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Will SkyUI be ported to SSE ?


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Direct quote from Schlangster in the comments thread for SkyUI: Short answer: I don't know, but I think it's unlikely.

Longer answer: We're no longer active and I in particular am not going to put any more work in. Got neither the time nor is it fun anymore, so I really shouldn't be doing it. In general, I have nothing against porting it though. If we ever get to the point where someone else took care of all the details and all I have to do is update the .esp, recompile and upload, then I will do so. I just don't really expect anyone to do that.

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I wonder why he thinks no one would want to do the work of porting SkyUI

Is he not aware how essential the mod is for so many players?

If I was to guess I'd say having mess with tons of code that isn't yours as well as modify it to work for the new game, and likely also the ssese when that comes out, would be alot of hassle. I'm predicting we might be more likely to see someone make a replacement from scratch than port the whole thing over. I'm not a coder though so perhaps I'm wrong.

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2.2 SKYUI works with SSE. I don't get why people keep posting about this?

Because you don't have any MCM menus. Of course, you also need SKSE for that so, we have a lot to wait for right now.


Wanna bet? You don't need SKSE to run 2.2.. It's a different file but anything after 2.2 will not work.

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I wonder why he thinks no one would want to do the work of porting SkyUI

Is he not aware how essential the mod is for so many players?


People move on...life is short so if it's not fun anymore, why do it? The Sky UI team doesn't owe us anything.


And while the MCM is really convenient, I'm guessing that most of its mod configuration capabilities could be moved to spells or books in the same way FO4 mods used holotapes.


SKSE on the other hand, is really hard to replace and it sounds like that will take a long time to develop unfortunately.

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