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Perks without Leveling


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Okay, I'm probably in the minority here when I say that I truly and fully enjoy playing skyrim at level 1 and only level 1. I feel as if the difficulty is scaled perfectly and enjoy the idea of having to kill things with an iron or steel axe and not an overpowered dragon-bone axe. I feel more immersed in my characters as they go out and explore the world and feel less like a overpowered demigod and more like an actual 'down to earth character.' That said, I would love to see a mod that brings the ability to earn and spend perk points without needing to gain levels. I would love to be a lvl 1 thief that goes around and pick pockets the guards or townsfolk. And as you might know as anyone who's tried this at lvl 1 - it's kinda hard to do without the bonuses that perks give.

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