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How do I Replace Dragon Scale Armor with Jester Armor?


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Hey, I have been wondering this for a bit. For my stealth assassin/mage I would like to wear the Jester/Cicero's outfit. However, it counts as clothes and thus has no armor at all, and I cannot put my own enchantments on it since it's already enchanted, which breaks the deal for me.


So I was wondering if anyone could tell me how I can replace the dragonscale armor's appearance with the Jester armor's appearance, so it looks like the Jester outfit but it has the stats of dragonscale armor? Does it involve renaming and such? I see there's a bunch of mods out there at the moment which does this exact thing, but not with the Jester armor. P:


Can anyone tell me how to do it for myself?

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Extract the files for the Jester outfit from the meshes BSA then copy and rename them (give these files the names of the files matching the armour you want to replace) and paste them in the correct directory (should be data\armour\[subfolder depends on the armour you want to replace].


You don't have to mess with texture files.


You can use the FO3 Archive Utility to open the BSA.



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