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Does anybody know how to turn off the DOF ?


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Too much blur. I can't take it. I tried to play SSE, and I made it to the point where my character's hands are unbound, but couldn't play any more because the overdone blur caused me a headacke.


The game's settings surprizingly have no option for me to turn off. Is there a console command or other way to turn off this blurriness ?

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In the SkyrimPrefs.ini is line called "fDynamicDOFBlurMultiplier" under [Display], which set to 0 (normal value is 0.8 ) should get rid of the dof.


Edit: The setting bDoDepthOfField=0 under [imagespace] should have the same effect.

Edited by L3s7ing
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  • 11 months later...

I have tried this method of disabling DOF in the INI, and I have tried the method of using the slider in-game. Neither appear to have any impact on the DOF in-game.



Disturbingly, the problem appears to have solved itself after installing some new mods that should be entirely unrelated. The closest to being related I can think of is the Realistic Night Eye mod.

Edited by Eagle0600
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