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Remove same sex marriage?


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The straight people parade is a 24/7 thing. Just watch tv or step outside.

Maybe you need to step outside and watch tv. I have NEVER heard or seen a straight-pride parade. And I've lived in Brazil, which is one of the most heterosexual countries I've ever seen, that's saying something (don't believe me? Look at carnaval).

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Maybe you think homosexual marriage is perfectly normal, I for one, do not, and since I'm an American I have all the right to express my own beliefs (It's called free-speech). And about my comment on "gay-rights supporters", disregard it, again, I thought that the word "homophobe" was another way to call me gay, which really didn't make sense (god damn my terrible logic); to make mistakes is only human, no? Oh and calling me ignorant really just makes you seem ignorant for insulting me dude.


No one is preventing you from expressing your beliefs. I think they're disgusting and completely illogical, but I would never keep you from expressing them - nor will I refrain from expressing mine.


...I don't really think "ignorant" is as much an insult as it is a statement of fact, given that you're so wrapped up in your little straight bubble that you didn't know what "homophobe" meant.



Maybe you need to step outside and watch tv. I have NEVER heard or seen a straight-pride parade. And I've lived in Brazil, which is one of the most heterosexual countries I've ever seen, that's saying something (don't believe me? Look at carnaval).


No one is talking about literal straight pride parades. The point you're missing is that straight people don't need straight pride parades. They don't need to fight for representation in the news and in fictional media. Straight people are everywhere! Life is just one big Being Straight Is Cool Day for you.


It's not like that for us.

Edited by paradoxicalreaction
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Maybe you think homosexual marriage is perfectly normal, I for one, do not, and since I'm an American I have all the right to express my own beliefs (It's called free-speech). And about my comment on "gay-rights supporters", disregard it, again, I thought that the word "homophobe" was another way to call me gay, which really didn't make sense (god damn my terrible logic); to make mistakes is only human, no? Oh and calling me ignorant really just makes you seem ignorant for insulting me dude.


No one is preventing you from expressing your beliefs. I think they're disgusting and completely illogical, but I would never keep you from expressing them - nor will I refrain from expressing mine.


...I don't really think "ignorant" is as much an insult as it is a statement of fact, given that you're so wrapped up in your little straight bubble that you didn't know what "homophobe" ment.

It's not a belief, friend. It's the truth. Men and men aren't meant to combine, it's a biological fact (and being born gay isn't one). You're a smart guy and you can talk smart, but you're blind. Blind by the fact that our world's culture has made you believe that homosexuality is perfectly normal (way to be mainstream). Think whatever you wish, think of me as a homophobe, I don't care, neither do I care about the meaning of the word, as you've clearly seen.

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It's not a belief, friend. It's the truth. Men and men aren't meant to combine, it's a biological fact (and being born gay isn't one). You're a smart guy and you can talk smart, but you're blind. Blind by the fact that our world's culture has made you believe that homosexuality is perfectly normal (way to be mainstream). Think whatever you wish, think of me as a homophobe, I don't care, neither do I care about the meaning of the word, as you've clearly seen.


Your right to your own beliefs ends at holding them; you can't enforce them on other people, and if you try to pass them off as fact people will call you on it.


I'm not your friend (nor am I a guy). I know that same-gender couples can't reproduce naturally - well. That isn't always true, but I don't know that I have the energy to explain to you how a man can have a uterus. But cissexual (Google that, as well as "transgender") same-sex couples can't reproduce, and no one is disputing that.


But there are women in relationships with men who don't want children. Are those relationships wrong too? There are people in relationships who don't even want sex, period.


I am hopelessly out of touch with mainstream society unless I force myself to integrate with it. I'm on the autism spectrum, and I question everything that's presented to me as truth. Which is not necessarily a good thing, but it does leave me certain that I didn't somehow "catch" being gay from the media, or from other gay people. (If I couldn't pick up How To Be A Human 101, how on Earth would I have managed to absorb something as complicated as sexuality?)


I mention being autistic not because I think there's any correlation whatsoever between that and sexuality, but in hope that it might make you look differently at your "society has brainwashed you into being gay" worldview. I feel a need to clarify this. That's probably a very sad thing.

