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Linked Containers (repost)

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Hey NorthernNick! While poking around the YouTubes for soemthign totally unrelated, I stumbled across this tutorial by Darkfox127 that shows how to do pretty much what you want with no scripting!



It's an older tutorial for Skyrim, but I see no reason it won't work for FO4 other than replacing the "dummy" default script he mentions with the DefaultActivateLinkedRefOnActivate script mentioned by LoneRaptor. All else seems the same as in FO4. It's so simple I had to do a facepalm for not thinking of it. No time to try this myself right now, but think it might be of some help to you.

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  • 6 years later...

I have sorted out a cloud storage system for my player homes , instead of having loads of containers around , Turn them to Activators. The CK has a script call DefaultLinkedRefOnActivate.
Make Sure you have the keywords, WorkshopItemKeyword, WorkshopLinkContainer and WorkshopContainerKeyword.
In the properties change the Link ref keyword to WorkshopLinkContainers. Object Ref under it choose your container.
Then just go through all Activators you want to link to it
Link Refs , WorkshopItemKeyWord, WorkshoplinkContainer
Its Worked for me

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You dont actually need any of those keywords on an activator, just a none keyword linkedref to the central storage.


DefaultActivateLinkedRefOnActivate is a bit messy, this delivers abetter user experience by blocking button bounce;

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)

Self.BlockActivation(abBlocked = True, abHideActivateText = True)

ObjectReference thisCentralStorage = Self.GetLinkedref(None)
If (thisCentralStorage != None)

Self.BlockActivation(abBlocked = False, abHideActivateText = False)


Standalone workBENCHEs will automatically use central storage if linkrefed using keyword WorkshopItemKeyword.


Do not do this with workSHOPs or workSHOP connected workBENCHEs unless you understand exactly what you are doing to the game systems.

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