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request Smart Cast


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  • 2 weeks later...

Throwing some thought into this:

This requires SKSE, likely.

If the MCM is the only thing that needs this, then it (probably) could be done, however...

It would be pretty hard to put this in your game, as you'd have to use a config file, sure, this could be easily implemented using some kind of ID tracking system for each spell, but this is still a huge overhaul needed for it.


My idea:

A key to update a file, which contains IDs referencing to each spell in the game.

CTRL+F to find your spell, e.g. Firebolt.

"ID: 439 Name: Firebolt"


You'd go to the smart auto casting file, and fill in a bunch of values.

Perhaps you could use an application to do all of this for you, either way, you can't use MCM.


Another idea: Books, like how VioLens and Vivid Weathers does it currently.


NSFW Name/Mod

Animated Prostitution

uses spells and shouts, and a menu system like VioLens a VividWeathers.

It's like a Yes/No menu.


Anyways, has anyone actually contacted NeoRunek, or has he said anything?

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...

It's still not here :sad:


and not even an skse


so basically vanilla -> se


then what was the point of se? quick xbox moneygrab? kinda looks like it if you ask me

its mostly too expand modding but i think beth should had optimised it better instead of improving performance in the rift they made it even worse

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