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If you became the leader of your nation...


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8) I will immediately restrict ALL foreign imports from China to be no more than 10% ... I recently saw an American flag with a sarcastic sticker in the corner saying "Made in China" ... that will not happen here.



Be prepaired then, to have a life with no PC´s, TV´s, Stereo sets, Cell phones and other hardware + clothing, on less you can afford to either pay quadable price, or live on1/4 of wages. Not an option. China is here to stay.

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4) Declare it illegal for any company that produces medicines and or goods that enable people to function properly to make a profit of more than 75% ... because they currently milking the public ... a report from as recent

as 2004 from the USA states that drug companies made a staggering $ 200 billion in profits from "prescription drugs" alone.

A new report from 2010 reveals that that the figure is now $ 300 billion

That's revenue, not profit. Drugs is a big-money business because it imposes big operating costs. Companies must sink millions into a new drug for years before it comes to market. That's borrowed money. So if a new drug comes to market, they must put a big overhead on it to pay off all that debt. (More often, it never comes to market. Then the costs all get absorbed into the next drug.) They need patent protection to impose this overhead, because otherwise there's very little stopping someone from stepping in and taking all their revenue, without having suffered any of their costs. That's not to mention that the huge cash-flows attract assholes like flies to vinegar, so there's rampant corruption. All told, drug company profits are 15% or less in a good year.


Want to make drugs into an honest, small-money business with no patents? Fine – simply offload drug development to public institutions. Now imagine this scenario: Over 12 years, the government invests $15 B into a portfolio featuring about a dozen promising vaccines and drugs for cancer and heart disease. In the end, they all fail, but one of the heart disease drugs is revealed to have a barely-significant effect in treating ED. Now how do you think the newspapers will react?


Government Buries Miracle Cancer Jab, Spends $15 B on Boner Drug

Yeah, that sounds about right.

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@ Balagor ... That's exactly the kind of thinking the Chinese and / or the importers in your country want you to think and adopt ... if it was given to China then it can be taken away.


@ MarxistBastard ... my bad, it was revenue sorry ... BUT, the fact of poorer nations being unable to afford drugs is still very relevant and needs addressing and will be under my rule.

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This topic was merely meant to hear your ideas on how you would lead your nation, not petty debates.

Controlling the direction of a thread once released is like herding cats...if this debate stayed on track then it would be the first one in the debates forum to do that. :whistling:

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This topic was merely meant to hear your ideas on how you would lead your nation, not petty debates.


Well I made a decision .. No not that one from that I made with my 1st post in that topic. I made the decision not to torture the audience with hearing me sing this would defiantly violate the Geneva convention and the Rome statue (unless i would sing under a shower but that's only my 2 cents) Instead click on the spoiler and listen carefully to the lyrics of the professionals which are 100 times better than me (and be glad that chalice, not to hear me sing, has passed you.) ... it is all you need to know in there.


This is my answer so make out of it what you want to believe but I made my statement in all of my posts of what needs to strengthened and what kind of leader I would be... (In knowing me self and humanity better than most here and that's at least that's what I get out of this topic in my opinion)

This was from the start a fictional debate, on a real basis.

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This topic was merely meant to hear your ideas on how you would lead your nation, not petty debates.


Pardon me, but I just thought Marxist and I, aided and abetted by Ninti, were merely injecting a little humour into the proceedings. You should try it perhaps.

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This topic was merely meant to hear your ideas on how you would lead your nation, not petty debates.


Sorry, I thought this was the debates sections. I will leave then. btw, my debates are never petty :tongue:

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I would make outsourcing illegal, I would ban the importation of non food item goods made in countrys where my country cannot compete with prices,


I would create jobs by creating companys owned by the govt and have them make clothing, shoes, food, power, medicine toys and try to make my country self sifficent.

I would do away with wages, money is stuffing up the world. And instead my citizens would work in these govt companys and suchlike and be given decent housing, food, clothing, toys for their kids, tv, internet, games, free time to enjoy these things,


With the excess of what is made I would use to import to overseas for things that would enchance my citizens lives, things they might enjoy like books, and games and computer software and food not grown here.


I would also in doing this, take away the poor, middle and high classes as we know them, everyone would be equel no matter what job they did, and I would train my citzens to do jobs they have talent for and want to do.


In doing this I would elimate crime for there would be no need for it.


If people wanted to leave I would let them however, only those with skills my country needs would be allowed in even for holidays.


And I would deport any current forign owned companys and take back my country and give my citizens the ability to have worthwhile state jobs and education healthcare homes and some freetime which sadly not many of us can afford to have nowadays with the western world crumbling economys because the *free trade* is killing us in our pockets because our decent wages cost too much compared with lower waged countrys.


And I would legalise suicide. So people whom have non curable illness no need to suffer unless they wish to.


I would also make it illegal to have children as some people aren't good parents so I would have my citzens complete courses on parenthood and disabled people would not be allowed. Also a persons history would be relevent, ie: any cruelty to animals, NO any criminal charges NO.


Lastly I would separate my country from the worlds economy and trade only in another nations currency ( my pick USA Dollars ) because I don't wish to deal with money period unless exchanging goods for another countrys goods.


My country would be a paradice because above all I would do everything I could to give my citizens a nice life in exchange for their dedicated service in the jobs.


I know though, the rich would leave however it's always been my thought the ceo and corporate don't know how to run the company smoothly the workers do because they are the ones doing it.

For some the transition would be difficult, for others it would give them a chance to have a life where they aren't struggling to make ends meet, or have to work long hours for pittince or have to deal with shoddy landlords. My vision would be my citizens and I working as a team together for a better life for them all not just the rich. And to end the whole low, middle and high classes so to as give the children the opertunity to be that teacher, that doctor, that pilot, that game designer without having a lifelong debt for the education to train them.


I mean, wouldn't the world be a nicier place if citizens were equel and everyone had what they needed and a few wants and lived comfortably?


This is my dream. I own it.

I wish for it instead of watching my country go to the dogs and having high crime rates and kids getting killed by their parents near every week.

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