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I Used the FPS Optimizer!@#$%


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I noticed the pinned thread that talked about crashes. I have experienced them, so I thought I would check out possible solutions. The first suggestion was to apply the FPS Optimizer v1.96. So, I did. After doing this I fired up Bloodmoon and the response was ridiculous. It was as though I was playing on a 300MHz machine instead of my 1800MHz machine. I was getting less than 1 FPS.


So, I decided that was a bad idea. I then erased the entire FPS folder because it claimed that was all that was needed to remove it. No change. I am still in FPS trouble. I have tried changing setting under video options, and none of them make any difference.


I imagine the Optimizer made some changes somewhere. I don't know where, but they are probably causing my problem.


Before completely reinstalling MW, Tribunal, Bloodmoon and reapplying patches, I decided to post here and hope for a more sane solution. [PLEASE]

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Ahhhh, as I entered the last few words of this post, I realized that turning off the PC and restarting might be a good idea. It was! Now I am back to my normal FPS rate and will be able to avoid the reinstall.


However, if anyone knows what I did wrong with the optimizer, let me know. I might try it again to see if it can be made to work. [Yes, I am a glutton for punishment.]

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Well, I don't think the optimiser can screw your game like that. Just sounds like your PC glitched for some reason. I've been using FPS Optimiser and it helps a lot! Download it again and use it. :P I can't think it could have caused your game to drop to 1 FPS though, all it does is automatically highten and lower the view distance and game options to optimise FPS. Not actively alter the FPS or anything... doesn't even touch the ini file AFAIK.
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hmm, you might have accidentally activated the option it has for radeon cards, i did that once on my SiS (geforce fx5200 128bit tomorrow), and it literally, said 0fps, before crashing.

although, it is always best to know what your doing with that program, because it can really screw your game up...

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