


But again, It would be just guesswork.



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Almost done with Orzammar, and it’s going quite well.

I finally have access to the toolset again (wohoo!) so whenever I noticed something that was bothering me I was sometimes able to check if my hunch was right. I found quite a few tiny bugs here and there, but I’ll start with some companion related ones:

  • Alistair codex updates after the post-Ostagar conversation with Flemeth, saying that he was raised by Arl Eamon.

  • I tried asking Leliana some questions directly after recruiting her. After she talked about how she used to be a minstrel, her codex entry updated stating she was a bard and a spy.

  • When at “Interested”, Morrigan had a “We must discuss us” option, but there was no option to discuss anything. After the first kiss, the “discuss” option was gone and hasn’t been seen since.

  • When talking to Morrigan about being hunted by templars, the option “What exactly is an apostate?” is supposed to be available only to non-mages but has no conditions set to it.

  • During Flemeth’s True Grimoire, when you return to camp you can tell morrigan that Flemeth is still alive even if you killed her. This might be because I bargained with Flemeth only to change my mind and attack her

  • I was able to give the grimoire to Morrigan through the dialogue option, and it worked very nicely. However, the little animation where you hand it over is missing.
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Thanks for the report, Totalbalance. Good stuff.


Hmmm. The codex ones worry me. I already ran into this with the Anora codex, in that those codex entries are available in Awakening, but I don't know if they made any *changes* to them in Awakening. If I put the fixed codex entries in /packages/core/override so that the fixes translate to Awakening, it will screw up any additional codex entries that might be added by Awakening itself.


If anyone has a save game very near the end of Awakening, could you please look up the codex entries for Alistair, Anora and Leliana, and tell me if it looks like there are any entries added there by Awakening? I did confirm that Alistair's visit to Vigil's keep in early Awakening doesn't seem to add any entry, but I don't know if something is added later on.


Also, if anyone has a save game in late Leliana's Song, please see if it adds any codex entries to Leliana's entry.


I'm going to have to hold off on working on those until I get confirmation that the codex entries that appear in the DLC are unchanged from base DA:O. I'll work on the other stuff until I get a reply.



MO011: Morrigan: Per scripting comments, mage Wardens can no longer ask Morrigan "What exactly is an apostate?". Credit to Totalbalance of the Nexus forums for making me aware of this one.


When at “Interested”, Morrigan had a “We must discuss us” option, but there was no option to discuss anything. After the first kiss, the “discuss” option was gone and hasn’t been seen since.

LATE EDIT : Removed a bunch of conjecture I'd posted here that I'm not so sure about now.


Totalbalance, can you confirm what your exact approval was when you hit this issue?

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Leliana's Song does not amend/append the DAO 'Leliana' codex entry... in fact, I do not believe her entry is even accessible in that DLC. (Properly so, IMO, as it references events that haven't yet occurred during the prequel.)


Likewise, Awakening does not appear to alter or append the DAO codex entries for Alistair, Anora, or Leliana, as in, in screencaps made during my past playthroughs those entries are identical from the base game and the expansion. (Caveat: Awakening's codex was always badly horribly terribly extensively bugged for me, with many of the entries added by DAA never appearing at all, so it is entirely possible that that bugging may extend to any alterations of DaO codex entries... I never saw anything to support any alterations when I was working with the Awakening talktable on my codex compilation project, though, but - as is well known - I'm an idiot and cannae do anything right; it is entirely possible I missed something. :laugh:)

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