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Maybe you think homosexual marriage is perfectly normal, I for one, do not, and since I'm an American I have all the right to express my own beliefs (It's called free-speech). And about my comment on "gay-rights supporters", disregard it, again, I thought that the word "homophobe" was another way to call me gay, which really didn't make sense (god damn my terrible logic); to make mistakes is only human, no? Oh and calling me ignorant really just makes you seem ignorant for insulting me dude.


No one is preventing you from expressing your beliefs. I think they're disgusting and completely illogical, but I would never keep you from expressing them - nor will I refrain from expressing mine.


...I don't really think "ignorant" is as much an insult as it is a statement of fact, given that you're so wrapped up in your little straight bubble that you didn't know what "homophobe" ment.

It's not a belief, friend. It's the truth. Men and men aren't meant to combine, it's a biological fact (and being born gay isn't one). You're a smart guy and you can talk smart, but you're blind. Blind by the fact that our world's culture has made you believe that homosexuality is perfectly normal (way to be mainstream). Think whatever you wish, think of me as a homophobe, I don't care, neither do I care about the meaning of the word, as you've clearly seen.


I guess it's not a biological fact that dozens of animal species have animals that are homosexual in behavior? Just because you think it's icky doesn't mean it's not normal. The same argument was behind not allowing blacks and whites to marry.

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Why are they homophobic just because they dont want same sex marriages. Believe it or not, you can not want that in the game and still be a sane, humane, average person. Get over yourselves you pretentious finks.


exactly, they just attack everyone who doesnt praise them for being gay and use homophobe to make people feel bad or wrong when they are simply stating a personal preference in a video game, its called the victim act & they are good at it, this way they make a simple request seem evil thus making it unlikely for someone to take it up without having to face online flaming.

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It's not a belief, friend. It's the truth. Men and men aren't meant to combine, it's a biological fact (and being born gay isn't one). You're a smart guy and you can talk smart, but you're blind. Blind by the fact that our world's culture has made you believe that homosexuality is perfectly normal (way to be mainstream). Think whatever you wish, think of me as a homophobe, I don't care, neither do I care about the meaning of the word, as you've clearly seen.


People also weren't 'meant' to have their flesh pierced and have metal wrapped around them, nor were they 'meant' to dye their hair or wear glasses.


Humans do a lot of things that are 'unnatural', have you ever heard of an animal putting on clothes, and driving a car to go to work? If you want to refrain from humans doing anything 'unnatural' then that means no medicine, no hair dye, no piercings, no jewelry, no cars, no technology, get your ass off that computer and go be a hunter-gatherer. Natural has no meaning, by 'natural' you mean 'doesn't disgust me'. If you don't like homosexuals, fine, but don't whine about how it's 'unnatural' because that's just personal bias in the way, and it's no different than hating people because of ethnicity. You're just disgusted by a certain trait and therefore you think it's bad.


Now, seeing as I don't want a ban, I'm stepping out of this. I've delivered my two cents, I'm not donating any more.

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Why are they homophobic just because they dont want same sex marriages. Believe it or not, you can not want that in the game and still be a sane, humane, average person. Get over yourselves you pretentious finks.


exactly, they just attack everyone who doesnt praise them for being gay and use homophobe to make people feel bad or wrong when they are simply stating a personal preference in a video game, its called the victim act & they are good at it, this way they make a simple request seem evil thus making it unlikely for someone to take it up without having to face online flaming.


Perhaps sensitivity can be understood if a person has empathy. When a person lives in a place where homosexuality is a capital offense (death sentence), or where in their state in the United States of America only had such laws being felonies ruled unconstitutional less than 10 years ago, you might understand how people might feel in very real danger by the same kind of talk that led to those laws.


I do believe in free speech. And I'm not opposed to such a mod being made.


The thing is, for people in this country (USA), the argument is often made by Christians that to allow Gay Marriage, is an attack on their rights. The argument they make would be no different than banning all marriages in a Church for the reverse reason. Infringing on rights would be to force a church to perform the marriage, not for the marriage itself to happen.

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