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Game CTDs on entering Magic Menu


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Hey all, the name is pretty self-explanatory. I'm attaching the load order in here, too. My copy is legit (Legendary Edition on Steam), and all my stuff is up to date. Fully patched with the Unofficial Patches as well. The mods I use that require FNIS have been run through the program as per the instructions for the program. Everything has been sorted with a 100% up to date version of LOOT. Currently, I'm playing a hunter, so magic isn't all that important, but my next one was going to be a mage. Any and all help is appreciated!



Edited by Tanis41493
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Are you having problems with any other menu, lesser powers for example? Did you triple check SkyUI being up to date?

I can't even get to the magic menu. I get to the compass (Magic, Map, Skills, Inventory) and go over to select Magic. If I just hover on it (Or select it, since I use a controller) then I'm fine. But if I try to open it, it's an instacrash. SkyUI SHOULD be the newest edition, since I did a clean install of the entire game, and installed SkyUI no more than a week ago. Plus, I have it through the Steam Workshop, so it auto-updates. Unless the Steam Workshop version isn't the most up-to-date? What's the latest version?


Thanks for the response, mate :smile:


Edit: It is, in fact, the newest version (By 3 days, comparing to the Nexus version)

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The current version of SkyUI is 5.1 Since you are using a controller, I just want to make sure you are playing the old version of Skyrim and not the Special Edition since SkyUI has not been fixed for SSE yet. Also, do you have the latest version of SKSE installed?

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Are you having problems with any other menu, lesser powers for example? Did you triple check SkyUI being up to date?

I can't even get to the magic menu. I get to the compass (Magic, Map, Skills, Inventory) and go over to select Magic. If I just hover on it (Or select it, since I use a controller) then I'm fine. But if I try to open it, it's an instacrash. SkyUI SHOULD be the newest edition, since I did a clean install of the entire game, and installed SkyUI no more than a week ago. Plus, I have it through the Steam Workshop, so it auto-updates. Unless the Steam Workshop version isn't the most up-to-date? What's the latest version?


Thanks for the response, mate :smile:


Edit: It is, in fact, the newest version (By 3 days, comparing to the Nexus version)


Then yeah I'm good, I have 5.1. I'm using the Skyrim: Legendary Edition (So regular Skyrim + DLCs), and I have the latest version of SKSE installed through the Steam Workshop

Edited by Tanis41493
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