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Qwinn´s Ultimate DAO Fixpack v3 (no longer beta!)


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Thandal: Cool on the Proving bug. If you have a save game going back far enough, see if you can get that Alistair "Thedas" shop bark just to the right as you exit the Gnawed Noble Tavern, it should fire there, does for me. If you were expecting it in the actual shop, no, it's when you first have line of sight to it, basically.


As for romance triangles, see if you get the CARE and ADORE triangle dialogues from Leliana in the order I describe them in her section of the readme, there's a few fixes associated with that. Also, in ANY triangle, if one person demands you break up with someone else, and you agree, the next time you talk to that other follower (in camp, at least), there should be a relationship closure conversation. In a couple of combinations in vanilla, that closure conversation doesn't happen.

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"As for Five Pages guy, he doesn't have any legit reason to be angry. Just as legit that that scream is due to fear."


Actually, the comments says "Angry and desperate. "Defend me, Assholes!" " And, well, he certainly sounds angry... :whistling:


"Looking at the dialogue and scripts involved, I don't think this is possible. The flag that gets set when you choose that option seems to be checked for correctly in its condition. Did you actually witness it in game or just deduce it from looking in the toolset?"


It did indeed happen in the game for me. In fact, on further inspection it's the "Tell me about the quest for the sacred Urn." that dissapears after asking it once while "You mentioned something about an urn...?" never does.


"Yeah, should probably take care of that... does she stand up due to ambient lines, or during cutscene dialogue?"


She sits down all the time, but the moment you talk to her she will get up on her feet. If you end the conversation she'll sit down again.


"You mean if you start an attack on him? If he does, it's scripted for him to run around, not unusual, Trian bounces all over the place when you fight him in the dwarf noble origin."


Ah, sorry for being so vague. I was actually referring to when you first meet him and he runs away as the spiders attack you. Just as the cutscene ends he very briefly flips around for a second. Not that noticable, to be honest, but I try to be thorough.


"Do you mean your first click resulted in nothing? He shouldn't give the new dialogue until after talking to Kardol. And the "This place makes my skin crawl" line is set to be once per game, so that part isn't a bug."


Hmm, if I remember correctly I got the "This place makes my skin crawl" before the new dialogue, and it happened after the fight with the broodmother. That explains it. I just sort of assumed that the new dialogue would trigger first since barks usually indicate that the character has no actual conversations at the moment. Maybe switching them around would be ideal? Or maybe not, I don't know.


Oh, and I found a few more at the end of the Orzammar Quest: After talking to Harrowmont after he's been crowned king he blips away at the end of the conversation. Same with Kardol.

Edited by Totalbalance
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"It did indeed happen in the game for me. In fact, on further inspection it's the "Tell me about the quest for the sacred Urn." that dissapears after asking it once while "You mentioned something about an urn...?" never does."


Aaaah, finally figured it out. The script is correct, it's the dialogue that's bugged, it checks that the condition is FALSE (and it will always be false if you haven't found the ashes yet) rather than TRUE. Will fix. And I'm really glad I looked at this again - a Leliana interjection in that same conversation has the condition "Loghain In Party", so her interjection will be restored as well.


"She sits down all the time, but the moment you talk to her she will get up on her feet. If you end the conversation she'll sit down again."


I actually don't think I can fix this, and don't see a real need to anyway. The technical problem is that the game *forces* characters to stand up for a whole ton of animations, it simply won't do them in any other pose (this was part of the problem with Gheyna, actually, after you slept with her, if you clicked on her, the animation on the ambient line would force her to stand up, and since her physics were disabled, her legs would clip through the bench. The only way to stop that was to remove the animation on her ambient line. Had to do it with the ambient lines of the female hunter on the bench near Sarel too, no other way to resolve the issue.). Anwyay, Nezreda's dialogue doesn't just have a ton of scripted animations, it also has cutscenes. It would take hours to undo them all, and it would make the conversation much less interesting visually, she'd be sitting but with no animations at all. At any rate, I'm not seeing anything in the conversation that says she can't stand or is completely crippled - just that she can't *run* for Beraht anymore. Plenty of middle ground between those in terms of injury. I don't think there's enough there to establish her standing as inconsistent with her dialogue. Gonna call it not a bug.


"Ah, sorry for being so vague. I was actually referring to when you first meet him and he runs away as the spiders attack you. Just as the cutscene ends he very briefly flips around for a second. Not that noticable, to be honest, but I try to be thorough."


