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Copy pasting


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Hi all, I'm sure this has been discussed before, but I'm wondering how I can copy & paste my hair / eyes into other races.


In the construction set I dragged over all the CCC hair and eyes I wanted to one custom race and I've got about 30 other custom races I want to have the same options on. I loaded up TES4Edit, but it won't let me copy and override the Hnam and Enam records of hair and eyes... construction set is also evil and won't let me copy pasta.


Is there a way I can inject these records into the other races without deleting all the other races and copying repeatedly the one race that has the hair and eyes?

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In the "character" tab, you will find two menus, "Hair" and "Eyes".


Go into these menus, then bring up the race menu and into the "Body Data" tab of your chosen race. You can click and drag your chosen body part into the respective box. Make sure you click "playable" on each set of eyes and hair.

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