SPH1 Posted November 2, 2016 Share Posted November 2, 2016 (edited) Okay, one doesn't even load and the other has low framerate. As for the framerate, I never really turned that on (and not sure I remember how) so just going by the seat of my pants, game is playing very well even with what I would call several higher performance mods (Open Cities, Frostfall/Camping, Wet & Cold, iNeed.) And running up my fort steps seemed even better, so I'm hoping that performance/frame rate has been improved. As for loading, I very recently had that problem, where my SE got stuck in a launching loop. It may have been my fault, when I tried an un-ported copy of Castle Strunmah, to see if it ran better in SE. Contacted Bethseda support but no solution. I finally fixed my launch problem by turning off launching as administrator...and I'm not sure how it got set for administrator. You might take a look at that. From googling my problem it appeared that some had a launch loop problem (or game already running notice) even with the original. Edited November 2, 2016 by SPH1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FrankFamily Posted November 2, 2016 Share Posted November 2, 2016 Agreed. I don't care how "stable" the SSE is at 15 frames per second. I'll take "unstable" Oldrim at 60+ fps any day. wait... i'm having a Déjà vu.... That is literally like saying you'd rather have call of duty mothern warfare 2 instead of one of the latests call of duty games. Of course SSE has higher hardware requirements than old vanilla skyrim. If i get Battlefield 1 and my pc can run it does that make it a worse game? does that make an older battlefield a better game? No offense but that is utter nonsense. Also I don't really get why poeple compare old skyrim + 5 years of mods with SSE + less than a week of porting them. Fair comparison is SSE with skyrim vanilla because that's what it's replacing, anything else is in my opinion demagogy. Of couse fully modded with killer enb old skyrim is better than "vanilla" SSE, specially because modding means it's cutomized to one's tastes and the fully modded with killer enb old skyrim probably has higher hardware requriements than SSE... Mods will eventually get to SSE and more mods will be developed for SSE directly. Just give authors time and compare it to what is should actually be compared. Remember what skyrim was the day it was released? A great game with a lot of potential (and lots of bugs). SSE is a bit greater game with a lot more potential. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AlarictheVisgoth Posted November 2, 2016 Share Posted November 2, 2016 Syrim SE is far and away better than the original, even modded.Thanks for that deep assessment, Maiq. Insult not Maiq. For he is a reknown pathological lair and not forum troll. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TeofaTsavo Posted November 3, 2016 Share Posted November 3, 2016 Syrim SE is far and away better than the original, even modded.Thanks for that deep assessment, Maiq. Insult not Maiq. For he is a reknown pathological lair and not forum troll. I apologize. I was indeed unfair to Maiq. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
phantompally76 Posted November 3, 2016 Share Posted November 3, 2016 @Frankfamily, Vanilla Skyrim won over 200 Game-of-the-Year awards over 3 platforms in 2011 without a single mod. I get so tired of people trying to paint a picture that the game was horrible upon release. It demonstrably was not. You also need to try to understand that people are not upset because the SSE doesn't have 40,000 mods and a thousand ENBs yet. People are upset because the SSE affords them no more than 20 FPS on their modern hardware. That's unplayable to the vast majority of gamers, and with mods, it's going to be even worse. THAT is the issue here. Performance out of the box is terrible for 40% of the modding community. You clearly aren't affected by that, so of course you think you've just discovered water with the SSE. You just need to be mindful that isn't the case for everyone. And telling them to go out and buy a new system to play a five year-old game that has been "optimized" for "stability" is horsecrap, particularly for those individuals who can run every other game on the market just fine. That's the part you're ignoring. It's not about content.....it's about performance. And I maintain that stability means nothing when coupled with poor performance. The SSE has already divided the community. And that gap will widen as more and more issues crop up. True, we still have both games. But how much longer will Arthmoor, Chesko, Isoku,et al continue to develop and update mods on both platforms? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FrankFamily Posted November 3, 2016 Share Posted November 3, 2016 Feel free to quote where i said vanilla skyrim is horrible because i actually said the opposite "A great game with a lot of potential [to be even greater]" Sentences are written to be read completely not to take the first part and invent the rest. My first point is that people not having a strong enough system is not the game's problem. It's requirement arent that crazy anyway, of couse higher than original skyrim, that's the thing. We are talking about a game from 2011, SSE aims (wether it acomplishes that or not is another , pretty subjective, matter) to put it somewhere in the middle from now and then, therefore the higher hardware requirement.You COULD say the game performs terribly for the requirements it has and it would be valid point, but comparing it's fps to original skyrim is not very accurate, again, updated engine, graphics, 64 bit, etc... higher requirements. So, no, i'm not ignoring anything here. "You also need to try to understand that people are not upset because the SSE doesn't have 40,000 mods and a thousand ENBs yet." Oh, believe me, i can understand that without trying very hard... You know how to know who's the cleverest in the room? it's usually the one that doesn't show off.(in school the method is different, the children that don't pay attention are either the dumbest (unable to) or cleverest (bored)... going offtopic)And, again, never said they are upset because of that, i said they are comparing both, which THEY ARE (more than one people at least which is enough for the usage of THEY). And i also say that this comparison is nonsense, in my opinion. "And telling them to go out and buy a new system" Nobody is saying that, every game has it's requirements, people that meet them play it people that not decide by themselves to get a new system or upgrade or simply not play it. Nobody is forcing anyone to install SSE either... "But how much longer will Arthmoor, Chesko, Isoku,et al continue to develop and update mods on both platforms?" & "The SSE has already divided the community." As much as they want i suppose, they are free people.And don't be so dramatic... the community is ripping appart! everyone to the boats! children first!... it's not like that. You also need to try to understand that the modding community as you say is small compared to global amount of people that bought skyrim, not the mayority. Bethesda is not working for the modding community and probably does not care about how united it is or how dramatic it's members are. Also, SSE actually expands the modding community by getting consoles in. Overall, may i recommend a bit of reading comprehension practice? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
