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If you became the leader of your nation...


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Girls, girls! There's no need to fight on my account!


Marxist ßastard is a name I used for TFC when I was freaking 13 years old, alongside such other gems as Grotesque Flying Anus. It stuck. But if I had my druthers, I'd have gone with Grotesque Flying Anus.


For the record, Mr. Scott has almost the exact same problem – in case you couldn't tell Dark0ne was also chosen by a 13-year-old.

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the way Ita speaks is ill mannered because she is being patronising


*Sighs even louder at yet another socialist*



The likes of jim_uk and myself are speaking from bitter experience rather than theory.

I wasn't referring to theories, simple facts point to that the nationalised railroad in my country ran better than the current, privatised one. Maybe facts and experience don't count unless they're yours or jim_uk's or maybe you just dismissed that part of my second post as socialist propaganda.


I was using illustrative examples of how mass nationalisation doesn't work

What exactly do you mean by mass nationalisation? If you mean governmental control of the means of production and distribution of goods I advise you to read the thread again since I've never advocated such a thing.


I wasn't aware that it was illegal to mention examples from your own country

No one said it was illegal but surely you must realise that things work and have worked differently in different countries.


Nationalised railroads worked better than the privatised ones in my country. Government owned corporations in my country work and turn a profit and also invest heavily and thus provide plenty of jobs for businesses in the private sector. You can call me a socialist and dismiss anything I write as communist propaganda until the heat-death of the universe if you want, I honestly don't care any more. http://1e400.net/i/bUH/emot-smug.gif

Edited by ita
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Well here's what I'd do if I led the U.S.



1. End all foreign aid. We have too much debt to be worrying about paying other countries' bills.

2. Get rid of Federal subsidies. If a business (big or small) cannot make money from what they're doing, they need to adapt or go under. This includes GM and a bunch of banks!

3. The Drug War: The reason it's not working is because law enforcement is not allowed to go after the source aggressively enough. Assissinate the kingpins, bomb their estates, etc. Make their successors think twice before smuggling more of their stuff in. Should be more cost eficient, in the long run.

4. The same deal with the Somali pirates.

5. At least half of the bureacracy needs to go. The Department of Education, the EPA, etc. They're not working.

6. At some point, once our economic and debt problems pan out, we should invite other countries into the Union.


Yes, I know. I'm weird. But that's the way I see it.

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Well here's what I'd do if I led the U.S.



1. End all foreign aid. We have too much debt to be worrying about paying other countries' bills.


So you are suggesting to cut one of the US' ways of "convincing" lesser nations to the US bidding as well as letting people starve? Good job


2. Get rid of Federal subsidies. If a business (big or small) cannot make money from what they're doing, they need to adapt or go under. This includes GM and a bunch of banks!


While it's nice, it would cause those business to go under and cause the US to go to the red again. Wait till the global economy is stable then ask for the money back. Small business also need aid because they don't have the man power to perform tasks that big business can, you can't let people them in the dust.


3. The Drug War: The reason it's not working is because law enforcement is not allowed to go after the source aggressively enough. Assissinate the kingpins, bomb their estates, etc. Make their successors think twice before smuggling more of their stuff in. Should be more cost eficient, in the long run.


So you are willing to cause a regional war and break the Genva convention?


4. The same deal with the Somali pirates.


Same as above.


5. At least half of the bureacracy needs to go. The Department of Education, the EPA, etc. They're not working.


If they aren't working, that mean an overhall is needed, not cuts. Cutting them isn't going to solve the root of the problem. Without the EPA for example, chemical leaks and protection of wildlife will go unnoticed, which is bad for the public in the longer term.


6. At some point, once our economic and debt problems pan out, we should invite other countries into the Union.


This ain't Fallout or Mass Effect.




Before you say, "why should do you care broke?" know that I'm issuing credability of all your policies. If you are going to be a leader, your policies need to be crediable and good for nation. If it isn't then you are never going to be appointed as leader or go very far with voter turnout.

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I started this thread for what you would do as a leader of your nation.


Not for arguments.


You aren't limited to being Proto-Dictators you know.


There are other systems of Government out there.

Edited by huntsman2310
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"So you are suggesting to cut one of the US' ways of "convincing" lesser nations to the US bidding as well as letting people starve? Good job"


Don't know whether to laugh or not. In one sentence you are snide about the purposes of aid (since evidently we give it only so you will do our bidding) then accuse of of being heartless if we withdraw it. Make up your mind is it a secret foreign policy tool or a benign practice?


Edit: Foreign Aid is analogous to passing a poor man in the street and feeling sorry for him and giving him a couple of bucks so he can eat, you do this regularly for a series of months, then one day when your position economically is not so good you bypass the hand out and he presents you with a due bill for the missing funds that he has become used to having. Foreign Aid is OUR ( the American taxpayers) money which at the moment we are a little short of, so though I don't favor it's elimination I do favor scaling it back. It might be noted that in the main the recipients are not all that grateful and have come to view this as their due rather than a boon. Foreign Aid unfortunately has turned into the old axiom of 'No Good Deed goes Unpunished'.

