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Why don't some items respawn?

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I'm creating a mod which respawns the items which do not normally respawn (such as all those things in Vault 111). I marked "Respawn" for all those items and removed the "Never Resets" mark for the "Vault111Zone" encounter zone. However, some stuff such as 10mm ammo boxes and all the junk do respawn when the cell resets, but some (such as both 10mm pistols and clean Vault 111 suits) do not. Also, I can't force a switchblade in a truck near Vault 111 and a tire iron near the Sanctuary's bridge to respawn. I have no idea why don't these items reset while others do. Can anyone here help me with this? Thank you.

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You may need to give them an "Encounter Zone". Look at the other items that work to see if they have an "Encounter Zone" set and if so try to apply it to the objects that are not respawning.

I did already try it although there are some items which don't have an encounter zone and do respawn. It didn't help

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