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Murder Most Foul


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I'm not a very nice person. On occasion, when I've recruited Mjoll and we're based out of Lakeview, Aerin will persist in being underfoot.


After he leaves for the long trek back to Riften, I've been known to set an ambush a short way down the trail and put an arrow-or three, into


his annoying hide. Definitely murder most foul. I'm not a nice person.



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Or not. One never knows if Aerins placid demeanor will snap and his obsessive stalking compulsion towards Mjoll would have led to him murdering you in your sleep.


Skyrim is a harsh world. I think it was a prudent move. Proactive, even.

Edited by TeofaTsavo
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I'm not a very nice person. On occasion, when I've recruited Mjoll and we're based out of Lakeview, Aerin will persist in being underfoot.


After he leaves for the long trek back to Riften, I've been known to set an ambush a short way down the trail and put an arrow-or three, into


his annoying hide. Definitely murder most foul. I'm not a nice person.



No Sir. you most definitely are not.


Thou art a cad and a rutting knave.


You deliberately missed his knee, you bastard.


And for your perfidy, the Nines WILL resurrect Aerin. May his reincarnated shade be fruitful in doggedly stalking and tormenting you every step of your next play through.....

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I'm not a very nice person. On occasion, when I've recruited Mjoll and we're based out of Lakeview, Aerin will persist in being underfoot.


After he leaves for the long trek back to Riften, I've been known to set an ambush a short way down the trail and put an arrow-or three, into


his annoying hide. Definitely murder most foul. I'm not a nice person.



No Sir. you most definitely are not.


Thou art a cad and a rutting knave.


You deliberately missed his knee, you bastard.


And for your perfidy, the Nines WILL resurrect Aerin. May his reincarnated shade be fruitful in doggedly stalking and tormenting you every step of your next play through.....



ROFLMAO!! Oh no, haunted by a bitshade. Whatever shall I do?

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