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Leveled enemies and loot


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I hate going into a dungeon knowing exactly what I will find; either Draugr, vampires wearing necromancer robes, bandits or spiders. Further knowing known of them will be -too- tough for me because Bethesda is there holding my hand.


I ran into the Underfrykt the other day and almost crapped myself because it's a legendary monster from the previous TES titles, then I thought, wait... and of course I one hit it with my assassin's sneak attack. Why should I even be able to sneak up on such a legendary creature?


Don't get me started on rewards and loot... Frankly the game has no fear inducing "oh crap" moments. I want my character to get he butt kicked once in a while. And I want to find serious challenges with great rewards, which sometimes I may not be able to attain yet.


Bethesda you dropped the ball on this.

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I'm in on this one.

I'm cake walking trough unexplored dungeons all the time. Playing on master and it's still easy as hell. I have mostly dragon armor and some daedric, and I never find looting exiting any more, there should be items that are better than what you can smith.

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Then stop using some of the most over powered mechanics to play the game. Don't smith, don't enchant, don't use sneak attacks, don't use impact, (or atleast don't spend perks in those skills) and limit yourself on how many potions you can gobble down during combat. The game will be a lot harder. Can't help much with the variety portion. I'm sure a mod will improve upon that in the future. Edited by stars2heaven
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@Stars lol seriously? So in other words I should purposely gimp my character and not play stealth at all? My mage who doesn't enchant or smith has the same problem. So I'm supposed to ignore half the game mechanics so it's balanced? *eyeroll*


Looking forward to a mod that mostly removes the leveling.

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Not using any of these and the combat is hard...but there is a difference between hard as in more hp and more pewpew and hard where you have more advanced combat system and actual bosses that feel like bosses not just by having a lot of hp and power, but unique behavior with abilities, instead of recycling the same thing with different name...if you know what i mean.

Edited by pavy
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@pavy Sure, but it doesn't appear that the OP was speaking of difficulty in those terms save for the sneak comment. He was able to one shot a legendary creature. Probably couldn't have gotten in that one shot if he wasn't using a sneak attack with bonuses from his perks.



Not using those mechanics is certainly an option. Not spending perks in them so that they become so over powered is another, probably more preferable, approach for those who still wish to use those things but still find better quality stuff elsewhere.

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I can see both of sides do have a point, but if you have to limit yourself from using certain paths that the game is offering, why make them availiable at all.


When i have the possiblity to try out smithing, enchanting, alchemy that the game offers to me, why i should not do so...well becouse the game will go unbalanced, but that isnt the players fault, but those who made it.

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I agree with everyone on this. Certain paths make the game too easy. But, no one is forcing you to take them. Until mods come out that address this, I encourage folks to consider certain Perk choices as part of the Difficulty settings. If you want your game to be consistently challenging, don't go after the unbalancing perks. No it's not fair and yes it sucks, but it's only a game and this problem will likely only be temporary after the CK comes out. And other games suffered from similar imbalances too, in Dragon Age if you wanted a more challenging game you forced to not play with Mages (or not use Cone of Frost etc). So, while I agree it's a problem, it's not a problem unique to Bethesda and will eventually get fixed.
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