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Lings Finer/Pretty Things??


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Huge Oblivion/Skyrim payer but never got into FO3. Ive decided to get into it and am looking for mods I like. I really like the sound of these two but Nexus has them under investigation and cannot download them. Anyone know the reason and where I could find a place to download them?
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The reason why those mods are "under investigation" is because the author of both mods (Earache42) was banned here some time ago.


As for where to download them instead: No idea. Last I heard the author left for a site which name I am unable to mention here.

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I think I remember finding a link on a blog once that let me access the file on nexus despite the fact that the mod is hidden. But since then I haven't been able to find it at all. The files are probably not even there any more, although I could be mistaken.


The fact is, the file does exist on the internet. The problem? You can't really tell people how to find it online here. Not even in a PM. The name of the site is blocked by the profanity filter.


The Nexus takes a VERY hard stance against using resources from other games. And sites that don't have such policies are basically blocked from being mentioned. VERY, very hard stance.


Basically, you've heard of the ProtectIP legislation? If it passes the Nexus won't have to change in the slightest. ;)

Edited by Jeoshua
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ive got a few of that authors mods just before they got banned, Lings pretty things is brilliant, changes the appearance of most key npcs to be 'pretty' but not exaggerated, i took this shot of Moira at crater side supplies http://www.fallout3nexus.com/imageshare/images/2355550-1303976774.jpg

the face and hair are Lings pretty things. Not sure what alternatives there are to improve npcs like that, guess you might try the beautiful people mod, but never really looked at how it improves things

Edited by nisen
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I did manage to find Ling's Coiffure on an alternative site. I don't think posting the link would be wise, but I will happily post my search query in the hopes it might help people. There are quite a few mods still supported by the Nexus that rely solely on coiffure to actually work, so I find it disheartening that so many other modders are "struck" by the absence of what is, apparently, a keystone mod.


The search I used was "fallout 3 ling's coiffure -new -vegas" - it should be pretty obvious from there.


NOTE: If I'm not allowed to tell people how to find something, I will happily edit this post, it's not exactly fair to jilt authors like the JHB series by completely removing the entirety of one modders collections, but having done my homework, I understand that it was his choice to be 'removed' more or less. It would've been substantially more prudent if Earache42 had simply removed the offending files and cooled his jets, but I'm guilty of raging on my less studious fans at MCF in times of stress, so I know the feeling both ways.


Anyways, if a mod sees this and it's against the rules, I'll edit my post to remove the query, unless they do it themselves. I don't think I'm breaking any rules, but I've been wrong before.


I didn't look for Finer things, but there's some russian site I can't read still hosting the file, under the name "Pretty things". It's anyone's guess what version it might be though, I can't read russian.


Hope this helps someone, I was just trying to make Sydney [as a companion] a little less ugly [a separate mod], and ran into yet another missing Earache mod I needed to make the de-uglification work.


Back on topic, Book of Earache isn't impossible to find, it's pretty much Finer things I could never get to work right anyway (always crashed on Bronson textures for some reason), so it suits me just as well. I'm more of a lore fan, myself, and the idea of romping around the wastes in some of those outfits is beyond peculiar.

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