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Skyrim Special Edition Nexus Mod Manager support


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In response to post #43632285.

fgambler wrote: I'm just wondering, will the current version of NMM be compatible with the new NMM that's being developed? If not I'll just wait for the new mod manager.

Still waiting for reply. I'm worried about start modding using NMM and then not being able to transfer the mods installed to the new "NMO".
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In response to post #43626920. #43632880 is also a reply to the same post.

SirSalami wrote: 6499047-1477623017.gif

The continued dedication that our community displays towards Skyrim as a modding platform never ceases to amaze us. Looking back, other titles have come and gone but the Skyrim modding community remains as strong as ever. In fact, the Skyrim Nexus hit the 1 billion downloads mark at the end of last month. One Billion! Modders everywhere have made the harsh icy lands of Skyrim their home and with the release of the Special Edition, it would seem this tradition is likely to continue.

While it's definitely going to be fun returning to a fresh but familiar Skyrim, there are certain considerations that we modders must make before getting back on the wagon, so-to-speak. Specifically, in regards to compatibility.


Save file compatibility

Unmodded or "vanilla" save files from the original Skyrim are supported by Skyrim Special Edition (SSE). Simply copy (rather than move) the appropriate files from the original folder (/Documents/My Games/Skyrim/Saves), to the new one (/Documents/My Games/Skyrim Special Edition/Saves).

More concerning to us modders however, is compatibility between modded save files and SSE. In short, there are no guarantees that a modded save file for original Skyrim will be compatible with SSE. This is especially the case with save files that are dependent on modded content that is not compatible and present in your SSE installation.


Mod compatibility

As Jim outlined in his previous post, there are several key changes that determine SSE compatibility with original Skyrim mods. These include new compression methods, new methods of handling meshes and animations, to name a few. This means updating will simply not be possible in many cases. For those that are able, it will take some time for authors to convert and republish their work, so please respect their time and efforts and be patient.

Authors, we encourage you to please hide existing, or refrain from publishing, any mods that have not yet been confirmed as working with SSE. Once confirmed, feel free to use our new duplication tools and publish your file. For more information about compatibility and updating mods for SSE, Thallassa has written up a detailed outline which can be found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/skyrimmods/wiki/sse#wiki_how_will_mods_work_for_sse_on_pc.3F


So with all of that said, we suggest that you prepare yourself to "start fresh", both with a new character and a new set of SSE compatible mods that can be found on our SSE Nexus site. That may sound a bit ominous, especially to those of you with huge load-orders, but it's important to remember that SSE is a stand-alone installation separate from original Skyrim. This means that you can keep your current Skyrim installation, load-order, and data folder intact with NMM appropriately handling the titles separately when utilized.

Which brings me to the release of the latest (and possibly last!) update to Nexus Mod Manager. This update brings support for SSE, with all of the bells and whistles you'd expect including easy downloads, installations, and endorsements of SSE mods. Again, NMM will treat SSE as a separate title from original Skyrim, hopefully making the process as intuitive as currently possible.

Download the latest version: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/modmanager/


It's been a long but lovely road for Nexus Mod Manager. The knowledge we've gained from NMM will be instrumental during the development of our next platform... Until then, stay tuned and happy modding!
konstrukter wrote: Thanks for the timely service. Has the script extender team said anything on updating SKSE? And if they do, will the new website be posted on the front page here?

...works now Edited by SamTT
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So if i understand it right. The old mods from the old Skyrim are not compatible with the Special Edition right? I ask because in some Screenshots here in the Special Edition NMM are shown some armors but there are not here to download. Are they still in work or something. I just ask :) and sorry for bad english


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In response to post #43648805.

XxYDarkLinkYxX wrote: So if i understand it right. The old mods from the old Skyrim are not compatible with the Special Edition right? I ask because in some Screenshots here in the Special Edition NMM are shown some armors but there are not here to download. Are they still in work or something. I just ask :) and sorry for bad english

at this point people are just trying stuff out to see what works and what doesnt work. As the old mods are updated they will be put into the new SE mod section for general use.
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Hey Guys Im about to buy the Skyrim Special Edition. Can I start modding it as soon as i get it?


Like my nexus mod manager will recognize it? I heard from a friend it didnt recognize his.


Thank you in advance for your help.

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In response to post #43643020. #43643130 is also a reply to the same post.

virtualsoran wrote: The latest version of NMM is forcible deactivating certain mods, like Enhanced Distant Terrain and Ethereal Elven Overhaul everytime I start it up. Anyone know what's causing this?
generalatrox wrote: Im getting this too. I'm just not going to use the mod until its sorted.

Eh, I'm not using NMM, and sticking with Beth.Net+Manual Installs for the time being.
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