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Remove same sex marriage?


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This is turning into less of a 'Mod Request' thread and more into a 'Debate' thread... :confused:

I know, I've asked an admin to close it already. But still, I'm going to enforce my views as long as I can, I know its kind of contradictory.

Edited by Xphen
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It's not a belief, friend. It's the truth. Men and men aren't meant to combine, it's a biological fact (and being born gay isn't one). You're a smart guy and you can talk smart, but you're blind. Blind by the fact that our world's culture has made you believe that homosexuality is perfectly normal (way to be mainstream). Think whatever you wish, think of me as a homophobe, I don't care, neither do I care about the meaning of the word, as you've clearly seen.


Ok I'm sorry but you have no idea what you are talking about. Homosexuality is a gene, and it was an evolutionary mechanism where you could have men back at the tribe protecting the women and helping feed the children with no worries about them having sex with their spouses. For the female variant, you could have women fulfilling their sexual pleasures when men were gone for long periods of time and also acting as nannies to help children but not have them. It is, in fact, normal, and this IS biology, this IS fact, there is such thing as the gay gene.


I wouldn't say it's an evolutionary varriant, simply because it prevents stable reproduction. In order to be evolutionarilty selected for, youhave to be able to produce viable offspring, and without modern technology it's impossible for homosexual couples to do that. You could of course argue that the trait could be favored through extra-relational reproduction, but most of the homosexuals i know would rather go celibate than 'swing that way'.


All of that said, it is definately a genetic trigger. Based on everything we know, its caused by a many as 3 different single-point mutations in the human X chromosome. Oddly enough, this makes it more common in males than females, because females can replace the defective genes with those on the duplicate X chromosome. All the mutations cause changes to the endocrine system, changing the molecular makeup of hormones and affecting the function of the petuitary gland. The same can be said for transgender. Anyone who argues against a genetic explination has absolutely no knowlege of genetics, and completely ignores the mountian of evidence stating it is a natural phenomenon.


That's where your wrong! No one would give a damn if a straight couple, but if a gay couple was kicked out of a restaurant the whole world would know it! Gays are way over-endorsed.


I actually agree with this more than the former arguement, and have in fact seen it. My girlfriend and i were out to dinner one night, and a nearby straight couple kissed, and were politely asked by the staff not to do that, as it was resteraunt policy to not alow public displays of affection because it may offend some diners. Several minutes later, a gay couple elsewhere did the same, and was given the same responce. Instead of comply, as the straights did, one gentleman stood up on his chair and becried the whole incedent as homophobic bias, and the story made it into the paper the next morning. It was absurd. The homosexual community has made great strides, but their starting to get to the point of the feminist community where they take things way, way too far.


For a feminist example, there are 3 women-only gyms in this city. A men-only gym opend up about 2 years ago, and within 48 hours there were women protesting how sexist it is. Whats worse, just as with the situation above, the media latches on to the ones who kick up a stink the most, posting the conflict on the front page for 3 days straight. 2 weeks later a counter story about bias against men at the women-only gyms managed to make it into the paper. On page 12.

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This is turning into less of a 'Mod Request' thread and more into a 'Debate' thread... :confused:


I'd make the mod myself if nobody else did.


That's the point -- everyone can do what they want with their life.


It's the people who want to dictate who others can marry that was brought up. Want to marry someone? Marry them. Don't want to marry someone? Don't marry them. Makes no sense for one person to tell another who they can marry just because they themselves don't want to.

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Can someone just please lock this thread already? The flames are starting to spread onto my Youtube tabs...

Get an extinguisher and deal with it. Keeping quiet about these things will eat this world whole. That's why the Illuminati (there was auto-correct for this wtf) are spreading like a disease.

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It's not a belief, friend. It's the truth. Men and men aren't meant to combine, it's a biological fact (and being born gay isn't one). You're a smart guy and you can talk smart, but you're blind. Blind by the fact that our world's culture has made you believe that homosexuality is perfectly normal (way to be mainstream). Think whatever you wish, think of me as a homophobe, I don't care, neither do I care about the meaning of the word, as you've clearly seen.


Ok I'm sorry but you have no idea what you are talking about. Homosexuality is a gene, and it was an evolutionary mechanism where you could have men back at the tribe protecting the women and helping feed the children with no worries about them having sex with their spouses. For the female variant, you could have women fulfilling their sexual pleasures when men were gone for long periods of time and also acting as nannies to help children but not have them. It is, in fact, normal, and this IS biology, this IS fact, there is such thing as the gay gene.


I wouldn't say it's an evolutionary varriant, simply because it prevents stable reproduction. In order to be evolutionarilty selected for, youhave to be able to produce viable offspring, and without modern technology it's impossible for homosexual couples to do that. You could of course argue that the trait could be favored through extra-relational reproduction, but most of the homosexuals i know would rather go celibate than 'swing that way'.


All of that said, it is definately a genetic trigger. Based on everything we know, its caused by a many as 3 different single-point mutations in the human X chromosome. Oddly enough, this makes it more common in males than females, because females can replace the defective genes with those on the duplicate X chromosome. All the mutations cause changes to the endocrine system, changing the molecular makeup of hormones and affecting the function of the petuitary gland. The same can be said for transgender. Anyone who argues against a genetic explination has absolutely no knowlege of genetics, and completely ignores the mountian of evidence stating it is a natural phenomenon.


That's where your wrong! No one would give a damn if a straight couple, but if a gay couple was kicked out of a restaurant the whole world would know it! Gays are way over-endorsed.


I actually agree with this more than the former arguement, and have in fact seen it. My girlfriend and i were out to dinner one night, and a nearby straight couple kissed, and were politely asked by the staff not to do that, as it was resteraunt policy to not alow public displays of affection because it may offend some diners. Several minutes later, a gay couple elsewhere did the same, and was given the same responce. Instead of comply, as the straights did, one gentleman stood up on his chair and becried the whole incedent as homophobic bias, and the story made it into the paper the next morning. It was absurd. The homosexual community has made great strides, but their starting to get to the point of the feminist community where they take things way, way too far.


For a feminist example, there are 3 women-only gyms in this city. A men-only gym opend up about 2 years ago, and within 48 hours there were women protesting how sexist it is. Whats worse, just as with the situation above, the media latches on to the ones who kick up a stink the most, posting the conflict on the front page for 3 days straight. 2 weeks later a counter story about bias against men at the women-only gyms managed to make it into the paper. On page 12.


100 % agreed. all of it, only insecure people (people who feel pushed down by the mainstream for instance) would do such things, like a lot of the gay community and the feminist groups.

Edited by Wraithofdoom
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Can someone just please lock this thread already? The flames are starting to spread onto my Youtube tabs...

Get an extinguisher and deal with it. Keeping quiet about these things will eat this world whole. That's why the Illuminati (there was auto-correct for this wtf) are spreading like a disease.


And there is a perfectly good place for this sort of discussion.


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Can someone just please lock this thread already? The flames are starting to spread onto my Youtube tabs...

Get an extinguisher and deal with it. Keeping quiet about these things will eat this world whole. That's why the Illuminati (there was auto-correct for this wtf) are spreading like a disease.


And there is a perfectly good place for this sort of discussion.



Agreed... not only has the problem in the original post been addressed with perfectly viable solutions-- twice-- but there's not much left going on here but flames and antipathy. Let's just walk away from this, shall we? Keeping on with it won't unlock an achievement.

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