Edited by Aurielius
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What I would do as president of the US:


1. Halt all immigration - We don't need more people in this country


2. Cripple companies that outsource to China with heavy taxes - Convince industry to return to the US


3. Increase taxes for the rich - Trickle down economics epically failed, Reagan


4. Slap every congressman who support SOPA


I'm not really sure if the president has the power to do the first three, but I don't care. These are just things I would like to see happen.


So you are suggesting to cut one of the US' ways of "convincing" lesser nations to the US bidding as well as letting people starve? Good job

Some of these nations have not earned their right to foreign aid; they are responsible for the situation they are in. These nations in question have problems because of overpopulation. If they choose to be ignorant and mindlessly breed as they watch others starve around them, then that is their problem. This world has far exceeded its carrying capacity and the US should not support them in their self-destruction.


Of course some nations are in untenable situations where foreign aid is needed, like Haiti (though they too are overpopulated). Foreign aid needs to be cut back, but not entirely.

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What I would do as president of the US:


1. Halt all immigration - We don't need more people in this country


2. Cripple companies that outsource to China with heavy taxes - Convince industry to return to the US


3. Increase taxes for the rich - Trickle down economics epically failed, Reagan


4. Slap every congressman who support SOPA


I'm not really sure if the president has the power to do the first three, but I don't care. These are just things I would like to see happen.


So you are suggesting to cut one of the US' ways of "convincing" lesser nations to the US bidding as well as letting people starve? Good job

Some of these nations have not earned their right to foreign aid; they are responsible for the situation they are in. These nations in question have problems because of overpopulation. If they choose to be ignorant and mindlessly breed as they watch others starve around them, then that is their problem. This world has far exceeded its carrying capacity and the US should not support them in their self-destruction.


Of course some nations are in untenable situations where foreign aid is needed, like Haiti (though they too are overpopulated). Foreign aid needs to be cut back, but not entirely.


been standard US policy since shortly after any kind of aid to foreign interests began. perhaps not stated clearly as it is in some cases, but implied, hinted, and suggested courses of action to keep the money rolling in. .just considering the politicians in washington...there's no way they'd let money out without strings, ropes, nay cables attached to every cent. believing that the government is doing it because people need or deserve it is...naive. US government firmly believes in tanstaafl with regards to foreign aid. even if they seem to not be getting a return abroad, look closer to home to what groups may be pushing for that aid to be sent...and how many voters may be in that group.

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So you are suggesting to cut one of the US' ways of "convincing" lesser nations to the US bidding as well as letting people starve? Good job


What Aurelius said.


While it's nice, it would cause those business to go under and cause the US to go to the red again. Wait till the global economy is stable then ask for the money back. Small business also need aid because they don't have the man power to perform tasks that big business can, you can't let people them in the dust.


Believe it or not, businesses that require federal assistance aren't exactly making money. we need to let them go under so new businesses can take their place - businesses that don't require goevernment help to stay running.


So you are willing to cause a regional war and break the Genva convention?


Do you think they would go to war with the U.S. for putting the hurt on a criminal enterprise that they either cannot or will not stop themselves? Also, last time I checked, the Somalia has little or no capability to bring law and order to the people.


If they aren't working, that mean an overhall is needed, not cuts. Cutting them isn't going to solve the root of the problem. Without the EPA for example, chemical leaks and protection of wildlife will go unnoticed, which is bad for the public in the longer term.


Last time I checked, states have their own agencies equivalent to the EPA. They will notice. Trust me.


This ain't Fallout or Mass Effect.


Really? Honestly truly? Is is not "If you became the leader of your nation..." either?


Before you say, "why should do you care broke?" know that I'm issuing credability of all your policies. If you are going to be a leader, your policies need to be crediable and good for nation. If it isn't then you are never going to be appointed as leader or go very far with voter turnout.


Who said I didn't think that what I proposed isn't good for the nation? And as far as CREDIBILITY is concerned, is not CREDIBLE want to stop wasting the taxpayers' money in propping up failed businesses and find more responsible applications for that money? We're talking $15,000,000,000,000 in debts. Yes, that's a lot of zeroes.

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What I would do as president of the US:


1. Halt all immigration - We don't need more people in this country


Since we are all descendants of immigrants in this country this is ludicrous, our diversity is what has made us great.


2. Cripple companies that outsource to China with heavy taxes - Convince industry to return to the US


Attempting to turn back the tide of globalization is futile and stands as much chance of success as the lad with his finger in the dike.


3. Increase taxes for the rich - Trickle down economics epically failed, Reagan


Lol...evidently you missed the boom of the nineties or were too young to appreciate the recession of the late 70's-80's.


4. Slap every congressman who support SOPA


Very statesman like..and beneath comment.


I'm not really sure if the president has the power to do the first three, but I don't care. These are just things I would like to see happen.


None of the above questionable ideas falls under the pervue of the Executive

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