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RealVision ENB


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Hello I just upgraded to GTX1060 6GB and was excited to finally run RealVision ENB on Skyrim.


I have Intel Core i5-4460 PU @ 3.20 GHz, 8GB RAM but only managed to run it at 40fps. Am I doing something wrong or my setup is still not enough to achieve 60fps? :sad:


Please do tell me. Thanks in advance.

Edited by farhangfx
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No one can really achieve over 60 FPS with an ENB. Look at MXR on youtube, he hardly moves around in his mod reviews cause it would be incredibly laggy.


Ah I see. I really thought I would get to enjoy the visual improvement with better fps. I'll try to look for some performance ENB, maybe that will help.

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You can improve performance by sacrificing some quality via changing a few settings. Look for anything with Quality and SizeScale in enbseries.ini.


Quality settings: -1 to 2, with -1=ultra, 2 = lowest: 0 or 1 is usually good enough

SizeScale: 0.0 to 1.0, with 1.0 being ultra : 0.75 is usually good enough, 0.5 might be acceptable


A good one to look for, in the [Reflection] section is the combo of SizeScale and Supersampling.




For the above, if SizeScale=1.0 -and- EnableSupersampling=true, the reflection map will be generated at *twice* your resolution. Turning SizeScale in general down to 0.75 is usually a good tradeoff of quality and performance.


A maxed out ENB preset (everything turned on, max quality settings) really requires a top of the line dual GPU setup,and even in those situations it's more of "use for screenshots" then "use for play" situation.


You can also do things like swap in a more performant DoF or turn features like DoF off. Usually I just tweak settings a little when I need to.


If you do change these settings, make a backup, so you can revert if you need to. ;)


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Hello I just upgraded to GTX1060 6GB and was excited to finally run RealVision ENB on Skyrim.


I have Intel Core i5-4460 PU @ 3.20 GHz, 8GB RAM but only managed to run it at 40fps. Am I doing something wrong or my setup is still not enough to achieve 60fps? :sad:


Please do tell me. Thanks in advance.


Do you play on Win7 or 10?

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Hello I just upgraded to GTX1060 6GB and was excited to finally run RealVision ENB on Skyrim.


I have Intel Core i5-4460 PU @ 3.20 GHz, 8GB RAM but only managed to run it at 40fps. Am I doing something wrong or my setup is still not enough to achieve 60fps? :sad:


Please do tell me. Thanks in advance.


Do you play on Win7 or 10?



I play on Windows 7.



You can improve performance by sacrificing some quality via changing a few settings. Look for anything with Quality and SizeScale in enbseries.ini.


Quality settings: -1 to 2, with -1=ultra, 2 = lowest: 0 or 1 is usually good enough

SizeScale: 0.0 to 1.0, with 1.0 being ultra : 0.75 is usually good enough, 0.5 might be acceptable


A good one to look for, in the [Reflection] section is the combo of SizeScale and Supersampling.






For the above, if SizeScale=1.0 -and- EnableSupersampling=true, the reflection map will be generated at *twice* your resolution. Turning SizeScale in general down to 0.75 is usually a good tradeoff of quality and performance.


A maxed out ENB preset (everything turned on, max quality settings) really requires a top of the line dual GPU setup,and even in those situations it's more of "use for screenshots" then "use for play" situation.


You can also do things like swap in a more performant DoF or turn features like DoF off. Usually I just tweak settings a little when I need to.


If you do change these settings, make a backup, so you can revert if you need to. :wink:



I will look into this. Thanks. :laugh:

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