Ahhh okay. I just tested and see it now. This along with the "Harrowmont and Kardol blip out when the dialogue ends" are not something I'm really interested in fixing, because there's many dozens of dialogues where this happens. It is not uncommon for dialogues to not show a walking away animation or anything, they just deactivate the character at the end of the conversation. Depending on how busy the computer is atm, sometimes the deactivation will be visible, but often it's not. If someone disappears at the *beginning* of their final line, that's a bug and please let me know - but if the disappearance lasts all of a quarter of a second just as the conversation is finishing, that's just the way the engine works. I also don't feel like diluting my 710+ relatively significant fixes with another 80 fixes that people can point to and say "Look, it's a big number of fixes but it's mostly this incredibly insignificant stuff", so the quarter-second vanishes at the very very end of some dialogues is just going to have to remain a feature, not a bug. Again, if you're talking about more than an extremely brief flash at the very end of a conversation, do let me know.


"Hmm, if I remember correctly I got the "This place makes my skin crawl" before the new dialogue, and it happened after the fight with the broodmother. That explains it. I just sort of assumed that the new dialogue would trigger first since barks usually indicate that the character has no actual conversations at the moment. Maybe switching them around would be ideal? Or maybe not, I don't know."

I agree actually. I'll reorder the two. Doesn't count as a new fix, just a tweak on my own restoration. Thanks for catching it.


"Actually, the comments says "Angry and desperate. "Defend me, Assholes!" " And, well, he certainly sounds angry..."


All right, all right :tongue:

Edited by Qwinn
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@Qwinn; Ooops, sorry. Already waaay past CARE or ADORE now, so can't check that aspect of "triangles" without re-playing a ton.


I loaded a previous save to check for Alistair's "Wonders of Thedas" bark. Save was made upon first arrival in Denerim. Companions are: Big Al, Leli, and Morri. Entered the Gnawed Noble (hearing from Gorim, and Ser Wahtzit about what happened at Ostagar, on the way.) Got the bark about Al having been pickpockted once, but upon leaving the tavern and coming in sight of the shop... nothing.


Also, as you've said you haven't played any of the DLC and so this Fix Pack doesn't address any bugs exclusive to them, (with the DAA Oghren Approval exception noted) does that mean you're not interested in hearing about problems with Shale? Specifically, that "Rock Barrage" (the single most powerful Talent that Shale can posses) doesn't actually *do* anything!!! (Known bug. Mentioned in the wiki, and addressed by GT's DA Rules Fixpack. Weirdest thing is that the workaround is very specific, but different for each platform. :unsure: )

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I know about Rock Barrage, but I don't attempt to fix any such bugs precisely so that there'll be no compatibility issues with mods like DA Rules Fixpack. Go ahead and install it, shouldn't be any conflicts, let me know if there are.


And very weird on the bark not playing. Plays fine for me. It's so close to the door that I'm wondering if you didn't trigger just as you entered the tavern (which would interrupt it). Also, how did you handle the guy who challenges you about Ostagar? I do purge his triggers after he's dealt with to free up resources in the Market area due to all the crashing, maybe I deleted the wrong one but don't think so.

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None that doesn't require in-depth research to weed out which fixes are broken. In my last playthrough I removed 6 out of 33 fixes from that pack because they were reported as broken in the comments. One fix and one of the tweaks break progression. Edited by sialivi
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Ugh. I had the impression that side of things had been mostly sorted. Is the modder around anymore, or did he give up on it? I really, really, really, really don't want to start tackling that side of it. I really think the scope I'm trying to handle here is more than any single person should have to. I'm certainly not going to go there anytime soon. Five months of continuous unpaid work is enough, dangit!


Anyway, two fixes for tonight:


RE011: "A Village Under Siege": When talking to Ser Perth, fixed a bugged condition that made the player question "You mentioned something about an urn...?" never disappear. Also restored a bugged interjection by Leliana during the same conversation. Thanks to Totalbalance of the Nexus forums for making me aware of the first issue.


CT026: "Five Pages, Four Mages": When encountering Beyha Joam on the world map after starting this quest in the Circle Tower, his facial expressions will now match the angry tone of his voice as was called for in scripting comments. Thanks to Totalbalance of the Nexus forums for making me aware of this one.

Edited by Qwinn
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@sialivi; I've been playing with both Qwinn's (v2.0) and GT's Fixpacks installed since, well... forever. Dozens of complete runs -- Never had a game-breaking issue with either one. Ever. Not sure which of GT's files you remove (and I really admire how he made the mod so "modular"!) but I haven't had to touch it.


@Qwinn; With your (beta) v3.0 I've only ever used my high Persuade to get Ser Whozits walk off in a huff. In all my prior playthroughs I accept his challenge and eliminate him that way. "Honour is served", and all that. :laugh:

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