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My ENB settings don't actually do anything


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TL;DR enb settings in the GUI do absolutely jack s***, help


So this started when I wanted to use my old ENB Serenity ExtendedFX

I use 0.262 with this ENB, cant find 0.254 anywhere

See, thing is:

  1. My sky is horribly bright with the ENB sky enabled, like it's straight up blinding white.

  2. Like half of the actual settings do absolutely f*** all, I tested AO by looking at a bunch of wooden logs and there's absolutely NO visual difference between it being off and on.

Best thing ?


I get 144fps with ambient occlusion ON, but when I untick it, I get 133fps ( i don't actually play at these framerates, no worries :] )




Once again, there is absolutely 0 difference in visual quality


Same s*** goes for DoF, it just simply doesn't work at all.


Detailed shadows = same thing, shadows are exactly the same no matter if detailed shadows are ticked or not. Image based lighting also doesn't do anything.


The few settings that actually work are stuff like Bloom, Adaptation. Original Object Post processing makes the game horribly bright (yeah I know I'm not supposed to tick those two settings but I just wanted to see whether they worked or not). Original Post processing doesn't do anything.


Why the hell is this happening ? Am I missing some super secret ENB installation steps ? I'm pretty sure it's just copy the binary file and then copy the ENB.


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