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Characters, trees flickering NON-STOP


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I'm having this issue as well. I've got Iris Pro 580, so I believe this is simply an Intel intregrated graphics problem. Which is extremely unfortunate, because I don't think intel patches their graphics drivers nearly as often as AMD or NVIDIA. I'm doubtful this will get fixed in the near future, if at all.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYDT3UH3TGE this video here shows the same thing I have with distant whiterun. I also have flickering trees when they are nearby. This only happens when I move the camera. If it's still, it looks normal.


People in the video's comments talk that unofficial skyrim patch is causing this, try disabling it. I haven't tried it yet myself.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYDT3UH3TGE this video here shows the same thing I have with distant whiterun. I also have flickering trees when they are nearby. This only happens when I move the camera. If it's still, it looks normal.


People in the video's comments talk that unofficial skyrim patch is causing this, try disabling it. I haven't tried it yet myself.

I had that exact issue, saw that video, disabled the unofficial patch and its fixed.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYDT3UH3TGE this video here shows the same thing I have with distant whiterun. I also have flickering trees when they are nearby. This only happens when I move the camera. If it's still, it looks normal.


People in the video's comments talk that unofficial skyrim patch is causing this, try disabling it. I haven't tried it yet myself.

I had that exact issue, saw that video, disabled the unofficial patch and its fixed.


I believe Arthmoor is aware of this bug in the Unofficial patch and has said it will be fixed next release.

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@Hyperplexed: Thanks for the suggestion :)

Tried around with a few alternative drivers.

- Latest beta driver from Intel

- Latest modded driver from Intellimoders

- Latest driver provided through MS

Same issue.

Just out of interest I tried running SSE on an older laptop with Intel HD 4000, naturally it runs like $£€£, but no gfx glitches.

And after googling around a bit for other reactions, I think that this issue is an Intel HD 5XX (Skylake) driver only thing.

..and waiting for Intel to update their drivers is .. meh! xD

You mentioned that this looks like the renderer/shaders duplicate mesh issue. Just wondering if there would be any settings in the config files worth playing around with (turning off)?

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(for the Intel problem only, I think)


I got rid of the flickering trees.

Changed 2 lines in SkyrimPrefs (both set to 0):


changed to:
This does remove some of the nice extra foliage from the trees, but it did remove the flickering on them.
Anyone know if there is something similar in the settings regarding actors?
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Hey thehurtbear :smile:

For us cheapskate Intel HD iGPU users (5XX series) I'm afraid it's on plain Vanilla :/

Flickering trees and characters.

I posted a youtube link earlier in this thread that shows the character glitch:


(again, not my video)

The same is happening for trees, npcs and wildlife

Edited by Enig25
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