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Vigilants of Stendarr :Paladin Order


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@Ellderon: Beautiful work :D Would be awesome to get some custom armor, and weapons done. Maybe different armor sets to denote rank or something. Also, I said I'd get a forum started, and I did. Can find it here


@triangleman26: Is a possibility. But I imagine if they do release a DLC centered around the Vigilants, wouldn't be too much of a stretch to modify this mod to make it work alongside it. Maybe as another "chapter" in Skyrim =P.

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Brilliant idea!! I've always wondered if I was missing something about these guys.


If more help is needed, i'm in. Unfortunately, I proved absolutely terrible at every technical aspect of modding. But, anything story related, or perhaps some voice acting (never done any, but I'm more than willing to give it a shot.) and I'll certainly help out.

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I really like this idea! I used to play as a Crusader back in Oblivion. I was very disappointed when there were no factions or even armor that suited that play style in skyrim. Maybe even the Relics of The Divine Crusader could make a return in this: Being the reward for becoming the Champion of The Nine? I'm willing to help out in anyway I can. I don't have really any modding experiance and only a rough understanding of Skyrim/Oblivion scripting at best. I might be able to voice act, though I have even never done that before.
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Wow, sound interesting...The Vigil can definitely use some improvement, If you need a concept artist I'm up for it, that's if you want it...I'll do my best to help.

Remember though the Vigils heart is in the right place, but they kinda give me the religious zealot "burn everything" vibe sometimes, so just keep that in mind when you do the quests...

good luck!

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@ Modder3434: Hopefully soon :thumbsup: Wanted most of the major characters written by now, and most of the dialogue written by now, but the holiday season made me a lot busier than I anticipated @_@


@ tazmo: Butts are literally being worked off (as much as can be done anyways) as much as possible without the CK. Most of the story is coming along nicely =)


@ Jckbckfrd2: Voice acting is certainly a possibility! Wanting to try to get as many varied voices as possible for the characters since there's gonna be kind of a bit of em.


@ JakeMiller1993: Is why I wanted something like this to get made lol. One of my favorite characters in Oblivion I made was a Crusader character who wore the Divine Crusaders armor and tried to be a hero to the people. Wish there was an option like that in Skyrim, but sadly no. Is hard being good when so many good rewards come from being bad =(. I did think about having some form of "Divine Crusader" armor in the mod. Maybe as a cheap knockoff or even able to make your own. An idea I was floating around :whistling:


@ William: Hadn't thought of spells :O but that's a neat idea all the same!


@ Scorch621: Can always use some help with concept art =). Especially since I can find about half a million Paladin armor idea's for creating extra armors and weapons. The only bad thing though is that most of it is heavy plate mail, and I can't find any idea's for light armor without it being skimpy and heavy on cleavage. Good idea on the religious zealot idea too. been wanting to hint at that a bit more as I write. That actually gives me a really good idea too :devil:

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