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Now I need some help in Payback


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I am working on the quest Payback and I have arrived at the stable that contains the four horses we want.


I can find the key for the door on the table next to the door inside the stable, I examine it and the key disappears but the door does not unlock, it still says that a key is required.


I did not think anything else needed to be done. How do I get the door open? Clue books do not say anything more is needed. My current save is standing next to the key but I have not taken it yet. Either by console command or tell me what step I might have overlooked. I have tried night time, daytime, from the inside, from the outside, killing the guard, not killing the guard. I even tried AARD.

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Thanks, just one small problem. When I am moving Geralt around using the WASD keys, I do not have a mouse cursor onscreen.


I tried putting Geralt in front of the door and pressing ' (apostrophe) and nothing happened, no mouse appeared.

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Update, I found my problem in Payback.


I decided to skip Payback and come back later. So I went to my next quest and discovered that I was unable to draw a sword, either one. Do you have any idea how hard it is to beat a Wyvern when all you can do is punch it and use signs? :)


Then I remembered that I had loaded a mod that gives some relic weapons and armor five rune slots. On the home page of that mod I remembered that there was a comment that the mod might corrupt game saves. I disabled the mod and started loading older game saves until I could draw my weapons again. Fortunately i only had to go back about six quests and replay them. Played through to Payback again and all worked like it should.

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