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Environment Immersion


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Pullable/Pushable carts - Place stuff in a cart click on it and push/pull wherever you want to take it.


Usable Grain Mill - Use it to turn raw materials into alchemy ingredients


Usable Saw Mill - Cut logs then go chop them up for fire wood. Pre-cut logs should chop faster than others. Any other ides?


Objective Projectiles - Make movable objects react more violently when hitting them with your weapon. So you slam your sword into a fruit bowl and it will then proceed to carom off a wall and slam an npc in the head. Objective projectiles should do a scalable amount of damage to any individual they hit.

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I think this relates to environment immersion, is there a mod that makes the dead bodies solid? at the moment they are like ghost bodies, you can just walk straight through them...


I seriously doubt you'd prefer it the other way. What if you get caught in a tight corner and a dead dragon is blocking your way? There will be no way to get out, short of fast travel which isn't always an option.

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