phantompally76 Posted November 4, 2016 Share Posted November 4, 2016 (edited) Frank, while I may respect your talents as a mod author, I find your social skills to be exceedingly distasteful, and lacking. That is why I unendorsed your paladin mod and stopped praising it. I just got tired of the contemptuous and condescending way you were constantly treating users trying to offer feedback. Just like you're trying to do to me now. Well, I won't have it. You cannot deny that you're trying to vilify the original game's shortcomings in order to promote your own agenda of trying to make it obsolete. If it weren't for the original game, no one would have any clue who Frankfamily is, and no one would be walking on eggshells around you all the time in order to keep you from belittling them for absolutely no reason, as is your wont. Well let me tell you something. The SSE has plenty of shortcomings of its own. Shortcomings that can not be addressed at this time, because the two most essential modding tools are not being ported over. And no matter how hard you stick your fingers in your ears and go "la la la", you can't ignore that. So get off your high horse, try to remember that a semi-decent overpowered armor mod does not make you God's gift to the modding community, and accept that not everyone on this site is obligated to agree with your short-sighted, selfish opinions. My reading comprehension is just fine, sir. How is yours? Edited November 4, 2016 by phantompally76 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FrankFamily Posted November 4, 2016 Share Posted November 4, 2016 while i respect your opinion as a toxic human being but still human being i totally disagree and in all honestly think you are wrong and seriously think you need to practice reading because english is not my mother tongue but im pretty sure im using at least comprehensible sentences and you are totally inventing what i say like some sort of paranoia going on your head, back to reality please.i dont particulary like repeating myself but lets go. im not vilifying the original AT ALL. i havent said anything negative about original skyrim now, and probably have never done so (not counting bug jokes and engine complaining which is not seriously). its one of favourite games, i do liked oblivion more though. and its the game that got me into the whole 3d world that is my main hobby currently and a few years of learning in the future, a possible job, having options is always good.And i still havent found anything in what ive written that could lead someone to think that i vilify original skyrim... never said SSE is flawless either, hell i didnt even said it was good. "a bit greater" than the original is what i said.so, again, just read, please.then i dont get where all the stuff about my paladin mod comes from, should have gotten those feelings out much before.i guess you needed something to attack me, fair enough, get it all out, you'll thank me later. The fact that you unendorsed my mod and stopped praising is meaningless to me, jesus that's a massive ego, i give you that."nobody would know who frankfamily was without skyrim", ive used that username in other places but yeah, mostly yes. the point? nobody knows who phantomfally is without hypothetical skyrim-less worlds btw.and im not frankfamily, im Borja, frankfamily is just an username i used here, i don't really need a bunch of people i don't even know knowing that username... do you need that?so yeah i can agree with you in that sentence, i fail to see the point though. since when telling one's opinion is forcing people to agree? Q: may i recommend a bit of reading comprehension practice?A: My reading comprehension is just fine, sir. How is yours? That's childish, i expected a bit higher level...the rest of what you have said is utter nonsense, invented stuff and attacks for no reason so im going to wrap it up.I may make semi-decent armor/weapon mods as a hobby and share them here (sure that makes me selfish) and dont take non-constructive unpolite criticism very well, or even criticism in general, is that a crime? i may also defend my work strongly and think its more than semi decent. i may also decide to not share my mods with people i consider toxic or utterly dumb by banning them (so far what, 10 people at most) and i may answer to trolls instead lf ignoring them but if i was given the choice id take that again instead of a toxic person maker of half assed paranoias always complaining about stuff.Good luck with your life, i'd recomend you get a mirror, it might help and i will try to remember to not participate in your posts to avoid further pointless confrontation. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
phantompally76 Posted November 4, 2016 Share Posted November 4, 2016 I rest my case. Your blatant sociopathy speaks for itself. Regardless, have fun shilling for the SE, and have an exuberant evening. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FrankFamily Posted November 4, 2016 Share Posted November 4, 2016 blatant sociopathy? lol that was funny, you really run out of arguments... (and have zero idea about psicology) Who the f*** is shilling for SE? i'm sure there's a hidden camera somwhere and this ends up on youtube because it's absurd. Honestly back to school, somethign went wrong in the the reading and comprenhension class, im sorry i can't tell what exactly but something important, that's for sure. Its like talking to a media player, or a wall. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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